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Punishment or Pleasure? Pt.6
it's been a while but I'm back. Hope you enjoy:) During the ride back to her house, Terri and I were completely silent. Fortunately, we got back to her apartment safely, luckily no one followed us. When we get inside I took a shower and put on a pair of blue jeans, a white t-shirt under a black hoodie, and my black Air-Jordans. As Iâ??m sitting on the couch tying up my shoes Terri turns on the TV and of course the media drags everything through the dirt. On the TV the reporter is saying: Reporter: As you all may or may not know, this morning we were talking about the armed robbery that took place six weeks ago on Melrose. Police have taken into custody three suspects, Robert Hall, Cassidy Wright, and Bill Laurence, the bodyguard for the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Detective Wes Steels, who is investigating Laurence, tapped his phone some weeks ago, two of the calls recorded involve dramatic conversations with his boss, and no, they were not about business. The tapes were just released this morning and people around the world including myself were shocked at we heard. In case you missed the tapes, the world now knows that Michael Jackson is married to an unknown woman named Khia. Me: Pshh, I ainâ??t gonâ?? be unknown for long. Reporter: The tapes confirmed that she did in fact cheat on her husband, why, we donâ??t know, but we do know that sheâ??s not going to be able to hide for long. I grab the remote and turn the TV off. Me: Terri, we gotta go, weâ??ve already been damn near attacked at Wal-Mart and that was frightening. Terri: Yeah, I agree, we need to get away from this place. Terri and I pack are bags and head down the LAX airport, it was a good thing that those pictures those people took at Wal-Mart werenâ??t released to the public yet and getting on a plane was as easy as it itâ??s always been. We bough tickets to fly back to Cleveland, my home town. The plane ride was smooth and only a few hours but seemed like twelve. I sat in the window seat and as I gazed out of the window at the clouds I reminisce on the past, remembering before we were friends, before we were lovers, the first time I met Michael Jackson, I canâ??t believe Iâ??m leaving the man Iâ??m so deeply in love with behind, I never imagined that this day would come. It took two and a half hours to get to Cleveland from L.A. and in two and a half hours those pictures taken by the Wal-Mart customers were all over the news and no doubt theyâ??ll be on the cover of every magazine tomorrow morning. After getting off of the plane, I called my parents, while hiding behind dark shades, a baseball cap and the hat on my hoodie, now I had to be extra cautious, Iâ??d become a target for the people and the media in less than 24 hours. ...(phone ring)... ...Hello? Me(sounding weak)Hello? ...Khia? Me: Yes. ...Aw, sweetie, I saw the news, Iâ??m so sorry...how are you holding up? Me: Not good mom, Iâ??m at the airport...Iâ??m coming home. Mom: Okay, you got a ride? Me: Yeah, Terri just went to the rent-a-car place down the street, weâ??ll be there in about an hour. Mom: Alright hun, see you then. Me: Okay. Fifteen minutes later Terriâ??s pulling up with the rental car. Terri(getting out of the drivers seat)You drive...itâ??s been so long, I forgot how to get to your house. We put our bags in the trunk then she switches over to the passengers side and I get in the drivers seat. I turn on the radio and on every station they are talking about me and Michael, even the Spanish station. Terri(turning the radio off)You donâ??t need to be listening to that. After a hour of driving we finally were pulling into the driveway of the house I grew up in. Itâ??s been a minute since Iâ??ve been here. As soon as we pull in my mother runs out of the house. Mom(running towards me with open arms)Oh sweetheart, itâ??s so good to see you...(looks over at Terri)...good to see you too Terri. Me: Good to see you too mom. Terri: Same here, Mrs.McKenzie. Mom: Why donâ??t the two of you come on in and get settled...(yells)...Marquees, Winston, came and get Khia and Terriâ??s bags! Marquees is my older brother and Winston is my dad. Dad(walking down the stairs)How you doing Terri, long time no see. Terri: Iâ??m doing okay Mr.McKenzie, you? Dad: Getting by. Marquees: Sup Terri. Terri: Hey. Dad: Hey baby girl, how you feeling? Me: Trying to hold up dad, trying to hold up. Dad: Youâ??ll get through it...and you're not alone...