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I Love You, So Much: Part 4
*Hey guys this is Cait, and this is the next part to Lexa's story. I know the last part was a bit boring, but I hoped you liked it some. Well, here we go. I hope you like it. This goes to Halle, Lexa, Karly and Michael Jackson! And everyone else on the site :D So, again, here we go! ~Mary Ca!t:3* I cannot believe Michael Jackson just asked me out on a date, and I hardly even know him all that much. Maybe it's just a friendly date...or maybe he means to be more then friends. Alright, here's your chance Lexa to show Prince that your not afraid to date again! And that you can let go of the past! I hope I can at least. I looked back at Michael and saw his face was in a frown. I guess he thought I didn't want to go out with him on that date. Michael: I understand if you don't wanna go, Lexa. I mean, I don't mean to rush you and all. *Starts to leave* Me: *Grabs his arm* Oh, Michael, I never said I didn't want to go on the date with you. Michael: So that means... Me: Yes, Michael, I would love to go on a date with you. *Smiles* Michael: *Smiles back* So, I guess it's a date? Me: It's very much a date. Michael: I guess I'll pick you up at 7 then? Me: Yes. Michael: I'll see you then. I thought Michael was about to shake my hand, so I put my hand out. But when I did, he pulled me into him, wraped his arms around my waist. I looked up into his deep brown eyes, he slowly leanded in to me. I was on cloud 9 once I felt his soft plump lips touch mine. I gave into the kiss and kissed him right back. We were like that for a while when we heard a voice clear their throat. We jumped apart and saw Halle standing there. I wiped the side of my mouth off, and I saw Michael do the same. I guess trying to get the lipstick off of him. Halle gave us a giggle. Halle: Something told me that you two would be having a little fling for one another. Michael: *Blushing* Halle, be quite! Your gonna make me blush here. Halle: Michael, your blushing already man! Michael: I ment don't make me blush more! Halle: Don't snap at me, Michael Jackson! Michael: Don't snap at me, Halle Connelly! Halle: I'll snap at you as much as I want! Michael: I'll do the same! Halle: Sure, if you want a slap to the face! Michael: I'll stop up now. Halle: Thank you. Michael: Welcome. So...what are you doing here? Halle: Well, Prince called looking for Lexa, she told me that Shay is throwing up a storm over at his house. Me: Shit! My baby girl. I gotta go Michael, I'll see you later. *Kisses him* Bye Halle *Goes over to her and hugs her* Michael&Halle: Bye bye *Smiles* I went out the door as fast as I could. God, he couldn't have called me sooner, I mean Shay is my daughter and his Goddaughter dammit! At least have enough sense to call the child's mother if she's feeling sick, before she starts to throw up a storm. I mean he's a grown man, with a brain, and can use it if he needs to. He better hope he's given her something before I get over there so help me God if he hasn't. Forgive me! I finally made it to Prince's house. I hurried to get to the front door. I knocked on it. Prince opened the door after the first knock. Prince: Hey Lex. Me: Don't you 'Hey Lex' me, Pricne. Where's my baby at? Prince: Laying on the couch watching TV. Me: Why didn't you call me sooner! Prince: Well, I'm sorry, you were doing the best job in the whole wide world, I didn't know you wanted me to call you. Me: Prince, when my child is sick, I don't give a shit if it's the best job in the whole wide world or a 2 cent a hour job. You call me when my baby is throwing up! Did you even give her any medichine? Prince: Yes, I'm not her Uncle Prince for nothing. I gave her medichine, juice, and now she laying down on the couch watching TV waiting for her mommy to come and take her home. Me: Thank you. And by the way, do you think you can watch her again on Friday for me at 7? Prince: Sure...but why? I thought you said you were off on Friday? You mean Mike is making you work on that day? Me: No, I'm going on a date with him. And I thought you could help me with watching her? Prince: *Smiles* So the rose as finally bloomed. Me: What? Prince: *Chuckles* Nothing. Me: Okay... I went to my little girl and saw she was asleep. She looked so much like her father, she has to grow up knowing that her father is never coming home again to pick her up and kiss her goodnight or say, "How's daddy's princess doing?" it breaks my heart when she says her prays and she tells God to bring her daddy back sometimes. And she says she wants a daddy, and that she wants me to not be lonely anymore. She's smart for her age. I shook off the tears coming into my eyes. I picked up my little girl and was on my ways. I said good bye to Prince, put Karly into her car seat and got up to the car driver side, started the car and we were on our way home. We got there and I tucked her into her bed, and got ready for my next day of my job. I just couldn't wait to see Michael on our date on Friday. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. -*Friday*- Prince had came and picked Shay up, I got ready because Michael would be coming soon. I finally got ready wearing this: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://caludiab.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/sexy-black-cocktail-dress-crystals.jpg&imgrefurl=http://caludiab.wordpress.com/2009/09/09/vestidos-de-coctel/&usg=__L_IcNpWrOxR3pSGVHzRcakQpeLA=&h=280&w=280&sz=6&hl=en&start=41&sig2=dLeF-BTZf0gZihgPfG9nSg&zoom=1&tbnid=uRWUo4DSythmvM:&tbnh=117&tbnw=117&ei=_lq7TL3BD8P48AaXypDWDg&prev=/images%3Fq%3DSexy%2BBlack%2BDress%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1276%26bih%3D602%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1268&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=517&vpy=112&dur=157&hovh=224&hovw=224&tx=129&ty=111&oei=pFq7TPGoEIG0lQey-_C_DA&esq=5&page=3&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:23,s:41&biw=1276&bih=602 I got my make-up ready, and there was a knock on the door. I put my heels on my feet, fixed my dress and opened the door. Michael was standing there with his tux on. When he saw me his eyes buldge out. Causing me to giggle. Me: See anything you like? Michael: *Bites his bottom lip* Y-yeah. Me: Well, um...*Blushes, clears my throat* Lets go shall we? Michael: Lets. I grabbed hold of his hand, and we were off. I cannot believe, I'm really doing this. I wonder how me and Michael are going to be in the years to come. -*1994*- To Be Continued... *I know I skipped way a head of time, but c'mon, it's gonna get better. I just thought this would be a great idea to do. Well, I hope you liked it. I'll try to have more done later ^_^ See ya till then.*
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