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Secret Love part9
Greeting MJsiters. I'm in a writing mood, but it's 5am so i'm like...half awake half asleep. This goes out to all my friends Jazmiere my wifey, Nadi my Candy friend, Lexa my Homie!, X my Marlon Luvin' friend n My mother Shanice. Luv u all!! Well here goes nuthing. _________________ That night we all fell asleep where we dropped. In the morning I woke up to find all the girls still knocked out everywhere. I just sighed n head into the kitchen to cook up something, when i had finished making waffles all the girls started coming into the kitchen. Me:: Morning my hungover friends. Girls:: *Groan* Jazzi:: ooo...Waffles. Ana::*Covers her ears* Will all of u stop screaming?! Me:: That'll teach u to drink like our Tio Vicente. Hey where's Val? Bre:: She left early, she looked really dressed up. Me:: Oh:/ I had a feeling she was with Michael, just the thought of them together gets me kinda mad, Ugh. Well anyways, all of us finished all the waffles i made, i washed the dishes n head up to my room to change. Idk wat time Marlon was coming to pick me up but i had a feeling it was soon cuz it was already 10. I jumped in the shower n took a quick 10 min shower. I got out with my towel wrapped around me, i grabbed my bra n under wear n when i turned to face the door i saw Marlon standing there looking at me up n down. Me:: Marlon! Marlon:: *Blushing* Uhhh...sorry!! *Quickly closes the door* Omg. I hope he didn't see anything. That would be so embarrassing.! Anyways, i changed into a cute outfit that i've been dying to wear. It looked a lil like this:http://www.polyvore.com/greyish/set?id=21350734 Weird right? Anyways, i put my hair up in a messy bun n put a lil bit of make-up on. Ya know, Eyeliner n blush. I put on this perfume that my aunt had given me when the fam was over. Now i was done, so i head down to the living room where Marlon was waiting for me. He still looked a lil freaked out but when he saw me he stood up n smiled. Marlon:: U look great. Me:: Thanx, so should we get going? Marlon:: Yeah, C'mon. Me:: Wait. *Screams* Ladies i'm leaving don't make a mess! I just heard a couple of "Okays", so now we were both heading into his car. He opened the door for me as i went in. Wow wat a Gentleman. -Jackson Residence- As we were pulling up on the driveway i saw Michael n Val coming out the back of his limo. Ugh, now my head is throbbing. Marlon opened the door for me n when i got out i grabbed his hand n pulled him to the door. Marlon:: A little eager to see the family? Me:: Uhh...yeah. Let's go with that. Marlon:: Well let's re-meet the family. When he opened the door i saw that everyone was in the living room having a good time. Marlon got hold of my hand n took me into the living room. Everyone looked at us, then Jermaine Stood up n hugged me. Jermaine:: Nice to see u again Stephanie. Me:: Nice to see u too, It's been like forever. Jermaine:: Sorry i couldn't make it yesterday i had some business to take care of. Me:: Nah it's ok. There's always time to have an after party. *Laugh* Jermaine:: *Laughs* K then. Janet:: Steph! Me:: Jan! *Hugs her* Well look at u! Ur older. Janet:: Well ya know. MrsK:: Stephanie! Last time i saw u, u weren't even in heels yet. Me:: *Hugs her* I missed u Mrs.K. MrsK:: Now, i've told u this a bunch of times, u can call me Katherine. Me:: Right. Katherine. *Smiles* Michael:: Hey Steph. Me:: Hey Mike. Hey Val. *Faint smiles* Val:: Hey. Okay, calm down Steph..they're just friends. Breathe.. Michael:: Well we're off to have dinner. Bye everyone, i just came by to introduce Valeria. MrsK:: Ok, Bye u 2. Have fun. Randy::*Singing* Mikey got a date...Mikey got a date. Miracles do exist.*Laughs* Michael:: Shut up. So wat if i have a date? Not like u can get one. Randy:: *Stops laughing* Michael:: Well then..bye everyone. Everyone:: Bye. Wow. A date? Damn, that's wat i get for lying about my feelings for him.. Sucked huh? Welllll....blame it on the a-a-a-a-alcohol baby. hahaha. -Foo Foo
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