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Secrets... Part 4
HEY! Vicky here!:) I've got part 4 here!:D Shock is in here!lol :P Funny though. Hhaha. Dedicated to my MC's, Sissy Spence, Alex, and all those who like my story! :) Love you all, -Vicky!:D ---------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: Former what B? ... You don't do drugs do you? Me: NO! Michael: *Putting his hand on his heart* Thank God. Then? Me: I'm a former... CIA agent. Michael: Wait... Repeat that, I thought you just said CIA agent. Me: *Taking his hand* Michael... I did say that. Michael: Why didn't you tell me? How long have you been in there? Me: 1 year, then when we started dating, I resigned. Michael: Why didn't you tell me B? Me: *Looking away* You didn't tell me about Tasha Michael. You lied to me and told me you were a virgin. You lied to me. Michael: B, that's different. Me: They're all the same. Nothing is different. Michael: Who's Eric? Me: I was assigned to be in a mission to stop him, I was supposed to get close to him and all that. Because he was real dangerous, and drugs and all. I acted for six months that I love him, but when they caught him, I left. Michael: What powers? You said something about Powers. Me: Cassy! Michael: What's wrong with her? Me: She's got.... Some powers. Michael: How did you know? Me: Christina is still in touch with the agency, they did some tests on her. And they said she's got some powers. Michael: How come our daughter. Me: A gift from God Michael. I don't know. Jeez! Michael: What's he going to do with her? Me: Use her Michael. I have to do something. Don't worry though, I'll go back to the --- Michael: I'm coming with you. Me: You can't Michael. It's dangerous and plus, IĆ¢??m still mad at you. Michael: Our daughter B. Me: Michael... No! Michael: I'm coming and that's final. Me: But don't try to kiss or hug me, I'm still mad at you. Michael: *Looking down* Okay. Me: Good! I changed into Skinny Jeans, and a Tee. I put on my sneakers and my hair into a pony tail. I put a little make up and a baseball cap and I was ready to see Andrew. Of course Michael HAD to come. I drove to Maya's restaurant. As soon as I entered I saw Christina waving her hand at us. Me and Michael went to her and sat. I looked at Andrew. Damn, he changed. He's much more muscular than the last time I saw him. He's always been the muscular black guy among us. Me: Damn Andrew, You've got them muscles in there. *Poking his muscles* *Laughing* Andrew: Thanks B, haven't seen you in a long while. Me: I know man, I missed you. *Hugging him* Michael: *Coughing* Me: *Ignoring him* How's Danny? Andrew: *Showing me his ring* We got married. Me: NO WAY! That's awesome. Andrew: *Smiling* Back to business. Eric is back? Christina: Yes. Andrew: How the hell did that son of a bitch get out? Everyone: *Looking at him* Andrew: *Whispering* How did he get out? Me: I thought I got him in prison forever? Andrew: *Looking at Michael* Who are you? Michael: Um... Michael. Andrew: What the hell B? Me: Married to Michael Jackson, had Michael Jackson's kid, Yes I know. Crazy ha? Andrew: Ya think? Michael: What an insult. Me: And yes he knows about the CIA shit. Andrew: You outta your mind? Me: He's my husband Andrew. Andrew: *Sigh* You do know you have to get back in there right? Me: Yeah. Andrew: You can do it? Me: NO! Andrew: The hell B! Me: *Sigh* Yes. Andrew: Me and Christy are with you B. Me: I know. *Showing him the card* Does this still work. Andrew: Hmm... Yeah I guess. After a while, Andrew took us in his car to the agency. It wasn't so far away from the restaurant. Weird, it was inside a BANK. Last time it was inside a mall. We got in the elevator, and Andrew pressed the code numbers and the Elevator took us to the Agency's floor. As soon as the door slid open, I heard the key board sounds and people chattering. Man, did I miss the excitement in here. How did I leave all this? I smiled as I got inside. Andrew took us to a pretty lady sitting working on her computer. I could've sworn I've seen her before. Those glasses, that hair, those eyes... I know her. Her name is at the tip of my tongue. http://forum.jro7i.com/attachments/f92/21974d1247415796-cute-blonde-emo-hairstyles-59.jpg Andrew: Hey Spence. SPENCE? ---------------------------------------------------------------- CIA? What ws I thinkin?:P I wanted something real different in my story, that's why lol. I hope you guys like the idea though. Alright, I'll be here some other time! :) BYE! :D
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