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five girls - five jacksons pt.12
Hello MJSite! woulda had this up sooner, but have been having posting trouble AGAIN! :( Anyway...shout out to norah, vicky, tegan and everybody who likes this story. this story (as always) is dedicated to TatYaNa, another OffTheWallEraGal, like me :) (i love you <3) and to michael joseph jackson, without whom this story wouldn't even exist! PART 12 *that evening, 6pm* Stevie: I cannot FRIGGINâ?? BELIEVE THIS!!! A contract??? A CONTRACT?????? Jay: This isnâ??t real! I MUST be dreaming! Seated in the Jacksons living room we could all but stare at each other as the news Quincy had given us before weâ??d left Westlake Recording Studios finally sunk in. â??You young girls have so much potential. What would you say if I told you that I may be interested in cultivating this great talent you have? Now, I donâ??t usually decide these sort of things so quickly and I wanna be sure Iâ??m making the right choice here, but could I interest you in a contract for a record deal? Of course I would like to discuss this with your parents, seeing as some of you are not yet 21â?¦â?¦?â? Those had been Quincyâ??s exact words. Needless to say we had been speechless. I mean, Michael and Tatyana had told us that Quincy had only wanted to hear us sing for himâ?¦â?¦â?¦there had been no talk of any contracts! Suddenly possibilities were being opened up to us, possibilities we had only ever dared to dream about! What would the future bring, if we went down this amazing road? Was this our dreamâ?¦â?¦our reason why we had come to California? Was this our destiny? Questions upon questions were whirling through my head as I sat there in the Jacksonâ??s living room in a sort of trance, trying hard not to just jump up and scream in excitement and happiness. Stevie, whoâ??d actually still been in the state of mind to stammer a â??Weâ??ll certainly think about your offer!â? to Quincy had summoned a meeting at the Jacksons house, so there we sat, trying to grasp what had just happened. Olivia: GOD! Iâ??m sooooo excited! What will Mom and Dad and Pamâ??s and Jayâ??s parents say? Pam: I dunno, but Iâ??m POSITIVE theyâ??ll be thrilled! I mean, what are the chances of something like this happening to us? Stevie: Yeah, itâ??s unbelievable, butâ?¦â?¦â?¦(trailing off and looking at Liv) Olivia: What? (puzzled at the look Stevie was giving her) Stevie: (choosing her words carefully) ummmmâ?¦â?¦I just donâ??t know if Mom and Dad will let us sign the contractâ?¦â?¦at least not ALL of usâ?¦â?¦? Olivia stared at her in bewilderment, trying to figure out what our sister was talking about. Olivia: Huh? Me: Uhâ?¦â?¦Liv? I think what Stevie is trying to say is that, wellâ?¦â?¦youâ??re technically still in school andâ?¦â?¦youâ??re going back to Gary after your holidays are over. Iâ??m not sure whether Mom and Dad would like the idea of you staying here in Californiaâ?¦â?¦youâ??re only sixteenâ?¦â?¦(my voice faltered as I saw the look on Oliviaâ??s face) Olivia: (furious) WHAT?!?!?! Are you telling me that Mom and Dad wonâ??t let me follow my dream â?? OUR dream, just because Iâ??m too young??? Jay: Olivia, sweetie (touching her arm gently). You know that your parents love you very much! They want you to get a good education, just like Beth and Stevie, thatâ??s all and maybe they think show business could get in the way of that. Olivia: (wailing) But you donâ??t even KNOW what they think! They havenâ??t even been told about all this! Stevie: Oliviaâ?¦â?¦you know full well that Mom and Dad are gonna hate the idea of you not finishing school. Weâ??ll certainly talk to them about this, but I really donâ??t know whether theyâ??ll be so pleased about this! Randy, who had been listening to all this in silence along with his brothers and sisters suddenly cut in. Randy: You knowâ?¦â?¦Liv wouldnâ??t be missing out on her education. We all had tutors when we were growing up, Motown saw to that! Olivia had been on the verge of tears, but when she heard Randyâ??s words she looked up hopefully. Olivia: Hey, thatâ??s true! We could get a tutor for me, Iâ??m sure Mom and Dad wouldnâ??t mind that, would they? Me: (glumly) How are we gonna afford a tutor? The record store is quite a good income, butâ?¦â?¦(cut off) Jackie: Itâ??s the labelâ??s job to see to it that under age singers or musicians like Olivia receive full education. Itâ??s actually in the contractâ?¦â?¦ Rebbie: (smiling at Liv) Iâ??m sure your parents wouldnâ??t object if they knew that youâ??d be receiving education from a first class tutor, would they? Me: I think we should ALL call our parents right now and tell them about this. I think Oliviaâ??s rightâ?