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Sour Then Sweet -19-
-Damn schools almost here,That means I can't catch up on my storys like I am now but until then It's all good,Okay on to the story :)- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Then next morning me and Michael went downstairs and his mother and Father were there his Father gave me a very stern lookhe made me feel uncomfortable.. Latoya was back too she gave me a hug then went to her room Mike's Dad:who's this? Michael:my friend Jennell,(whispers to me)Joe... Me:(shyly)hi Joe:and weres your brothers? Michael:upstairs Joe went upstairs and I leaned on the wall Michael gave his mother(Katherine) a hug and a kiss on the cheek then leaned up agaist the wall with me Katherine:is this your girlfriend Michael? Michael:(sighs)yes don't tell Joe.. Katherine:(smiles at me) We could hear Joe yelling from upstairs.. Joe:I leave for a week and come back and theres all kind of girls up in my house you got ten mintues to get all the groupies out(walks down the stairs and looks at me)hello that means you too I walked quickly upstairs and gathered my stuff Michael:don't take anything he says seriously okay? Me:yes Mike(puts bag on bed and puts clothes in it) Michael:and you are not a groupie he just dosn't remember you I guess.. Me:(sighs)okay I'm set I go back downstairs and Joe keeps on staring me down the other girls had already left Michael took me to the door Michael:I'm sorry bout this if I've known he'll be back today I would of let you go home Me:it's okay Michael Michael:(looks over his shoulder at Joe)I'll call you tonightI love you Me:okay,I love you too He kissed me and said goodbye then I was on my way home I opened the door and Julie was eating Ice cream on the couch under a blanket watching t.v Julie:I wasn't expecting you to be home so early Me:well plans got delayed(throws bag on the chair) Julie:what happened? Me:oh nothing Michael's parents came back and threw me out... Julie:oh...were they mad? Me:lets say it was 50,50 Julie:okay what ever I went to the kitchen and grabed me a can of soda then went to my room -7:30pm- I just got out the shower and I'm laying on my bed reading a magazine when the phone rings I answer it and it's Michael Me:hey whats up? Michael:nothing much(sighs) Me:whats wrong? Michael:if I would ever leave for along amount of time would you still be my girl? Me:yes,why do you ask such a question? Michael:(silent) Me:why so quiet? Michael:I'm deciding if I should tell you or not.. Me:Michael you can tell me anything....you know that Michael:okay...well Joe signed off of Motown so we had to change our name to the Jacksons and...well the new record company wants us to....to go on tour.. Me:for how long? Michael:see thats the thing I don't know....can you answer my question now? Me:yes Michael I will always be your girl now matter what...so when does the tour start? Michael:not until a month from now -- Me:oh thats great we can have a month of fun together.. Michael:not exactly see we have to leave in 2 days and then we pratice for a month they the tour starts Me:(sighs)but..Joe's not gonna let me see you the next 2 days.. Michael:I know but I can always sneek out.. Me:okay....I'm going to miss you Michael Michael:I know I'm going to miss you too I hope it's now long...(sighs) Me:I love you Michael:I love you too Me:can you call while on tour? Michael:When I'm in my hotel room but I can be in different time zones and I could call you at 4 in the morning Me:I don't care I'll answer the phone...anything to hear your sweet voice Michael:I just can't belive we just go on tour out of no where...My mother and Latoya will still be at the house Me:I'll vist everyday Michael:better yet stay in my room.. Me:okay thats sounds like a plan Michael:well Joe's yelling got to go babe love you Me:I love you too Michael:see you tomorrow bye Me:bye... The next 2 days I spent the whole day with Michael we had the most fun that our bodys would allow that night Michael left he gave me one last kiss when he pulled away we both had tears in our eyes...I watch the plan take off with Latoya...we both waved... -5 years later- After the days Micheal left I talked to him every night somtimes at 10 somtimes 12 one time he called at 6 in the morning but we always talked every day up until about 3 years ago my mom was paying way to much for the bill so I couldn't talk to Michael anymore and my mom refused to let me stay with Latoya at her house..The last I heard from Michael was that he was recording the last song for the album...Never knew what was up after that.. My mom bought me alittle apartment with Julie just 20 mins from my Mothers house 6 months ago..My Dad had died 2 years ago from a massive stroke dealing with alot of stress from work...I was very sad after that... I havn't talked to Latoya in about a month..Julie got a job at a local strip club since she never graduated..I have a boyfriend named Marco I know I said to Michael I'll always be his girl but 5 years we gotta move on.. I work at hospital as a nurse as to help pay my bills which Julie barely does not to mention she had about six guys in and out the house every day I just got back from my shift at work..I sit down to enjoy a relaxed evening but it was rudely interupted by Julie and her "guy" friend Julie:hey Jennell wanna go out tonight? Me:as you see I just got back from work.. Julie:okay I was trying to be nice have you seen Blue?(her boyfriends nickname aka Raymond) Me:(Sighs)nope Julie:well --(interupted by the phone)Thats him She picks up the phone but to my surprise it's not him it's for me she hands me the phone Me:hello? Latoya:hey Jennell!! Me:Latoya? Latoya:the one and only!Guess what? Me:what? Latoya:Michael's coming home his plans lands at 5 Me:(looks at watch)damn it's 4:30 sorry but I can't make it.. Latoya:come on he misses you and is excited to see you I just talked to him Me:I got to pick up Marco from work at 5:15 Latoya:not him!(sighs)whats Michael gonna say when he finds out you broke your promise.. Me:I...what is he gonna say after 5 years? ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -I know BORING but thats the best I can do..aha I hate the complainers on here this site is now going to a waste just cause Michael's gone thats why we gotta make it feel like he's still with us so stop complaining Michael likes all these storys :P- ♥Jennell♥
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