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Sour Then Sweet -30-
-Heyy!!Deicated to Michael and my readers oh and also my haters I love yall the most love you!!!! on to the story- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Me:...Em...I'll pass Julie:she does get on pass.. Latoya:why so shy?Come on he's your boyfriend Me:I just...No... Julie:She's little miss innocent Latoya:Awwhh she's scared.. I didn't say anything to them I just went upstairs and lied face down on my bed I layed there for acouple mintues then got under the blankets and was well on my way to falling asleep.. Michael:(sits on the side of the bed)You okay? Me:yeah Mike I'm just tired(rolls over) Michael:you sure? Me:yes Mike leave me sleep! Michael:okay okay fine(kiss my cheek) I heard him leave and shut the door I roll over and fall asleep I awoke to the sun streeming in through the curtains I looked to my left and Michael wasn't there I layed there for acouple mintues the phone rang I picked it up and surprisingly it's my mom Me:why you crying? Mom:He l-left(sniffs) Me:William?Good he was no good for you Mom:Oh and Marco visted by my place asking for you Me:and what you say? Mom:I didn't know were you where cause he went by your house but you wern't there Me:oh..yeah well I'll stop at your house after I pay my bills..Did he tell you were he's staying? Mom:No he didn't say that you don't have to stop over Me:you sure? Mom:Yes now go do what you have to do Me:okay Mom love you! Mom:love you too We hung up and I check the time,2:30 damn I have to pay my bills I hopped in the shower and got dressed and headed to go into my car on the way out I saw Michael,Julie and Latoya sprawled on the floor like drunks I saw food and snacks around them I shook my head and slammed the door I knew that would wake them I payed my bills then stopped to get somthing to eat....I wanted to check in on work just to make sure my boss wasn't mad He was glad I came in cause he said I would be working for a week with out any breaks meaning no days off By the time I got home at 6 Michael and Latoya were gone and Julie was gone to I thought she had to work at 9 or somthing .. Oh well a house to myself sounds awesome I sat around board,cleaned up the house and the backyard by the time I was done I was tired and it was 8:48 so I took a shower and headed to bed That whole week was hecktic work,work,work is all I did I havn't seen Michael for about 8 days now it's really cause I've been working Julie has been acting kinda weird lately what was that about? Whatever it was I didn't have time for I talked to Marco and were back to friend status we just laughed when we told each other what happened Today is my day off of work well I have 2 days in a row off Marco and h is taking me out to go Mini Golfing tonight It's 2 in the afternoon and I'm sipping Ice tea in my backyard Julie:(yelling from kitchen)Michael's here Me:Oh..kay.. I head in to put my cup in the sink I saw Julie hugging Michael and whispered somthing in his ear then he caught my eye and walked over to me Me:Sorry I've been dodging you but I had work in the way(kisses him) Michael was heistant in his kiss like he shouldn't be doing it which was weird.. Me:Michael you seem...tense. Michael:why you say that? Me:cause...(thinks for a second)never mind,You want Ice tea? Michael:No thanks I just ate with Latoya oh and she said hey! Me:I know we didn't have time to talk but I have to curl my hair but I'll be done in abit I gave Michael a kissed and headed upstair to jump in the shower I curled my hair and got dressed in this: http://fashionoa.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/miso_white01.jpg?w=300&h=300 It's an old dress that I never wear anymore so I didn't have to dress up for Marco but I was having second thoughts about going with him tonight it just didn't feel right I went back downstairs Julie and Michael were fooling around in the kitchen Julie:all..dressed up much? Me:I don't call this dressed up I call this trashy(laughs) Julie:you trashy..never Michael:were are you going? Me:Just out with friends.. Michael:uh hmm okay Me:yeah..Michael you've been acting weird lately .. very quiet.. I mean Michael:oh..well I am the same old Michael I sat on the counter watching Julie and Micheal interact it..was like they were flirting why do I think like this?Maybe that's why they been acting weird like they had somthing to hide but Julie said she wouldn't do such a thing and neither would Michael I headed upstairs to finish getting ready I finish and I look in the mirror and I actual look good for my ex As I headed to leave my heart was thumping and I was nervous...Would Michael get mad if I look this good just to go out with "friends" thats not what I'm worried about would Marco pull moves and kiss me or somthing worse? I give Michael a kiss again it felt like he was holding somthing back weird feeling coming from Michael I Started to drive over to Marcos house about 5 mintues away from my house I forgot my wallet damn I had to make a illgal U turn in an intersection I quickly sped home being aware of any cops so I wouldn't get pulled over and fined cause I wasn't in the mood to pay some 500 dollar ticket out of my car and rush in the house I finally get the door opened after fumbling with my keys I start to rush upstairs but I stopped dead in my tracks and dropped my keys when I glance towards the living room couch What a nasty betraying hurtfull sight Julie ontop of Michael on the couch kissing passonately Michael sure did look like he liked it Words didn't come to my mouth when I went to speak I just stood there and watched.. They didn't hear me come in? How could they have not I fumbeled with the keys for awhile and slammed the door and my heels were loud on the floor.. I just didn't mind and went upstairs to get my wallet Walked back downstairs and started to head for the door.. Michael:Jennell?How long were you here? Me:long enough to know that were through Michael Over!!!(slams front door) I guess that would get through his thick big head I didn't even want to go with Marco they both make me want to throw up were the hell do I then? The only person who came to my mind was my Mommy I sound like a baby now maybe It was true what Latoya and Julie said I am little Miss Inocent maybe I need to cheat, Maybe I should let my boyfriends cheat on me Why should I be the one who wants to be successful but then no one apprietates me for anything I do if Michael doesn't want me no one will I'm going to be a old lady with a bunch of cats yelling at people After driving around aimlessly I dicided to go to my moms house just to cool down and figure out how I'm going to handle this My mom opened the door with a wide smile which mad me break into tears she hugged me tight and brought me into the living room How can she live alone in this empty house I clung to a pillow she brought me somthing to drink Mom:here are some pills to help with your headach Me:(sips drink)thanks Mom:What happened Me:(sighs)nothing.. Mom:My daughter shows up at my door and crys for no reason of course theres somthing wrong..Now tell me Me:(Sighs)it's along story Mom:Looks like I have all night now start expaining Me:I caught Michael kissing on Julie..I forgot my wallet when I went to go with Marco for golf so I drove back and they were on the couch.. Mom:why would he?It had to be Julie's fault Me:See I don't know who it was but there both responsible I had flashbacks Mom it's the same thing that happened with Marco but I really love Michael(starts to cry)I really thought he was the one Mom I really did but he's just like the rest of them there all the same all of them Mom:well that's not true,Some just take time to relize the real you the good things about you of course your pretty some just want that but it takes a real man to look behind the prettyness and I think Michael can he's just at that age were he just wants to kiss and make out nothing more but when he fianlly relizes what a great woman you are he'll come back and if you have a family and children then he missed out on a good opitunity and thats on him what ever your decision is will always be a good one cause your you Michael seems like the guy who would look past your beauty I'm sure he'll turn around Me:I just hope thats soon but what do I do,how can I trust him after that(crys) Mom:(pulls my head on puts it on her shoulder)He loves you I'm sure just give him a few days and he'll come running after you.Now you must get some rest head upstairs Me:(whips eyes)thanks Mom I ran upstairs and looked in the mirror of the bathroom I looked a mess my makup was all over my face I washed it off and got in my Panties and bra and layed in the bed Everything that happened in the past couple of months just rushed around in big circles in my head no one apprietated me not one Well that means I need to expand and go out and socialize with new people I listened to my Mom put away dishes and sweep up I heard her open the door a few whispers then someone coming up the stairs. The door to my room creaked opened I looked to see who it was.....but I didn't like who it was.. Me:Michael...? ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -Sorry I know short longer next time and it did take longer then expected to make it but it's posted right!?Okay,Well I'm heading to bed love you MJSite and Goodnight!!- ▐Jennell▐
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