¦â?¦â?¦we donâ??t even know if theyâ??ll say â??noâ?! And anywayâ?¦â?¦this is the chance of a lifetime, girls! I mean, donâ??t you remember what they used to tell us when we were jamming at home? The Jacksons stared curiously as we exchanged knowing glances. We certainly had some leverage now, didnâ??t we? *later that evening, 8:45pm* Three phone calls and one scrumptious dinner (courtesy of Momma Katherine) later it was settled. Jayâ??s, Pamâ??s and my parents would be flying out to California in a couple of days to discuss this further. We hadnâ??t gotten direct answers out of them yetâ?¦â?¦they had been far too dazed to even string a proper sentence together, so theyâ??d agreed to come to Encino. I think they were pleased about the news, but didnâ??t quite know how to take it. I definitely saw hope for Olivia and I was also looking forward to seeing our parents and those of Pam and Jay. They were probably thrilled as well, because they hadnâ??t yet met any of the Jackson family. Although I DID feel a bit nervous about introducing Michael as my BOYFRIEND! In my family we never really talked about stuff like thatâ?¦â?¦ But for now that was the least of my worriesâ?¦â?¦the main focus right now was to make sure that Olivia would be allowed to stay with us and sign that contract! I sighed, my mixed emotions travelling across my face as I let the water of the beautiful fountain in the Jacksonsâ?? back yard run through my fingers. At that moment I felt long arms wrap around my waist from behind and hold me close to a hard toned stomach and chest. I didnâ??t need to turn round to see who it was. Michael: (whispering softly in my ear) What are you sighing about, Bethâ?¦â?¦? I shivered, whether from the coolness of the water or from the light kisses that were being planted along my jaw from behind me, I did not know. Long fingers stroked my curls away from my face and neck to make room for soft feathery lips, that wandered here and there, exploring my warm skin. I breathed out shakily and turned around to face him. There he stood, bathed in the red glow of the setting sun looking like total perfection as the light made his big brown eyes glitter and his dark chocolate skin glow radiantly. The answer that had been on the tip of my tongue only moments ago vanished from my memory as I simply stood there staring at him, lost for words. Michaelâ??s eyes widened slightly as they wandered all over me in wonderment. Michael: (shyly)Y-you look beautifulâ?¦â?¦ Me: (blushing madly) Iâ?¦â?¦ermâ?¦â?¦was about to say the same thing about you, actually. Michael: (smiling, still shy) That canâ??t be! Nothing can compare to how beautiful you look right nowâ?¦â?¦ I looked away, embarrassed and tried to remember what Iâ??d been about to say. Michael: (trying to catch my eye by crouching down slightly and looking searchingly at my face) Why were you sighing? You arenâ??t still worried about your parentsâ?? answer, are you? Didnâ??t they seem pleased over the phone? Me: Oh, itâ?¦â?¦â?¦ummmâ?¦â?¦was nothingâ?¦â?¦really. I guess Iâ??m still a bit dazed about what happened today. And itâ??s all thanks to you, Mike. Michael: (laughing quietly) Nonsense! Who went in that recording booth and played and sang their hearts out? Me: uhhâ?¦â?¦we did? Michael: Who went BACK in there and totally killed it with our old Jacksons song? Me: (mumbling) we did? Michael: And who managed to win over Quincyâ??s heart the moment they opened their mouths? Me: I get it (giggling) Michael: Seeâ?¦â?¦that was all YOU! You and your wonderful family, your friends, your GROUP! Iâ??m just a good connection. Me: Exactly! We only got to do this, because you know Quincy Jones! I bet he wouldnâ??t have looked twice at us if you hadnâ??t asked him! Michael: (sternly pulling my chin towards his) What are you talking about, Beth? Thatâ??s total nonsense!!! Do you know how high Quincyâ??s standards are? Do you realize that you have to be the best of the best to be able to sign a contract with him? He sees great talent and potential in ALL of you, as do I and donâ??t you ever think that heâ??s just doing this because of what I or anybody else thinks of you! Me: Butâ?¦â?¦itâ??s just thatâ?¦â?¦I meanâ?¦â?¦you had to fight for your audition at Motown! It took you years of playing in nightclubs and theaters until you finally got the chance to play in front of Berry Gordy! You guys really deserved it! My girls and Iâ?¦â?¦â?