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Love Is An Illusion â?¢â?¢● Part 2
Heyyyyyyyy Yall! He's Part Two Continued! Enjoy! ↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘____________________________________↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘↘ >Next Morning< Me:*In the kitchin eating cereal* Mom:*Walks downstairs* Mornin' Taliya. Me:Hi.*Chews* Can we do something together this weekend. Just me and you? Mom:Honey me and Bobby have plans this weekend. Me:Bobby dhis! Bobby dhat! Bobby! Bobby! Bobby! Is that all you give a shit about anymore!? Mom:Hey! Hey! Watch yourself little girl and remember who you talkin to! Me:All you care about is that low down dirty dog. I mean the bitch ain't attractive and he a dead beat! He got 4 different kids and and 3 different baby's mamas! Who da hell wanna be with somethin like that! The sex can't be that damn good! Mom:*Slaps me* Me:*Glares at her* Sometimes I really hate you. *Walks out the house with my bookbag* As I was walking I was thinking I was a little harsh on my mother. I crossed the line with some of the things I said but she knows it's all true. *Sighs* I finally got to school about ten minutes later. i liked walking to school so i could clear my head. So when I got to school I went to my locker and off to homeroom i went. I was only in homeroom for a few minutes and then i went to 2nd period....English class...In class I saw that same cute boy from McDonalds....omg...I don't want him to notice me. He was standing in the front of the room with Mr.White. Everybody took their seats and then gave Mr.White their full attention. Mr.W:Class...This is Michael. Where did you say you were from again son? (He called every dude son lol) Michael:Indiana. Derrick:Do they have proactive in Indiana, cuz yo ass need some for dem big ass zits. There were a few giggles in the class. Mr.W:Derrick get outta my class with that. Derrick:fine. *Walks out* Mr.W:Don't mind him Michael. You can take a seat in the back next to Italiya. Michael smiled at me when he sat down. I smiled back. He remembered me. Yay. *giggles* Mr:W:Okay class so we had a small homework assignment on what we thought love meant. I'm going to call on random people to tell me what they wrote down. Italiya You go firt. Oh My lord. No he didn't just pick me. Me:Umm..*Flips to my page* I wrote...Love is an Illusion...You think it's there, but it's really not.... Mr.W:Hmmm...Okay okay...Um Michael I know you didn't do the assignment but what does love mean to you? Michael:Love is Magic to me. You just gotta believe it's there. Mr.White:Okay okay... And then the whole class was just givin their opinions on love. Michael:*Whispers*Why you think love is an Illusion? Me:I have my reasons. Michael:Can I know your reasons? Me:*Looks at him with a lil smile* Boyy. I don't even know you. Michael:Well...My name is Michael Jackson. My fav color is red. i love peter pan. i'm from gary indiana. i have 3 sisters and 5 brothers. i like to sing.actually i love it. my fav food is fried chicken. and i hate people that pick their nose in public. Your turn. Me:*Giggles* That was wooow. My name is Italiya Johnson. my fav color is yellow. i love tinker bell. i think she's the cutiest thing. i am an only child on my mom's side. i don't know much about my father. i like to sing but i also like whistling. my favorite food is soul food. and i hate my mom's bf. Michael:Okay okay. Why do you like Whistling? Me:Well...The only thing I remember about my father before he left is that he liked to whistle alot. so I always practiced whisling like him in hopes that he would come back but he didn't......*Looks down* Michael:*Touches my hand* It'll be okay..*Smiles* Me:*Smiles back* So the day went by and I got to know Michael even better. I was soo glad I had a new friend. I also made other friends. Lexa, Shanice, Samone, Airriel, Gabriel, Arne', Halle, Nadi, and Kelly. They were all very nice and funny. I also got to meet Michael's brother Marlon. Me:Bye Michael. I'll see you tomorrow. Michael:Bye! Me:*Walkin away* Michael:Hey wait! *Catches up to me and hands me a piece of paper. Call me. *Smiles* Me:I will. *smiles* Ahehehehe. Oh My Gosh....Michael is sooo nice...I think I like him.... >To Be Continued< There was Part 2. I hope you all liked it. =)
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