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I Stole Michael Jacksons Garbage at 15
I was staying in CA with my cousin for awhile & her Dad brought us to MJs house in Encino, so we get hopefully meet him or see him. The first time we went, there was a crowd of fans outside the gate. I remember some lady saying how she's MJs girlfriend & how she was just inside the gate the other day. Yeah......she must have thought I was an idiot lol. Thats why she was stuck with us outside the gate & no one would let her in. lol The next time we went, there was only a young girl with a huge afro sitting on the curb. She left shortly & it was just me & my cousin. The gate opened up & it didn't appear anything was coming. A security gaurd came out & then All of the sudden, this black mercedes benz pulled out, & stopped at the end of the driveway. She rolled town the windows to talk to the gaurd & we ran up to the car & it was Janet Jackson & her old boyfriend Rene. We exchanged hello's & she drove off. The gaurd asks us to get to the other side of the street. Then a truck pulled up & picked up some barrels. We asked the guys if what was inside was the llamas milk (being crazy) & they laughed & told us never to work for MJ because its not what you think. Someone put the garbage cans at the street & I wondered what was in them. lol Her Dad pulls up & says its time to leave. I told my cousin to grab some garbage so we can take it home & find MJ stuff. So we did!! We then took off & her Dad is saying we are crazy. He said someone was following our car, but he only said that AFTER I told him about how it got stolen from us. Anyway, this is the good part. :) We looked through some of the mail & there wasn't anything real great, so we put it away for later. That night, when I was sleeping, my cousin kept yelling "I Want Water!". It was directed at her young sister cause she knows she's not yelling at me! lol All of the sudden, she yelled super loud, "Mindy, get me some water NOOWW!". I sat up to yell at her & someone was standing at my feet. At first (in a second)I wondered, ewww why would her step dad be in her room at about 6am? but when I saw the face, it wasn't him. I was an totally AWE! I was so dumb struct with my mouth waiting to catch a few flies. The guy was Michael Jackson!!!! No freakin way! He was wearing cowboy boots, jeans, & I don't remember the shirt. he looked scared, but had a little smirk on his face. He put his finger to his mouth to shush me, looked over at my sleeping loud mouth cousin, & then back at me. He slowly & softly walked out of her room, down her steps & out! Once I couldn't see the top of his head, I yelled, Ann Ann, did you see him????? Over & over again. She had no idea what I was talking about. I told her everything & she didn't believe me. :( She said, Ok if this happened, then we'll go check the door to see if its locked. Her parents always lock the door & would never forget. Sure enough, the door was unlocked. (everyone else was asleep) After asking people when the woke up if they knew anything, we got nowhere. Later we went to her room to sort through more garbage. "Ummmm.......chaunte where did you put the MJ garbage?" I didn't do anything with it. It was missing. We asked the little sister & she didn't know. She realized I wasn't lying & MJ came back to take his garbage. He left a few peices & I still have one, but it was nothing to even keep. I can't believe it. Almost every MJ fan knows this story. Some believe me & some refuse to believe it because they think MJ is some kind of non humane god. lol He is human & I do know that from being near him. He looked so good! It was right before BAD came out. I hope you enjoy the true story. Shari (mjsite)
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