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Hi everyone this is Mariam. i will try to make this a good story for all of you. Hope you all like it :D Its 1995 and my name is Mariam and i work as a dermatologist. i'm single and live alone. Today is the day that Michael Jackson is going to come to me as my new patient. My co-workers recommended me to Michael. I will take care of his skin disorder vitiligo. Its 1 p.m. and i was alone in my office so i started some music. Since i love Michael's music i started smooth crimial.Then after a couple of minutes Michael walked in my office. I got a bit shy, and turned off the music Me:(smiling and shy) Hello Mr. Jackson nice to meet you Michael: Hello and please call me Michael Me: ok, in that case call me Mariam Michael: Nice to meet you Mariam, i see you like my music. Me:(smile at him) yes i do alot. Michael:(smiling) thanks Me: your welcome Me: Well should we get started Michael: yes of course Me:Well since your a new patient i have to examine your skin. Michael: ok sure Me: can you take off your shirt please Michael: yes Michael took off his shirt and i examine his skin. We talked a bit then he was about to leave. Me: i'll see you next week Michael: yes, bye Me: bye bye After he left i felt happy. I finally met him. But i was his doctor no more then that. After a week he came again. Me: hi Michael Michael: hi Mariam how are you Me: fine and you Michael: fine Me: (smiling) good to hear we can start. Michael: (smiling) yes So he came every week and after 2 months we where more like friends. He told me several times he felt alone. So i decided to invite him to my house for a dinner like friends. It was Friday and Michael came as always. Me: hi Mike Michael: Hi Mari how are you Me: good and you Michael: fine Me: before we start i want to ask somthing Michael: (looking curious) sure ask me Me: well what do you think of coming at my house tomorrow ? Michael: well sounds great Me: yeah we can have dinner and watch a movie or something have a good time togheter. Michael: (smiling) yeah can wait Me: (smiling) good We ended and we hugged and Michael left. Me: bye see yout tomorrow Michael: bye bye After work i left and went home. I took a shower and went to bed. The next morning i woke up at 9 a.m I took a shower dressed did my make-up and hair and went downstaires. I watched some tv and started cooking for Michael and me. When it was about 5 p.m i heard someone knocked the door. I went and opend it. Me : Michael Michael: hi Mari Me : come in Michael comes in with flowers and hands them to me Me: Thanks you so much Mike Michael: your welcome and thanx for inviting me to your home Me : sure no problem lest go to the kitchen Michael and i went to the kitchen Michael: are you cooking ? Me: sure what did you think i would order pizza Michael: (laughing) smells good Me: wait till you try it Michael: (smiling) i will wait After a couple of minutes dinner was ready and we sat down with our meal. Michael: this tastes really good Me : told ya Michael: (witha a girly voice) told ya Me: (laughing) well no dessert for you mister Michael: (laughing) ok i'm sorry Me: (laughing) silly After our meal we went to the livingroom and sat down on the couch Me : so wanna watch a movie Michael: sure lets watch a scary movie Me : ok but i sleep alone so don't let it be too scary Michaell: (laughing) ok if you see anyone tonight call me Me : (laughing) by the time you get here he already could kill me Michael: (laughing) silly Me: i'll get some popcorn Michael: yummi We sit really close to each other and watch the movie. Me: Michael why won't you stay tonight Michael: are you sure Me : yeah of course and besides i'm scared (joking the i'm scared part) Michael: (laughing) well i'll protect you ...... till......... Me : till what Michael: its full moon then i change into a monster Me: (laughing) aaah not a monster We both start to laugh. Until............
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