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Met Him All Over Again--5
Hi my love how are you doing...ok i just wanted to say one thing, my ipod has been a life saver, first when im on the rode with my peoples...i have an i dea for my story i just pull it out and type my life away (ok so that wasnt important, but what the hell you guys are my MJ FAM i can tlk to you about anything even if it is irrelevant) so enjoy and VOTE!!! i love you my lovelys Chapter 5 We drove over to Michaels home and in neverland it was a park. We sat on the picnik tables and was just in silence looking at the sky. Michael: so who are you Leah? Me: looking at him with a raised eyebrow) boy aren't you nosie tonight. Michael: chuckling) well I don't know why but you intrigue me, I want to know everything there is to know about you. Me: well my name is Leah Michelle Williams, I am 21 years old, I was born And raised in Detroit until I was 7 then I moved to L.A. Michael: why did you move to L.A? Me: we moved because my father died and my mom was starting to get extremly depressed and she need a change so we packed up and moved here. Michael: sympathizing almost) I'm sorry about that. Me: shrugging it off) naw don't be, (looking at Michael) truth is I didn't know em' anyway. Michael: looking at my finger) you have a ring on your finger. Me: playing with my ring) yeah, I do. Michael: confused) your married? Me: correcting him) I was married...I'm sure you want to know about that too, huh? Michael: told you I wanted to know everything about you, but if I'm prying to much then you--- Me: no, it's ok... I umm I was married for 2 years and he died. He was a huge part of me we only knew each other for 3months before we got married and after he died I vowed to never love another the way I loved him. Michael: looking at me with sympaty in his eyes) but Me: grinning, pulling my hair behind my ears looking into his eyes deeply) but I have, I made a mistake and loved another as much as I loved John. Michael: it's not a mistake because I've found my love to. Me: leaning into Michaels lips, pulling back) I can't I'm sorry. Michael: why, why. Won't you kiss me? Me: Michael I don't condone what you are. Michael: what, you don't like that I'm famous. Me:no I don't like what you represent. Micahel: getting a little aggrivated) if you would come out with it maybe I could fix it. Me:your a sex symbol, Michael. Micahel: he got off of the table and walked around with his hands in his pockets.) that's not at all what I represent, i try to send out love, and the dancing it's what I feel when I feel the beat, when I feel what I love, what I'm doing...music. Remember I told you I didn't like my celebrity? Me: breatheless) yes. Michael: I meant it, if i could do what I'm doing now without the amount of success I have now...Leah I swear I'll take it in a heart beat, but I had to lose in order to win, and in my case I lost who I was in order to win what made me happy. Me: extremly embarrassed) I'm...I'm sorry i offend you, I didn't mean to. Michael: taking his spot back next to me on the picnik table) it's ok. Leah you didnt hurt me. Me: leaning back in for what I yearned to do since I met Michael. The kiss was extrodinary. He was perfect,how did I fall so hard so quickly, I shouldn't get my hopes up because he would only be out my life the second his first lady called for him And that would be...music. If this was ever to work I would come second all the time, but that should be the least of my worries now. He touched my face with love, he caressed my hips with so much care it felt like nothing I've ever felt before. I thought about John, what would he think of the decsicions I have made. He probably isn't angry with me, more happy than anything, because now I'm happy I have something...someone to feel this six month old hole in my soul. And I wasn't going to stop it for anything. Michael and I lips pulled apart. Me: my forehead rested against his) how did this happen. Michael: caressing my cheek with his thumb giggling a little) how did what happen? Me: giggling) how did I fall so quick? Michael:smiling, rubbing my cheek softly) I don't know but I'm glad you did. Me: yeah I'm glad I did to ( leaning in for another kiss) ok my loves how was it hahaha. i like this part so much i cant wait till you all read the rest this love is so gonna grow =) yayay. captivating--Kylay
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