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True Friends Part 4 :)
Hey guyz, haven't wrote yesterday. Sorry about that! I didn't have any idea and had to sleep. I hope you guys like this part though :) Dedicated to my Sissy Spencer :D, to MJsite family, and to my readers! I love you all! :) <3 - Vicky xD **************************************************************** Recape: Miley smiled then went back running after Michael, she could hear Jacob saying "She looks hot!" Miley rolled her eyes when she hear him say that to the boys. Miley trapped Michael in the kitchen, he was about to run out and that's when she jumped on him. "BOOYAAA!" She screamed as they both fell with her on top of him. Continued: Michael fell with a loud thud on the marble kitchen floor with Miley falling on top of him. She had her hands on his chest, and he had his hands on her waist. They were both laughing hard at what just happened. "I've got girls jumping over me like always, and I never fell with a thud on the floor!" Michael laughed, "You're such a fatty! And get yo boobs outta ma face!" "Get YOUR face outta ma boobs, and I ain't fat! You're just too weak!" Miley smirked at Michael. "Me? Weak? Ah please!" He said proudly. Miley was going to stand up but Michael pulled her back on top of him. "What are you doing? Let me go" Miley said struggling to get off Michael. "You're a cute lil baby!" Michael said and kissed her nose. "Oh really? Then Imma get real ADORABLE!" Miley hissed and started punching his hands, "Dude, leave me! I don't wanna be on top of you" "Now that Miles, sounds so damn nasty" Michael smirked at her. "Ew! Man, I got a boyfriend. Lemme go!" Miley ordered him. "Nop!" Michael kissed her nose. "Ugh, I give up" Miley answered. She stayed in that position for a while. She was staring at him... His eyes! His brown eyes. For the first time Miley noticed how brown and beautiful are Michael's eyes. She felt hypnotized when she looked at him. She saw how beautiful Michael was. She just realised that. Michael had the same thought in his mind. He never saw Miley's eyes, her sea blue eyes. Such beautiful eyes, he thought. She was smiling at him and so did he. They were both lost in a daze, until... They got locked in a "Kiss" Jacob, Jackie and Marlon came inside the kitchen to check where did the thud come from. And to thier surprise they saw Miley and Michael on the floor together kissing. Jacob... Felt very betrayed. The last thing he thought was Miley cheating on him with her best friend. He stood there, shocked! Until he spoke at last. "Miley?" Jacob chocked out, "What are you doing?" When Michael heard Jacob's voice he moved his hands from Miley's waist as fast as possible and opened his eyes and pulled away from her. Miley got up hastily and looked at Jacob's face experssion. She was hurt, because she knew how much HE was hurt by this! "No, Jacob! Please don't rush things. It wasn't ---" "Oh don't go with the 'It wasn't what you think it was' shit, I know what I saw!" Jacob shouted at her. "Miley fell on me Jacob" Michael stood up and got himself straigh, "That's it!" "Don't play with me Michael, I know what I saw!" "Oh... Kay!" Michael said and got back. "Coming here was a big mistake" Jacob hissed at Miley. "No Baby" Miley touched his hand "Listen to me" "A very big mistake" Jacob pulled his hand and stomped out the room to his car. Miley ran after him but it was too late. She heard the car screeching and Jacob's car disapeared out the gate. Miley looked at Michael and gave him the meanest look ever! She ran up the stairs to her room crying and slammed the door. "Wow, Michael she's very pissed" Marlon patted Michael's back. "Yeah, why the hell did you kiss her? I mean you know Jacob was here!" Jackie told him. "Alright! I know I messed up big time, don't make me feel more guilty than I am feeling right now for Christ's sake!" Michael scolded them and stomped to his room angrily and slammed his bedroom door as loud as he can. "Oh...Kay? That was quiet weird!" Jackie said awakwardly. "I know right? I mean Michael's like the shyest person on planet earth" Marlon laughed, "Who would've thought he'd do such a thing!" "Yeah! Well, whatever! I'm gonna call Mel!" "Yup, I'm calling Trish!" Marlon and Jackie grinned and ran to the phone to call thier girlfriends. Back in Michael's room, he was feeling extremly guilty. He was staring at the ceiling thinking why did he do THAT? He didn't mean to kiss her. It just happened. But weirdly Miley was kissing him back. There was one thing