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Love is a Never Ending River Part 5
Hey guys... Sorry it took so long for me to pot but yeah don't need to explain my life is much like this story minus the abusive stuff but verbal abuse is just as bad as physical abuse... I just don't know how to deal with my problem I know it's bad for me to hold my stress inside but I have to deal with is cause I feel like no one loves I don't get much of that in my life. I know you don't want to hear my problems.. Dedicated to you my reader I love you soo much <3 and to Michael Jackson even though he never said he love me to my face I know he does I guess thats the only one who actually means it and Michael I love you too Jennell **************************************************************** **************************************************************** I followed my mother cautiously down the stairs I entered the living room.. There stood 2 officers, Mrs.Jackson and Michael What the hell is going on? Officer:Hey sweety follow me into the other room can we talk. I did as I was told and followed the officer to the other room I was really nervous had Michael told his mother who told the police.? Officer:We've been hearing things from your neighbors for such time now about your parents abusing you. Did they ever lay a hand on you.? Me:*gulps*Eh, No never.. Officer:Hmm...*looking at me* I can tell your afraid to tell the truth we get this alot with theses situations.. Me:*rocking back and forth on my feet* Officer:Well lets figure this out with your parents.. We headed back to the living room were the other Officer was talking with my parents.. I stood awkwardly by the Officer that talk to me.. Officer:Well I couldn't get nothing out of her.. Father:thats because we've done nothing to harm our lovely daughter. I looked at Michael who face was shocked and furious I could tell by his face that was iching to say somthing... Officers talked with my parents. My father looked really nervous and I wanted to tell them everything but what if they don't take my parents away and they beat me again.. Or what if they do take them away and I go to some place were other kids go when there parents don't want them I surely didn't want that so I kept quiet. Officer:Well we've got nothing to prove that she's been living in abusive home Mrs.Jackson:Well okay*sighs* I guess we should go then. Michael:No.! How do you explain this. Michael grabbed me and turned me around and pull my shirt up to reveal the bruises that still hurted on my back. I flinched when Michael pulled up my shirt cause it hurt.. Gasps filled the room then silence. Officer:Well it looks like you two are going to jail..*un hooking the cuffs* Mother:What she did that on her own she fell out a tree Officer:Yeah we belive that*shakes head* Father:Fine take us away we never wanted that ungreatful thing that you call a child I watched as they put my parents in the back of the cruisers.. The lasts words my father told me really hurt on the inside worse then my back.. I had no emotions any more I had no family no one who cared for me no one who loved me I sat on the front step of my house Mrs.Jackson was talking with the officers I heard the words "Kids peace" a place were kids who are not wanted go or the crazy kids go to get better never will I ever want to be put in there with all them other kids. Michael came up and sat next to me.. Michael:you okay..? Me:*shruggs* Michael:I did this so you'll be okay away from all this*kicks a rock* Me:*sighs*I don't want to go.. Michael:go were.? Me:Kids peace with crazy kids..! Michael:My mother said that your not going there your..staying at my house*smiles* Me:*looks at him*your a good person Michael:you seem sad... Me:I have no emotions any more try living the life I have for 14 years now..*sighs* Michael:Well I hope you get better soon....*smiles* were going to become real good friends*puts hand on my shoulder* Me:*looks at his hand*yeah*sighs* Mrs.Jackson drove us back to there house...When Michael placed his hand on my shoulder I got this weird feeling that I've never felt before..Maybe because no one ever touched me like that .. Michael was always trying to start a conversation but I always sighed and shrugged after awhile he got the hint and went quiet.. We got to the house and I felt so weird. I felt all the energy in the house I guess because so many people lived here. Michael showed me to the room I was staying in which was across from his. Mrs.Jackson was starting to cook dinner I sat on my new bed. I pulled my knees to my chest and stared at the wall.. *knock, knock* Michael:*opens door* Hey you alright..? Me:*shakes head* Michael:okay just making sure*sitting on the edge of the bed*you don't talk much.. Me:*shruggs* Michael:come on speak words I know you can. Me:I know I'm dumb I've been told plenty of times..So I won't forget you don't have to remind me.. Michael:No, no I didn't mean to say it in that way..*looks down* sorry.. Me:how does it feel.. Michael:how does it feel what..? Me:to be loved..? Thats all I wanted my whole life was to be loved from someone I don't know that feeling never have I felt love never have I heard "I love you" and they meant it... those three words mean the world to me.. **************************************************************** **************************************************************** Those last few words were from my diary....I might seem happy on the computer but it's a computer I can't show you my real feelings I can only type.... I just take it day after day....
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