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My crazy dream about my love
my crazy dream about my love, michael jackson my sister and i was listening to michael jackson song the way you make me feel on a radio station. we was dancing having a good time, then suddenly the radio station said that they was giving out tickets to go to michael jackson house. so my sister and i went crazy and started to run up the phone lines so we could win our tickets. we kept calling and calling and then suddenly we won! i was so overwhelmed! and excited! i couldnt even breathe straight. then the radio people inform us that we will be staying at michael jackson house for two weeks! me and my sister ran to our closets, pack our clothes and we was ready to leave our house in 10 mins. since i live in bronx,ny we had to cacth the plane over there. we went to the airport and met michael jackson's security man there. so we flew all the way to california. on our way there, mj security told us how much fun we will be having. me and my sister was so happy we started crying like huge babies, we couldnt belive it was happening to us. then suddenly we was in california. we left the airport and got into a strecth hummer! at this point, i thought we was living large. inside the hummer was lots of michael jackson merchandise, so ofcourse me and my sister was collecting it. when we got near neverland ranch, when we seen the rides, pools and the king of pop house, our heart throb! i was ready to jump out of that hummer and run into mj arms! so then we enter the gates of neverland ranch. and the hummer stop and we got out. when i got out, i look around with tears of joy in my eyes. i still couldnt believe i was there. it was a nice hot sunny day. i seen all the animals eating, i smell the fresh flowers, i seen the maids out front eating, it was just so beautiful.so then we met with a tourist. she was touring us throughout the whole ranch. as we walk back infront of the house i was greeted a long warm hug by katerine jackson. my heart melted when i seen her. i told her how she got the most beatiful talented children in the world and she smile at me and said thankyou. so as we walk closer to the door, my heart was beating faster than cars at a race track. the tourist guide open the door and it was like paradise inside his house. it was so big! i felted like a little girl in a candy shop! as the tourist toured us around in his house, i seen prince and paris playing while blanket was sleeping. i went closer to them and said hi, and they gave me such a huge smile and said hi! my father loves u! then we all started to laugh. then the tourist guide told us to stay in the family room for a lil bit. 25 mins later michael jackson walks into the room! me and my sister went crazy! we started jumping up and down, screaming, and crying. so he came closer to us and said theres no need to cry and gave us both kisses on our cheeks! so i gave him a kiss back on his cheek. he gave us tissues to dry our tears away. then we started telling him how much we love him and we would do anything for him and he kept telling us he loved us more, and my heart kept melting and melting. so we was talking all day trying to get to know eacthother a lil more. so then it was time to go to sleep. we went to bed and he went to his bedroom and went to bed. little did they know i was not sleeping. i was still excited from everything that happen earlier that day, so i decied to go in michael jackson room. i knocked on his door and he said come in. i came in and for some reason i was turned on. he was wacthing tv. i came in the room and stood near the door. he told me to come closer. so i walk to his bed, crawl on top of him about to give him a kiss on his lips. and he did the most sexiest thing. he bit his bottom lip and i was really turned on by now. he put his hand on my hips and said come on. so as my face got closer to his face, my stupid alarm rung!!!!!!!!! i was so mad!
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