(kisses me on the cheek) Marquees: Yeah, baby sis, weâ??re with you, you wonâ??t go through this alone. They grab me and Terriâ??s bags and we head inside the house. I felt so tired that all I wanted to do was lay down, so I went up to my old bedroom and hit the bed. Meanwhile, downstairs in the living room... Mom: I canâ??t imagine how sheâ??s feeling right now. Terri: Before we came here we were mobbed in Wal-Mart. Dad: Really? Terri: Yeah. Marquees: Word spreads fast. Terri(agreeing) It does. Mom: Poor baby, this is the very thing she was afraid of, people finding about her marriage. Marquees: He is one of the most people, if not the most famous person in the world. Dad: Thatâ??s true, now we see why heâ??s so private, look at what they are doing to her it hasnâ??t even been a full 24 hours and sheâ??s all over the news. Terri: That cop, heâ??s the one that started this all. Marquees: Yeah, we saw on the news this morning, he look evil, heâ??s just after money...that bastard. Mom: This is awful, Iâ??ve never seen her so down and out. Dad: Donâ??t worry honey, sheâ??s a strong girl, sheâ??ll get through it, just let her get some rest. Marquees: Yeah, dadâ??s right, Khiaâ??s always been one to pull her way through the toughest situations. Back to my room... Everything is just as I left it. All of my basketball memorabilia, trophies, metals, winning balls, awards, NBA posters, old news paper articles about my games, I kept everything. That picture of me and Michael, I kept by my bed on the nightstand, that poster of him from his Bad tour I had on my closet door, the teddy bear he won for me at the amusement park, so many memories. We shared our first kiss in my bedroom, we almost...well, you know, in my bed, of course my parents werenâ??t home. As I plopped down on the bed I stared at the ceiling until my eyes closed and I went off into a deep sleep, holding on the picture and the teddy bear that smelled like his cologne in my arms. I slept the whole night and when morning came, I didnâ??t want to get up but I forced myself to move. I ran a warm bubble bath and sat there for thirty minutes, after I bathed I got out and put on some sweat pants, a long sleeve black T and my old high school basketball jersey that was hanging in my closet. I walked down stairs where my brother, dad and Terri were all eating breakfast that mom had cooked. Mom: How you feel this morning? Me: Itâ??s not getting better and itâ??s not getting worse. Mom: Sweetie, are you hungry? Me: No...(walks toward the back door) Mom: Where you going? Me: Out back to shoot some hoops...(walks outside) Dad: Not a good thing, sheâ??s not eating. Mom: Letâ??s try not to worry ourselves too much. Back in L.A. at Neverland Michaelâ??s getting the news about Bill and me all at once and he canâ??t believe all thatâ??s happening. His mother went over to have a talk with him. Michael canâ??t stay still, heâ??s pacing back and fourth across the room. Mrs.Jackson: Michael, sweetheart please, sit down. Michael: Sorry mother, but I canâ??t. Mrs.Jackson gets up and grabs Michaelâ??s arm, leads him to the chair and sits him down. Mrs.Jackson: Yes, you can. Michael: Everythingâ??s all messed up...why me? Mrs.Jackson: Remember when you were a little boy and I told you that there are going to be lots of times in your life when your going to be hurt, sad, lonely, but you just have to remember that itâ??s a test, remember that Michael? Michael: Yes. Mrs.Jackson: You have to be strong, I know that this is hard for you...but that which does not kill you makes you stronger. Michael gets up out of the chair, walks over to his mother, get on his knees and lays his head on her lap as she strokes his hair. Michael: But mother, I love her so much, she left me and it does feel like itâ??s killing me and on top of all of that her life is gonna be completely different now that people know who she is, I wanna talk to her but I wouldnâ??t know what to say. Mrs.Jackson: I know you love her Michael, and she loves you too. Michael: Why did she leave me then? Mrs.Jackson: Only she has the answer to that question. Michael: I donâ??t even know where she is. Mrs.Jackson: Youâ??ll find her sweetie, she canâ??t be that far away. Michael: Wherever she is, she took my heart with her. Part 7 coming at cha' soon!
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