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Met Him All Over Again--2
HAHAHA see how stupid i am i spelled my own name wrong smdh lol well i had 4 positive votes lol and i am proud of it lol so here is some more of my story enjoy my loves... Chapter2 Today was MJ day and I wasn't that exited about it, Jeremy had to work so it was me jessie and Carlisle and no one was as happy as he was he had more energy than any gay guy I knew. We pulled into the parking lot and walked into the stadium and it was packed I thought that I would rather be in bed cuddled up to Johns pillow. I must admit Jessie had got some great tickets we could basiclly touch Michael if we wanted to. We spent about 3 to 4 hours listening to this music that I didn't really like I mean of course I had some that I liked but this just wasn't me. After the concert I was ready to go home and luckily for Jessie she made it out before me but carlisle heard that Michael was signing autographs in the back and really wanted his MJ picture signed, I wanted to refuse him but I couldn't I know how he felt about Michael and if I told him no he would probably hate me. We got to the back and there were hundreds of people standing in line I was ready to turn around but Carlisle pursuaded me to stay. We finaly made it to Michael and Carlisle was screaming like he was of the many girls that Michael Jackson had encountered in our 2 hour wait in line. Me: Carlisle please ok we get it it's michael Jackson calm down, and can we make this quick I'm ready to go. Carlisle: near tears) you don't get it, this is Michael Jackson Me: yeah and. Michael Jackson: finshing his signature) ok... Here you are sir, ma'am would you like an autograph picture? Me: looking surprised) umm no thanks, I'm not into this kind of music. Come on Carlisle let's go. Michael: wait,ummm would you like to get a t-shirt then. I was so ready to go but this guy was super determained to please his fan. Carlisle looked at me with puppy dog eyes and, I could hear the angery fans in the background. Me:ugh... Yeah that would be nice... Whispering nto carl's ear). You owe me. We were sent to Michaels dressing room and I was so angery with him for making us wait til he finished singing all those autographs just for a stupid shirt. When he walked in the room we were just about to leave because i was not going to wait any longer. Michael: looking a little sad) where are you going? Me:it's getting late and I need to go home? Michael: please dont leave, the shirts are in here come on, if you leave your friend wouldn't be too happy. Carlisle: pleaseee, do this for me! Me:ok but can you make this fast. Michael: smiling a half smile) sure I'll try. We stood there for about 5 minutes before he told us he didn't have the shirts in the room. Me: ok well bye. Michael: well I have an Idea, how about you give me your address and telephone number so I can mail it to you how does that sound. Me: fine. (I muttered) anything to get the heck out of here. I wrote my name, number and address down and left. Michaels p.o.v Bodyguard: you never do that what was that about? Michael: smiling tapping the pen in the palm of his hand) I don't know...buts it's something about that girl and how else was I going to get her information. Bodygurd: laughing at Michael's crazy plan) your the man. My P.ov I dropped Carl off and finally made it home I called him telling him that I made it home safely and then I went to bed. I woke up to my door bell ringing. I opened the door to see who it was and to my surprise it was a man dressed in a black tux,wearing suglasses, handing me a box. I looked around the man to see that there was a limbo with some one in it but I couldn't make the person out. I accepted the package and threw it on the table. I sat in front of it wondering what could it possabliy be. Finally I opened it and it was a Michael Jackson t- shirt with a note stuck to it. The note said " hello, Leah this is Michael sending the shirts that I promised you. I'm sorry for the wait so I put something extra in the box I hope you enjoy the gifts" I put the shirt and note on the other side of the box and pulled out the rest of the stuff Michael sent. He sent me a coffee mug with his name on it, then I pulled out a hat with his face on it,then I seen another piece of paper in the box I pulled it out and it had a number on one side and an address on the other side. I sat back in the chair with the piece of paper in my hand and smiled to myself. I didn't want to believe this was happening to me so i balled up the paper and threw it out. I went on with my regular scheduele and got home late as usual. I checked my answering machine it was only messages from my mom telling me about her neighbors and there worsem dog, another from my sister updating me on how being a new mom was going for her... from the sound of it she was doing great, but the baby was crying bloody murder. I thought to call them both but I didn't want to calling them it would only depress me more comparing my lives to theirs as we talked about what was going on with them and that wasn't the best part of my day at all.I didn't want to talk to them because I would sit there in silence while they told me about the greatness of their day and then I would come up with some lame excuse to get off the phone so I could go back to my pitiful life. Once I got my self ready for bed I got a call from an unknown number so I picked it up. Me: confused) hello? ???:Is this Leah. Me: leaning agianst my counter with my free arm folded under the other) yes and Who is this? ???: Michael Jackson. So what about this part do i got something or what lol and did you notice a little bit of my TWILIGHT craziness spilled out hahahaha yeah so make sure you vote vote vote and tell me what you think lets communicate lmao but thanks for reading love you my loves. Captivating--Kylay
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