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Is this Love Before Me? ... Pt. 1
Dedictated to Michael H. Lexa and Cess (: Part One ~ School of fame ?! ~ Me: *Chuckles... chuckle fades* Nice one Gary... you know for a second I thought it was.. true! *laughs* Gary: Miss... it is. *grins nervously* Me: .. Seriously Gary. I have no time to fool around. I gotta get ready for rehersal. Gary: Rehersal has been cancelled due to- Me: WHAT?!. But we have two weeks 'till the deadline. Gary: *-_-* As I repeat due to you going to GoldBridge Academy tomorow. You have alot of packing to do. Me: ...You can't be serious. *mouth slightly open* Gary: I'm sorry for you leaving.. Me: *Sigh* So.. I'm getting sent to some public school? Leaving all this behind? Gary: It's for the best. It is an excellent school and it's not public. It's only open to fame people! Me: Really? *getting excited* Like who? Name me a good famous person.! Gary: Uhm.. *Eyes brighten up* Mr.Michael Jackson! Me: pft, Gary. I said GOOD. *Sits down* Gary: I like his music! Quite entertaining... #All the little birdies on Jaybird Street Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet# .... *quitens down* Me: *Sighs* I just don't wanna go! Wait.. Is Will Smith gonna be there? *gasps* Gary: MHM! *smiles* Me: WOOOT WOOOT! *cheers* Although, I quite liked being home-schooled by you. Gary: What you on your mobile all day? Me: ... no. The other stuff we learnt about... you know.. uhm.. changing subject! Gary: *laughs and sighs* Me: So when do I go?... * ; | * Gary: *Looks at imaginary watch* Tomorow. Me: .. Then why were you looking at your.. Nevermind. *Sigh* Wait.. did you say.. Gary: Tomorow, Yes. *Looks at imaginary watch* It's now seven so get packing and cracking *Bursts out laughing* I do make myself laugh out loud. Me: * -_- * Okay... Gary: Your mom suggested this. She's coming by herself tomorow to go take you there! That should be fun - Getting to know her. Me: .. She's coming here tomorow? *0_0* Herself?! Gary: YES! *smiles* Me: Surprise Surprise. Why should she come now?... After all that time. After all she did want to get rid of me since the day I was born. Gary: Yes... the day I had to leav the hospital to look after you. Me: I am paying you way more than you being ... a nurse *bursts out laughing* for 15 years... Gary: That was a respectable job! ¬.¬ Me: So Gary, What are you gonna do when I go to... school *shivers* Gary: .. *quietly* Going back to being a nurse Me: SERIOUSLY!?! Gary: Shutup Miss ! Me: *laughs* Ok well I'm gonna go... pack * ; |* Gary: Okey Dokey! Dinner will be served in two hours. Get most of it done. Me: Okay. *sighs* I crawl upstairs as my tired legs carry me to the storage room and pick up a few suitcases. I open 3 suitcases and throw in my clothes. I decided I was gonna have them all in order - One with all my trousers and leggings, another with all my tops and etc.. After packing of two hours my neck started to cramp. I jumped onto my bed and lied down. Gary: *calling* DINNER IS SERVED MISS! Me: Ok! *replies back* I wasn't gonna go back down to eat I had no time. I had to pack - Gee, why did I have to have this much clothes? It just wouldn't fit. Some I didn't even wear. I grabbed another 3 suitcases, I filled up two. Although, the other one was filled with stuff that I didn't need to give away to charity. After another hour of packing, I headed downstairs to find a cold plate of steak. I ate up not that hungry, Just thinking of what tomorow will bring. Gary: Miss, Are you quite not hungry? Me: No. *sighs* Gary: I promise you things will turn out fine, Me: *stands up and hugs Gary* I won't say this again cause' it's embarrsing, but Gary. You've been like a father to me *smiles* Gary: Haha, more than Bobby Brown? Me: More than he will ever be to me *let's go* Well, I'm gonna go get some sleep Gary: Ok mis-... Cookie. *smiles* Me: pssh *smiles* I go upstairs and wear my remaining night dress. I climb into my soft silk bed. And lay my head on my memo-foam pillow. I close my eyes as I dream of tomorow. 