missing... The "Sparkle"... The tingly feeling that you feel when you've got someone you love beside you, or when you're kissing him/her. Michael didn't feel that sparkle while kissing Miley. Which was weird. He thought he would feel it but he didn't. Although he did keep on kissing her. He felt he got addicted to her lips, when his lips touched hers, he got addicted he had to keep kissing her. But the sparkle was missing. Why? Miley was cuddled in her bed crying her eyes out. She can't believe Michael would do such a thing. And now Jacob left her all alone crying like that. She loves Jacob, he's the only one she truly loves. She doesn't want to lose him. It was all because of Michael, she kept thinking that. But she has to blame a little on herself too. She was kissing Michael back. Why is that? Its like she loved the feeling of his lips brushing against his, so she wanted to keep kissing back. Until Jacob came in and it was a disaster. She saw him walk away from her. She feels so hurt inside. Like she lost a part of her heart. Even though Miley kissed Michael back, the Sparkle and the tingly feeling she feels inside wasn't there. She would always feel nervous when she's with Jacob. And that's "love" for her. But when she was kissing Michael. It was .... Ordinary! Why? Michael knocked on Miley's door, "GET AWAY!" Miley hissed back at him. She didn't want to see him. "Miles, I'm so sorry, please talk to me!" "NO! I DON'T WANT TO! STAY OUT!" Michael ignored her and enetered her bedroom. He saw her crying on her bed. He felt so ashamed! He ruined his best friend's love life. He sat at the edge of her bed and started caressing her hair. But Miley pushed his hand away, "Leave me alone Michael!" "I'm really sorry Miles, please... Listen do me" "There's nothing to listen to, you ruined this!" "Miles ---" Michael was interupted by Miley's phone ringing. She pushed Michael aside and answered her phone, "Hello!" She said trying not to sound as if she was crying. "SMILEY! HOW ARE YOU?" The person at the other end shouted. "Spence, hey! I'm okay" Miley lied to her best friend. Spence knew better, she knew that there was something wrong, "You okay? Were you crying Smiles?" Spence asked. "No, I'm not crying" "Bullshit, I'm coming over. And I'm killing the bastard who made you cry" Miley let a slight giggle at Spence, she knew her best friend was always protective of her. "Alright Spence!" "That bastard is gonna have a piece of meh!" Spence said and hung up. Miley threw her phone at Michael and glared at him and started crying all over again. "No, please don't cry!" Michael said pleadingly. "Do you know how much I love Jacob?" Miley cried, "I love him so much and I'm about to lose him" "Miles..." Michael's voice faded away. Miley hugged him and started crying on his shoulder, "I want him back. I can't afford to lose him. I love him!" "Shhh, if he loves you he'll be back. Trust me!" Michael said and rubbed her back. "I love him..." Her voice fadded away. ~~*2 hours later*~~ Miley cried for 1 hour straight. Right now she has her head on Michael's lab while Michael was caressing her hair trying to make her feel better. Miley loved Michael, he was her best friend. She couldn't stay angry at him for long. He was there for her. She just has to wait for Jacob to calm down.... And Maybe things will be better. "Miles?" Michael said, "I gotta tell you something" "Me too Mike!" She sat straight in front of him, "You start!" "No, ladies first" Michael smiled. "Thank you" Miley smiled back, "When I kissed you..." Miley started, "I didn't feel... the spark I'm supposed to be feeling! Why is that?" "Wow, I was going to say the same thing" "Oh... Well, I don't know why I kissed back. Its just that you're so addicting!" Miley blushed. Michael let out a sligh giggle, "The same thing happened to me. Do you want... To try again?" Michael asked while looking down. "I don't know Mike?" Miley said unsure about herself. "Just to try again? Maybe see if we can feel it?" "Alright" "Well... Okay!" Michael said. After a few seconds Michael leaned in to kiss Miley and she did too. She closed her eyes and so did he. Their lips were inches away and... Locked in a kiss! They kissed for about two minutes and pulled back. "Well...?" Michael and Miley asked at the same time. To be continued... **************************************************************** Hope you guys liked it! :D Next part will be up soon. :) Don't 4get to vote n ENJOY! :D Until next time! <3
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