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Sour Then Sweet -14-
-I know I have been laying off Best Job Ever but I just have no ideas when I do I'll post it :) Dedicated to the people who still try to get this site alive and not go on Ning so traders :P the oldest MJSites are the best :)) also dedicated to Michael Jackson himself Iloveyouhh :)))- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- * | * * | * * | * * | * ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Michael put one hand on the side of my face and I leaned in to kiss him,I couldn't explain this kiss it was like the one you always dreamed about.Michael's hands were locked around my waist and my hands were rubbing on his leg.. Even as bad as I didn't want it to stop I remember Julie and Chris.. Me:(pulling away)Julie and Chris(stands up) Michael:oh yeah(stands up and brushes my butt off) Me:erm,thanks(laughs) We go back inside and Julie and Chris are laughing alot I mean alot they were litterally crying Michael:whats so funny? Julie:none of your buisness(turns to Chris)well you better get going Chris:yeah Julie:I'll walk you to the door(takes him to the door) Me:well(sits down) Michael:she is getting on my nerves I heard kissing sounds coming from the door,Did she just kiss Chris on the first day meeting? Michael:did she just? Me:yeah Julie came back and Michael quickly kissed me deeply tounge and everything...Woo!!!At that point I was really turned on... Julie:what the hell!? Michael:(pulls away)what? Julie:why are you kissing on her? Michael:why are you kissing on him? Julie:(turns bright red)we didn't Me:don't hide it we heard it Julie:who are you? Me:some one that apreciates what they have Julie:what are you saying? Me:You treat Micheal so wrong when he deserves more than just some whore that likes anything that can walk you get mad at hime for things then you do them and you expect him not to say anything when you do it Michael is not like these other guys around here Michael is speacial and deserves someone speacial no someone like you Julie:why you speaking for him Michael:well let me make this simpler(says it slow)we are through Julie:I hate you Jennell I thought she was going to walk upstairs but instead she came up behind me and grabbed me by the hair I tured around and started to hit her but she had a good grip on my hair Michael had to get her off he did but then she started to hit on him I went over and slapped her in the face to knock some sense into her Julie:I hate you both(tears streaming down her face)I got you Jennell just wait(goes upstairs) Me:I think I made her mad I don't want to stay here Michael:lets grab your stuff and go to my house Me:why I'm not scared Michael:What did I say now go(pushes me upstairs) We go to my room and I start to get a few clothes I only packed 2 outfits Me:okay lets go Michael:um you need more than that Me:I'm only staying the night Michael:who said that? So I grabbed more clothes,then we left Michael offered to hold my bag on the walk there He held my hand he made me laugh alot at one point we had to stop walking and a take a breath Michael unlocked the door and opened it and there was loud music coming from the living room we walked in and Nikki,Kelz,and Lulu were there with Marlon,Jackie,and Jermaine Nikki:hey,were yall coming from? Me:erm,my house Michael:Jackie turn that down Jackie:cool it man alright Michael:we are going upstairs Michael takes me to his room I put my stuff down on the bed and sit down Michael gets his remote and lays on the bed and turns the t.v on I get my pillow and prop it up and lay next to him For some reason I was nervous Michael:I sense somthing's wrong(puts hand on my thigh) Me:(heartbeat quickens)Nothing Michael:tell me Me:(sighs)I feel bad... Michael:why? Me:cause I messed up everything it's all my fault Michael:It's not your fault it's totally Julie's,I never really loved her,I don't feel the same way when I with her then with you I like Julie,but I loved you took me awhile to relize it but I'm slow Me:(laughs)But I love your slowness Michael:(smiles)I make it look good I climbed on top of him and pinned his hands to the bed Me:you are too cute,Julie's Missing out Michael:(laughs)I know I never showed her this Michael kissed me and did somthing weird with his tounge which was sexy.. Lulu:(opens door)Woo!!erm,sorry(closed the door) Michael:(pulling away and bitting my bottom lip)been saving that Me:(licks lips)I could tell Michael:what did Luashia want? Me:I don't know Michael:Ima go downstairs Me:okay I'll change Michael left and I got my Pj's out and put them on it was Minnie Mouse short with a tank top I went downstairs and everyone was having fun I joined Michael on the one couch his brothers looked at us weird.. Me:what? Jackie:you two together? Michael:No not yet Jackie:why? Michael:Have to get things straight first Lulu:Ah I see,lets dance Jennell Me:Nah I don't feel like it They danced and had fun me and Michael sat there watching them,I laid on the couch with my head in his lap and he was rubbing my head(like a dog lol)I could hear under the music him humming a song which made me sleepy so I slowly fell asleep Acouple mins later I felt him pick me up bridle style and walk me upstairs and lay me on the bed I peeked my eyes opened and I saw him changing into Pj's(the least he got into was Boxers)he put them on and turned off the light and layed in bed I rolled over and layed my head on his chest and put one of my legs over his leg,he kissed the top of my head and said goodnight and I fell asleep to the sound of him breathing.. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -I hoped you liked it until next time- Jennell ♥ ♥ ♥ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
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