'Tomorow' Came quicker than I thought. I woke up at 6 and started to wear my clothes I had put ready last night. After getting ready I pulled all 5 of my suitcases. - oops. downstairs. Gary: Morning Miss. Breakfast is served Me: Awh, thankyou. Well well well, no uniform? Gary: *grins* Naa miss. Today I leave. Me: So what happens to my baby? .. * :| * Gary: Your house? Me: DUH! *winks* Gary: It's on the market for sale, *sighs* I will miss this house. Me: same. *sigh* I start eating my buttered toast and sip on my orange juice. As soon as I finish the doorbell rings, Gary: She's here! *totters to door* Hello! Oh.. Cookie! Me: Be there in a sec. I wipe myself off and go to the front door. I take a deep breath at the first sight of my mother, but it wasn't my mother. It was another lady with a gift basket and a smile. Lady: Your mother sent this for you. She wasn't able to come so I am taking you! *hands basket* I look at the basket then her with my watery eyes as I knock the basket out her hands and run upstairs. Gary: Miss Sabrinaa! *gasps* I run up and lay in the middle of my empty room. I felt bad for treating the lady like that but also helpless like she can ditch me over and over again. I come back dowstairs as all my suitcases were getting loaded in the car. Gary: That was not very nice of you! Although I can let that slip. I'm sorry for your mother not showing up. *sighs* Me: aah, Don't worry. I've been used to it. Why should I need her now. I have done pretty good by myself. Gary: *Laughs* Yeah. Well since you have to go now. May I say it was a pleasure serving you. Me: *smiles* *hugs* Gary: awh *Hugs back* I let go and go into the car. I could tell it was one of my 'moms'. The car starts to go but not a word spoke in the silent car. Me: Listen, I'm sorry about before. I just got carried away. Lady: Oh ! well that's alright. Don't worry about it. My name's Emma Me: *sighs* Why couldn't she come? Emma: Uhm, she's rehersing for her tour. Me: Okay. *listens to IPOD* The journey was going to take long. So I sat back and went to sleep. AFter 8 hours ... Emma: Sabrinaa, You're here! I opened my eyes and looked out the window to see a Monster massive school. - Which brought me alert. I got out the car. My bodyguards (which came from another car) took in all my suitcases. Emma: Why don't you go on ahead to reception, While I sort out some stuff. Me: Ok *smile* and Emma Emma: Yes? Me: Thankyou. Emma: *Smiles* I go on to the front into the GOLDEN GATES. I look around to find reception. Me: *talking to myself* So.. if that's exit.. where is reception? *:| * ?!?!: Mh. Reception would probably be where it says RECEPTION over your right. Me: Oh right *walks towards it* *turns around* Uhm, Jermaine!? Woah.. thanks. Jermaine: *laughs* Yeah. Me: Wow. so do all of you guys come here. Jermaine: Yah, pretty much. *Laughs* Gotta go class now. so.. See you soon? Me: Yeah! *smiles* thanks. Jermaine: *winks* I go towards reception - in bold letters. thinking 'How could I miss that?' Me: Uhm, Sabrinaa Jackson.. Receptionist: Yes one sec *looks down* Wait Sabrinaa? *Looks up* WOW! *picks up massive dusty book* Me: *smiles* Do you know where I'm supposed to go Receptionist: Yes your buddie will take you everywhere you need. but is not here yet. Me: Okay. Receptionist: Meanwhile you mind signing my celebzz book. I've been saving the BEST spot for you. Me: Sure. *takes pen and turns book around* I'm on the same page as Michael jackson? Receptionist: Mhm! *smiles* Me: Ok. *signs book* Receptionist: Great! thanks. Me: No problem. I sat down while I was waiting for my buddie who was gonna give me a tour of the school and share information. While I was sitting I heard someone whistling, It sounded like a familiar whistle... I looked at the corridor to see ... yeps, knew it. Michael Jackson. -- to be continueeed. (: Cookiees (:
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