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Hi guys my name is Luke as you all knowâ?¦I just want to thank my girl Caitlyn Bug, her sister Sarah and Maria, Carly, and my girls bros David and Chris. Iâ??m 13 and I hope you guys like the story. Because this is my first one. I was waiting at the bus stop with my pals Michael. And if anyone doesnâ??t know who Iâ??m talking about, Michael Jackson(he looks like he does in Thriller ). David and Chris. It was a cold October. And I had to forget a coat. out of nowhere arms flew around my waist. I turned to see a pink ski hat. Then the person lifted up their heads and I saw the hypnotizing green eyes. It was the girl I have a thing for, Mary Caitlyn Inman. But you call her Mary and youâ??ll get a ear full. So everyone knows to call her, Caitlyn. I just call her Caitlyn Bug. She my not like it but sheâ??ll have to deal with it. I saw her sisters and her cousin. Her sister Sarah, and her sister Maria. Or as people call her Maria Lee. And her cousin Carly. Maria is Michaelâ??s girlfriend for 3 months now. Carly and Chris are I think is dating nowâ?¦and Sarah and David I have no idea. (Caitlyn): â??Luke, itâ??s 68 out and you have no coat on?â? (Me): â??guess I have no brain, Caitlyn Bug.â? (Caitlyn): â??I guess so.â? (Maria):-hugs Michael- â??hi, baby.â? (Michael): â??hi Maria Bear.â? I heard Chris let out a small laugh. Fallowed by a sharp slap. Carly had slapped Chris on his arm. (Chris): â??that hurt you know.â? (Carly): â??well, you shouldnâ??t laugh at them.â? (Chris): â??butâ?¦â? (carly): â??no buts.â? (David): â??sheâ??s losing that battle already.â? (Carly): â??WHAT WAS THAT DAVID!!!â? (David): â??nothing.â? (Sarah): â??smooth move, David. Smooth move.â? I was so into Caitlynâ??s eyes I couldnâ??t care less what they were fighting about. She had her hair under her pink ski hat and her black gloves with her white gloves on. Her arms were still around my waist. I started to lean down when the bus cameâ?¦I cussed under my breathâ?¦just when I was about to kiss her. We got on the bus and out of no where, Ethan came on and put a arm around Caitlyn and shoved me into the other seat. (Ethan): â??So sexy, have anybody to date yet.â? (Sarah):-shoves him off her- â??when are you going to get it through your thick skull that sheâ??s not interested. (Ethan): â??when me and her have some alone time.â? (Carly&Maria): â??which will never happen your prev.â? (Ethan): â??Iâ??m the prev and Luke slaps her butt and kisses her cheek?â? (David): â??dude, him and Caity Cat are friends.â? (Chris): â??so shove ya foot up ya ass before I shove mine in yours to shut you up.â? (Ethan) â??youâ??ll pay for that, Chrissy Chris!!!â? Chris punches Ethan and they start a full ot brawl on the bus. The bus driver comes to break it up but Ethanâ??s pals come and stop him. (pal1): â??sorry old man, Ethan, donâ??t like being disturbed. (Carly): â??do something!!! Heâ??s gonna kill him!!!â? I was ture Ethan my be a idiot bt he does know how to fight. And Chris is learning the hard way. I look to see Caitlyn wasnâ??t with Sarah, Maria, or Carly anymore. But I did see Andrea over there with them. (Caitlyn): â??Ethan Andrew Rockmore!!! You put Chris down this instant!!!-Ethan kept on punching Chris hard in the face- â??thatâ??s it.â? I saw Caitlyn walk over to Ethan and got him off of Chris and slammed him onto the bus window. She held his head pushing him into it. I remember she had a temper when it comes down to people hurting her friends. And when it comes to Chrisâ?¦nobody better do thatâ?¦and I mean nobody!!!! As I was saying she had Ethanâ??s head pushing it into the window. (Caitlyn): â??not so tuff now are you, big boy!!!â? (Andrea): â??Caitlynâ?¦now your gonna kill him!!â? (Sarah): â??Mary Caitlyn!!! Let him go!!! (Maria): â??right now!!!â? Caitlyn let go of Ethan and started to turn around. Ethan did a dirty trick that got my blood boilingâ?¦he slapped her butt. Caitlyn turned around a sent a big right hook into Ethanâ??s face. Mentle note to Ethan: donâ??t make, Caitlyn made. Caitlyn went to Chris who was wiping blood off his face. She got her scarf and started wiping it away. She my have a short fuse at times but she is a very sweet little girl when you give her a chance to be. And sheâ??s very funny. After that Chris kept Caitlyn Bugs Scarf to his cut that wouldnâ??t stop bleeding I sat with him, Michael, and David. And Caitlyn sat with Andrea, Sarah, Carly and Maria. Ethan on the other hand is knocked out and his pals are trying to wake him up. So the first day of a new school is going wellâ?¦I looked back at Caitlyn who was laughing around with Andrea singing some song they made upâ?¦something about a shewolf in my closet. They are so oddâ?¦bt you gotta love them. I just hope this yearâ?¦I can say how is feel about Caitlyn this timeâ?¦I hope I can. Iâ??ll get help from Mikeâ?¦or even Sarah, Maria, and carly. Either wayâ?¦I hope I can get enough curage to ask her out. We made it to school. Caitlyn ran to me and got my handâ?¦we walked of the bus together. TBCâ?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦.............. So howâ??d you like this chapter? Part 2 will be here soon. This is my first story so bear with me.-Luke
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