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Before I Came, You Were There *Part 2
Hey guys! Ive noticed that a lot of my friends that used to be on here a lot are now gone! Including some of the really good writers too. And even i know that i left for a while too but its only cuz school has started. Id like to dedicate this part to the Jackson kids & Michael Jackson. ENJOY!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- We make it to dad's house (soon to be ours too) & its HUGE! All of the houses around it are either just as big or even larger! Is that even possible? We go inside & it looks just as good if not better. Dad: So what do you guys think? Me: This is AWESOME! Dad: *laughs* Its good you think that! Kiki: Damn, Dad! This house is not too shabby i'll have to say! Not bad at all. Dad: Thanks kid. Kiki: UGH! Im not a kid! *storms off upstairs* Dad & I giggle. I guess we have something in common. We both like tormenting Kiki. Us: *sits down* Dad: So you're gonna love it here, Claude! Me: I cant WAIT. Dad: There's tons of celebrities that live around here you know. Me: Really! Dad: Yup. Me: AWESOME! Dad: I know! But you have to promise me that you won't stalk them, kapeesh? Me: I promise. Dad: Good. Oh! And the neighbors next door are really nice! Theres several kids about your age. I hope you guys can be friends! Me: Me too. I dont know anybody here, it'd be good to make some friends before i go to school. Dad: Definitely. Why dont you go upstairs & unpack. Pick any room you like. Me: Ok. Thanks Dad. Dad: Youre welcome sweet heart. Oh! And go next door & introduce yourself to the neighbors. Ok? Me: Alright Dad. I do as he says with unpacking my stuff but i did a poor job by trying to lay things out. Me: Oh screw it. Then i go next door & knock. I usually am too shy to meet new people on my own, but its a new start. And i want to make a good impression. Woman: *opens door* Um hi? Can i help you? Me: Hello. Im Claudia Scelzo. Im Cedric Scelzo's daughter. I just moved in next door. Woman: OH! Its nice to meet you dearie! Im Mrs. Jackson. Can you hold on one second? Me: Yes of course. She smiles & screams at the top of her lungs. Mrs. Jackson: KIDS! COME DOWN HERE NOW! Girl: WE ARE! There's stomping coming from down the stairs & two girls come down. Little Girl: Yes Katherine? Mrs. Jackson: Now what have i told you about calling me Katherine? Older Girl: But Joseph told us to call you that. Mrs. Jackson: Well if he wants you to call him Joseph, thats fine. But you call me mother you understand? Both: Yes, Mother. Mrs. Jackson: Now, I'd like you to meet your new neighbor, girls. This is Claudia Scelzo. Mr. Scelzo's daughter. She just moved in next door. Older Girl: Oh hey! Im Latoya. Little Girl: And Im Janet! Me: *smiles* Hi. You can call me Claude if you want though! Latoya: Do you prefer to be called Claude? Me: Ya. It makes me feel less girly. My name sounds too girly for my personality. Janet: I think its pretty. Me: Thanks! Mrs. Jackson: I have to get the house clean for the boys. Have fun! Mrs. Jackson leaves & its just Latoya, Janet and I. They seem really nice though. Latoya: When did you move? Me: I literally just got here today when my dad said i should come meet you guys. Latoya: Have you unpacked yet? Me: Well sorta. Latoya: Want us to help? Me: Really? Latoya: Ya! We know what moving is like. We moved from Gary Indiana 4 years ago. Me: Get outta town! Thats where i just moved from! Latoya: WOAH! No way! We all continue to talk & we go over to Dad's house. Oops, i mean, my NEW house. After saying hi to Dad we go upstairs into my room. Latoya: I thought you said you unpacked already? Me: I did. Janet: No ya didnt. Latoya: What Janet is trying to say is that it doesnt LOOK like you have yet. Me: Ya i know. Im a terrible organizer. Latoya: Well thats why we're here. Just let us help you with this & your room will look like a masterpiece! I laugh. Latoya is really cool. We've known each other for five minutes & we're already friends! Back in Indiana i was mostly friends with guys. And what do ya know! My first friend is actually a girl! After 30 minutes of organizing my room is complete and it looks GREAT! Me: WOW! This is amazing! Janet: Well ya know! Latoya: Thats what friends are for after all! Me: *smiles* I look out my window & i see a limo drive in front of their house. Me: Who could be parking in front of your house? Janet: They're home! *runs back out* Me: Whos home? Latoya: My brothers. Me: Why are they in a limo? Latoya: Well you have to promise you wont freak out. Me: Ummm ok? I promise. Latoya: My brothers are the Jackson 5. Me: They are? OH YA! Those guys i saw at the airport! Latoya: You already saw them? Me: Ya. They were on my flight. Latoya: I bet you attacked them didnt you. Me: No. I didnt even know who they were until both my Dad & sister, Kiki, told me. Latoya: Do you wanna meet them? Me: *shrugs* Sure. Latoya: Come on. We go downstairs and go next door. All but one of them goes in the house except for one of them. And im surprised to see him. He looked like this: http://imagebank.ipcmedia.com/imageBank/j/jackson12.jpg Notice his look of shock on his face. Thats cuz hes looking at me. Instead of wondering for the rest of my life if he was looking at me, i get to see him everyday & not wonder a thing. This'll be interesting. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Whaddya think! I hope you thought that was more interesting then the last one! Dont forget to vote y'all! BYE!!!
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