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Michael and Nadirah: Human Nature 5
THANKZ 4 READING ONCE AGAIN GUYS :)..... MICHAEL JACKSON:)and R.I.P PATRICK SWAYZE :( My mom just caught me kissing Michael unforunately. So I wondered how this was going to turn out. Mom: So who was that Me:(★acting dumb★) who was who , what are you talking about Mom: you know what im talking about , dont act like you dont know who was that boy you were kissing Me: ohh ummmm that was Michael Jackson Mom: Nadirah stop playing games i am dead serious, who the hell was that boy Jennifer: Ms. Armstrong that was really Michael Jackson we was hangig with them, we ran into them when we were walking to the concert, they offered us to ride with them in the limo Me: yeah basically what she said Mom: Are You SERIOUS, WOWWWWWW, im happy for you guys but thats not the point why were you kising him Nadirah Me: idk because i guess we like eachother Mom: Like eachother what you mean like eachother yall just met today Me: i know mom but idk he was just so nice and we had this connection and well i didnt know he was going to kiss me he came out of nowhere Mom: well atlast if your going to kiss a Jackson you should bring him over here sometimes, well if your ever going to see him again you know Me:(★excited★) yeah we are , we are going to hang out tomorrow Mom: ohhhh okay well its getting late its time to go to bed, oh but Jennifer are you sleeping over Jennifer: Yeah i almost forgot let me call my mom , so she wont worry about me While Jennifer was calling her mom i started to get ready for bed. It was 2 o'clock in the morning and all i could think about was Michael. I started to put on my pajamas and tried to drift off to sleep but i just couldnt. I had to much on my mind to be going to sleep. I was wondering why would he pick me. I mean i think i am an okay person but you know , well idk. I stared out the stars all night and didnt go to sleep until 4 in the morning. I open my eyes and the sun is shining on my face.All i could think was " Yesterday a dream". I got up and accidentally stepped on Jennifers butt. Jennifer:(★moaning★) owwwwwww man cant you see im trying to sleep GOSH Me: sorry gesh it was an accident inplus its 11 o'clock time to get up anyway I kick her and run into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and then get into the shower. My mom was cooking breakfast so I go downstairs and i here people talking. Jennifer was there scarfing down her food like she never ate one time in her life. Me: Dang Jennifer your food is not going anywhere clam down and take a rest, making it seem like its going to run away or something. She looks at me with this evil look. But i forgot you cant mess with her when shes eating. The phone rings and my mom picks it up. In the meanwhile i make my breakfast and sit down at the table. I here my mom talking and laughing and asking who the person is on the phone. Then i see her coming towards me with the phone. Hated when people called when i was eating and i just thought it was one of my moms friends wanting to talk to me again. I signal my mom so she wont give me the phone. Mom: But Nadirah its Michael Jumping out of my seat Me: ohhhhhhhh you should have just told me it was. Hands me the phone Me: hello Michael: Hey nadirah its Michael Me: oh hey wats up what are you doing Michael: nothing just here wondering if we are still on for today Me: i mean yeah ofcourse if you know you still want to Michael: duhhhhh thats why im asking you(★laughing★) Me:(★giggling★) oh yeah so ummm what time are we going to be hanging Michael: well i have to do something for my mom first but i'll say around like ummmm 3:00, is that good for you Me: yeah its good well i'll see you then okay Bye Michael: bye shorty I drop the phone, stuff the rest of the food in my mouth and i run upstairs. I couldnt find anything to where. So i just put on some jeans a nice shirt and some shoes. It was 2:30 and i just couldnt wait until it hit 3:00. Wish i had something to do until that time but Jennifer went home already , so i just sat there and watched some t.v. It hit 3 and i was so excited but not for long because it started to hit 3:30 but i was jus thinking to myself " ahhh he probably got caught up in something". But then it hit 4 and i was definetely starting to get anxious. Thinking to myself is he going to stood me, but he couldnt he didnt seem like that. We had this whole day planned. It was 4:30 and i was still there waiting for Michael. To Be Continued.
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