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A Better High School Story :) 4
Uh i just asked michael to be my boyfriend and i know your thinkin "what the hell is goin on, you dont even like him or been showin signs that u like him" but trust me i know what im doing. I have a little trick up my sleeve. :P If michael is "dating" me then i can get him to stay away form katelyn and lisa and i can get him more focused in school work. See im smart rite? michael:well, i always have thought you were pretty Okay....did he just say what i thought he said? Or am i hearing things? I promis i never thought in a million years michael thought i was pretty. WOW me: really? michael: why is that so surprising to you? *confused and blushing* me: because you never told me. Why is that? michael: I guess i was to nervous to. *looking down* me: oh i get it *giggle* so what do you say? michael: I say yeah. me: *smiling* umkay I dont know why i was so happy about michael saying yes. It was kinda weird cause i already knew he was going to say yes. I mean it's apart of the plan but anyways, me and michael got a little bored at my house so we headed down stairs so we could walk over to his house....rite at the bottom of the stairs we got stopped by my father, i got really scared! dad: and where do you think your going kristen? me: dad, just over to michaels to hang out. dad: *looking at michael with an evil stare* michael: um... *Being brave* i promise sir i'll make sure she comes back home early, where just going to hang out over my house and tha- dad: kris, your not going anywhere. me: ...........okay.... I went back up to my room and michael followed and said... michael: ...thats it?.....your just gonna say okay....your not gonna ask again? me: michael there's no use, once he says no he means it. I get no freedom around here. michael: i'll be back. me: whatever. (Michaels Point Of View) Okay, i didnt just go anywhere. I went to kristens mother to ask her. I dont give up on thing's easily so i decided to ask the nicest parent in the house. me: *walking over to the kitchen to where kristens mother was* K's mom: oh, hellow michael. me: hellow Mrs. Stollone K's mom: what can i do for you dear *chopping carrots* me: ummm, can kristen come over to my house to hang out for a while? K's mom: yeah, thats no problem at all, it is friday. me: tha- K's mom: a matter of fact, get her out the house for the week. me: *confused* what do u mean? K's mom: Is it okay if she spends the night at ur house for the weekend because she needs to get out the house for a while. michael: YEAH! (Kristen's P>O>V) Michael walked back in my room with a big smile on his face. me: what happened? michael: pack ur bags sweetheart! me: why? *smiling* michael: YOUR MOM SAID U CAN SPEND THE NIGHT AT MY HOUSE FOR THE WEEKEND BECAUSE YOU NEEDED TO GET OUT THE HOUSE!! me: Yesss!! michael: I NOO!! me: stop yelling! *giggle* I started packing my stuff then before we headed out i stopped in the kitchen to give my mom a big bear hug then we left. After a few hours at michaels house we both got really bored. me: *laying on his bed* sooo what now? michael: well it is 10:28pm so...i dont know what do you want to do? me: hummmm...lets study. michael: whhhhyyyy? me: uhhh we have to now come on, get up, chop chop. This is where part one of my plan begins! Making him better in school. After a while of studying language, math, reading, and global warming (LOL), we got really bored and it was 11:58pm. We where just laying down on michaels bed bored. me: huhhh....*relaxing* michael: *staring at me* me: what? michael:...can i ask you sumthin? I dont know why but at night Michael's voice gets really sweet. It gets softer than it already is and...not to be funny or anything...but...its kinda...seducing...or a turn on. me: anything. michael: why did you ask me out? me: uhh..... I got really nervous about answering that queston....OMG IM PANIKING! WHAT shoul i say now!!!??? Sorry this one was kinda boring but trust me the next one will be waaayyy better. ILY guys and vote please:P Thanks for reading!
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