¦we just come waltzing in at Westlake Studios and BAM! We get an offer right away! No real preparation, no hard work, no NOTHING! Michael frowned and took my face in his hands, staring intently into my eyes. Michael: Okay, now you listen to me, Beth! I know it was damn hard for us back in the early days! Those nightclubs were no healthy environment for young kids like us, the hours we worked were not acceptable at such a young age. The beatings we endured to become perfect performers were grueling. The childhood I lost because of all this was a large price to pay! Now, I donâ??t regret ANY of this, but I ask youâ?¦â?¦would you like to go through all that, just to get the feeling you DESERVED a record deal? Me: (timidly) Iâ?¦â?¦Iâ?¦â?¦ Michael: (smiling tenderly at me) Trust me, you wouldnâ??t! Besidesâ?¦â?¦from what Iâ??ve heard youâ??ve been singing almost as long as I have. I SAW your performance at the studio and I IMMEDIATELY noticed that you, Jay, Pam, Stevie and Olivia are old souls. You seemed so confident it was obvious to me that you know each otherâ??s strong points and weaknesses off by heart! You should be proud of that, because youâ??ve managed to achieve the same confidence as a group like my brothers and I have. And your parents didnâ??t even have to beat you to it! I stared at Michael. I hated to admit it, but I guess I saw his point. Maybe I should just accept that sometimes all it takes in showbuisness is the right connection and some luck. But I suppose there was still a small part in me that wished we were like the Jacksonsâ?¦â?¦who really worked their way from way down at the bottom right up and over infinity. I guess I wanted us to go walk that same amazing road. Michael may have sensed I was still a bit hesitant. Michael: (really softly) You are so beautiful. Do you know that, Beth? So talented, so kindâ?¦â?¦â?¦youâ?¦â?¦â?¦honestly take my breath away. (almost inaudible) I love youâ?¦â?¦ (this is the song that kept playing in my head while I wrote this next bit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4XD6CuaGZo) Hesitantly he placed one of his hands on my lower back and pulled me closer, his other hand on the back of my neck. He closed his eyes, long lashes brushing against his cheeks his lips only centimeters away and kissed meâ?¦â?¦â?¦so tenderly, so lovingâ?¦â?¦â?¦ His hand moved gently up and down my back, caressing my spine and making my stomach dissolve into a see of fluttering butterflies. His other hand was now caressing my jaw with those long elegant fingers of his, gently stroking my hot skin. I cannot describe the magical feeling of his wonderfully soft lips that gently massaged mine, giving me chills up and down my spine and drawing a shivering sigh from my lips. Michael had never kissed me with such intensity, such passionâ?¦â?¦â?¦ Breaking apart after what seemed like an eternity Michael leaned his forehead against mine, our gazes locked. A smile played across his lips as he simply stood there holding me in a tight embraceâ?¦â?¦â?¦he nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck and seemed to inhale my scent, his lips touching my warm skin. I in turn stroked his hair with tender fingers, one arm wrapped tightly around his middle, melting against his body. We were completely caught up in our own little world, stroking, caressing, holdingâ?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦ I donâ??t know how long we stood like this, oblivious to the outside world, but it must have been quite a while, for the sun had now set and suddenly Michael and I found ourselves engulfed in darkness, the only light coming from the twinkling windows of the large house behind us. As I listened closely I heard the voices of our friends and family laughing about some lame joke somebody had just cracked (presumably Marlon!). The sound of their ringing laughter brought Michael and me back to earth and we slowly broke apart, a little dazed. Michael ran his hand through his thick hair, as our eyes met I noticed that even in this dim light they seemed to emit an inner glow! Michael: Ummmâ?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦I think we should maybe go back inside now, huh? Me: (absently stroking a curl behind my ear) Oh yeah. Donâ??t wanna miss another of Marlonâ??s witty anecdotes, eh? Michael laughed quietly, eyes twinkling and dancing. Michael: DEFINITELY not! With that he gently took my hand in his and together we slowly made our way back to his houseâ?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦ ... hope you liked this! i hope it wasn't too boring!!! don't forget to vote :) with the love, with the loveâ?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦L.O.V.E.! - emy -
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