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True Friends Part 1 :)
Hey guyz, I don't know what's wrong with me? lol. A new idea poped up and I HAD to write it. I mean I was going to ignore it, but I couldn't... I had to write something :P I hope you guys like it though :D. Alright, I'm not that much of a fan of "Miley Cyrus" I used to LOVE her, but she changed... So I'm not that much of a fan, I love her old songs though. So the story is based on Miley and Michael. Okay? :) And I tried a new sense of writing lol. I wanted to write something totally new! :) This is dedicated to MJsite family, and who ever loves my stories. To Spence, my Sissy. And to of course, Michael Jackson! :D <3 - Vicky xD **************************************************************** Sixteen year old Miley saw her best friend in the airport standing there looking for someone. Her best friend, Michael, spotted her and ran to hug her shouting "Miles", when Miley saw him she ran up to him. Michael dropped his bags and Miley jumped on him hugging him. "I missed you so much" whispered Michael to Miley's ear. "Me too Mikey". Miley remembered when they were young she gave him the name Mikey. And she would always call him by that nickname. He knows that if Miley called him Michael, it means that she's angry at him. Michael placed Miley down and picked up his bags. "So, where's the car?" Michael asked Miley. "Guess what?" "What?" "I got a new car!" Miley jumped happily. "You did?" Michael's face shone, seeing how happy his best friend was. "Yes, Yes I did. Daddy got it for me for my 16th birthday!" Miley pouted at Michael, "I'm sad from you Mikey, you weren't here on my birthday!" She hit him on his shoulder. "Awwh, I'm sorry Smiley, I had the smelly tour going on" Michael answered as he kissed her cheek. "I'll make it up to you" "You better!" Miley laughed. Miley and Michael! They've been best friends since they were toddlers. But... They were never romantically involved. They weren't attracted for each other, that's for sure. But they would compliment each other from now and then. It makes the press go high, spreading rumours about them dating. Which makes Michael furious sometimes. "How was the tour?" Miley asked Michael as they were moving to her car. "Oh man, it was GREAT! If you could see the face of my fans, I just love to perform on stage" Michael gave a shiny smile to Miley. "I know you do Mikey, I've seen you on TV... You were terrific" She hugged Michael and stopped in front of a red Porsche, http://www.autoalerts.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/2010-porsche-911-gt3-00.jpg Michael looked at Miley, and Miley gave a grin and shouted "MY CAR!" "You're car?" Michael gasped, he was surprised at how beautiful the car was. And red, his favourite color. He was amazed by it. He loved it. "Can I drive?" he asked Miley with a smile. "Nope!" Miley said proudly and jumped into the front seat. "Put your bags and get in Mikey" Michael put his bags in the trunk of the car and came and sat in the passenger seat beside Miley and smiled as he saw her getting her seat belt on, and fixing the mirror to start driving. Miley looked at Michael. She thought that he changed a lot, http://media.photobucket.com/image/michael%20jackson%201973/Tholstrup83/Michael%20Jackson%20-%20My%20collection/1973JimBritt2Shoot5.jpg?o=33 "Since when do you have abs mister?" She patted his chest. "Hey, what's wrong with me having abs?" Michael laughed at her question. "They look... Muscular!" "That's a good thing right?" "Of course dummy!" Miley laughed at Michael and started moving the car to unpark it. "We're gonna die!" Michael said teasingly to Miley. "Oh hush up!" Michael looked at Miley, he realised she did change too. 1 year away and she already had the perfect curves. http://media.photobucket.com/image/miley%20cyrus%202009/Swinging_Sixties/Miley%20Cyrus/MileyCyrus025GlamourMay2009.jpg?o=17 "You asking me about my abs? Girl look at you!" Michael told her smiling, "You've got the perfect pacage, look at your behind!" he said as he slapped her behind, "And hey, not only the behind grew, something grew too, but I ain't allowed to touch it!" Michael said refering to her chest. "Mikey, why are you so silly? You know what girls say about you nowadays?" Miley smirked at Michael. "Nop!" "Well I ain't tellin ya." Miley teased Michael. "Mean!" Miley drove off from the airport and was utterly quiet. It was a long way from the airport till his parent's mansion. Miley lives with Michael and his brothers. Her parents are living away, and Miley did not want to leave Michael. So her parent's understood her situation and let her live with the Jacksons. Although, they visit often. Especially in important occasions. Michael was going to touch the radio to open some music. But as he was about to touch it Miley slapped his hand. "Ow! What was that for?" He said rubbing his hand. "Remember one thing Michael Jackson, do not touch my car." "Fiesty! Alright, I won't touch a thing. But, its so quiet in here. Open something!" "Hmm... Alright!" Miley opened the radio and the DJ went on talking "Miley Cyrus's new single 'True friend' is on right now." And then 'True friend' started playing. Michael smiled as he heard his best friend sing. Then he started singing along, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csnTfdfnU5Y "We sign our cards and letters B.F.F You've got a million ways to make me laugh Your looking out for me you've got my back It's so good to have you around" Michael sang while popping his leg to the beat. Miley smiled at him and sang the next verse, "You know the secrets I could never tell And when I'm quiet you break through my shell Don't feel the need to do a rebel yell Cause you keep my feet on the ground" Then both of them sang the chorus together in harmony, "You're a True Friend You're here till the end You pull me aside when something ain't right You talk with me now and into the night Till it's alright again Your a True Friend" They were singing as loud as they can with the music popping in their ears. And dancing. Although, Michael was dancing the most. Because he was a better dancer, and Miley knew it. Miley just loved her best friend very much. He was always by her side, Michael... She thought of him as an angel. The brother she never got to have. Michael was her life! The best thing she has aside from Spence. He was the closest! Spence was her second closest friend, she loved her as her sister. They were so close to each other. So they were one happy family. Michael, Spence and... Miley! But... Will that go on? Will they become best friends 'Forever'? Who knows what's coming next for them? For this happy family. To be continued... **************************************************************** Finito for now :) I hope you guys liked the 1st part. And I'm cancelling "Paralyzed love" that story STINKS and that's it lol. And I'm completeing "The perfect man" too :D Don't 4get to vote! :D +10 :) Pweaaseee.
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