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Business With Pleasure Part 8
Woooo! Im soo glad school is finally over for me! To warn you, this is probably the saddest part I've ever written, but I hope you like it. Dedicated to my angel in disguise, Michael Jackson! I looked at Michael and saw a hint of seriousness on his face. He just asked me to be his girlfriend. Honestly, I wanna say no cause he is still "married" to Lisa Marie, and I dont wanna share him. If we're gonna be together he needs to be ALL MINE. But as of now, I can't. Me:Seriously? Michael:Yes. Me:Gosh, ehhh I-I'll think about it. I need to clear my mind, you know? Michael:Yeah, I do. I dont wanna force you to be with me if you don't want to. Me:Ummm, I gonna go get S and A things for tonight. Ava:Mommy, can we stay here? Me:Fine with me. You wanna stay too, flash. Shawn:Yeah! Me:They're so attached to you, Michael. Michael:(smiles)What can I say? Children love me. Me:(smirks)I know they do. Oh, and since I didn't say yes to your question, when you give the puppy dog face it doesn't work. Michael:Darn! Now I gotta think of something else. Me:Trust me, that wont work neither. Michael:We'll see about that. I got in my car and drove to my house to get S and A's things. On my way there, I noticed a black mercades with tainted windows was following me. Every turn I made, so did the person. Every stop I made, so did the person. I thought that if I continue driving to my house, this person will know where I live and Im not gonna put my family in danger like that. I sped up and started driving fast as hell to get rid of them. After a few sharp turns, dodging a few cars out of my way, and running red lights, I looked back and noticed I lost them. I made a U-turn and drove to my house as planned. I got S and A's pajamas and their toothbrushed. I would have brung their toys and stuff, but I didn't cause Michael has enough entertainment for them. But I did bring Ava's Pookie stuffed bear cause she never sleeps without him. I drove back to Neverland in hops of not having to be in a car chase again. Luckily, I didn't see them. When I got there, I heard giggles coming from the arcade room. I seen Ava and Michael playing air hockey, and Shawn was playing race car. Me:(smiles)Playing without me? Michael:We were gonna wait for you, but you took too long. Me:Rude much. Ava:(hugs my leg)Don't be mad, you know we love you, Mommy. Me:(kisses the top of her head)I do. Shawn:(runs to me)I want a kissy too. Me:(kisses his forehead)Better? Shawn:(smiles)Yeah! Michael:What about me? Me:Come here then. Michael:(walks to me) Me:(whispers in his ear)Not even in your dreams, baby. Michael:I can never get through to you, can I? Me:You should try harder. Michael:I will. We all started playing the games in the arcade, but after maybe 24 minutes, we got bored and went outside since it was still daylight. We were playing tag and hide and go seek. Running all over Neverland as our laughs echoed around us. It was a great feeling too. When we were playing hide and go seek, Shawn hid somewhere and neither of us could seem to find him. For the moment, Michael kinda disappeared too, but came back with an arm full of candy. He had skittles, twizzlers, twix, and sour patch, which I love! Michael:Look what I got. Ava:(runs to him)Ooo, skittles! Me:I love sour patches! Shawn:(pops out of nowhere)Candy? Michael:I'd knew you'll show up for candy. Me:Where were you? Shawn:(points to a bush)Behind that. Michael:The one place we didn't look. Me:You're great at that ga-(phone rings) Ava:Phone! Me:Do you always have to do that? Ava:Yeppity yep! Me:(answers it)Hello, hello, hellooo? ?:Ehh...Is this Rebecca? Me:Yes, who am I speaking to? ?:The one you had sex with earlier. Me:What? ?:Its Tommy. Me:(smiles)Hey, Tommy! How did you get my number? (walks somewhere else) Tommy:Nikki gave it to me. Me:How did he get it? Tommy:Nikki has every girls' number, dude. Me:I should've known. Tommy:What are you doing tomorrow? Me:Well, today's Friday so...Im free tomorrow. Why? Tommy:I uhhh...Was wondering if you would like to go with me somewhere. Me:Like a date? Tommy:You can say that. Me:(smiles)Great, I'd love to! Tommy:So, I'll see you tomorrow? Me:Of course. Tommy:Ok, bye. Me:Bye. (hangs up and walks back to Michael and my kids) Michael:(eats a twizzler)I've got one question. Me:For who? Michael:You. Me:K, shoot. Michael:Who's Tommy? Me:A person. Michael:In what way? Me:You're nosey! Michael:I just wanna know. Its an innocent question. Me:He's a friend of mines that I met earlier. Does that answer your question? Michael:Yes, but what does he do? Me:You said one question, Mike. Michael:I just wanna know. Ava:(hits Shawn)Tag you're it! Shawn:(runs)No! Me:Im not answering anymore. Michael:Why not? He too good for me to know about? Me:No, cause its non of your business. Michael:Im making it my business. You know Im not the nosey type, but I care about you and I need to know these things. Me:You really wanna know? Michael:Yes, please? Me:You gotta have me at gun point for me to tell you. Michael:Becca, why are you so stubborn? Me:No comment, Im going to the store. Michael:For what? Me:(walks away)Gum. Michael:(grabs my hand)No, I want you to stay here. Me:(glares at him) Michael:(lets me go)Fine. Go. Ava:(runs to me)Mommy, where you going? Me:To the store, sunshine. Ava:Can I come? Me:If you want. Ava:Yay! She skipped to the car while I walked. She sat in the back and put on her seat belt as I started the car and drove away from Neverland. Who does Michael think he is? The king of the world? Well, he kinda is, but that doesn't give him the right to be all up in MY business. I know he loves me, but sometimes he has a way of showing it that I hate. Why does he care anyway? The store was only 2 blocks away at Redondo Beach and all I wanted was a pack of gum. The sun started to set at this time too. We went to the store, I bought a juicy fruit gum and Ava wanted an Ice cream sandwhich. On our way back, I shifted gears for the last stretch to Neverland, but when I did, there was a puddle of something wet in the street. And when I shifted on the puddle, I hit the gas too hard and the car spun sideways out of control maybe 26 feet up the street and stopped in to on-coming traffic. But there was no traffic. Except for one car. The black mercades I had the car chase with earlier. It drove up the hill and smashed into the passenger side of the car. I blacked out. *Michael's Point Of View* Maybe 7 minutes passed and Rebecca and Ava still haven't returned from the store. Its only, I think, 2 blocks away from here so it shouldn't take that long. For some odd reason, to add fear to my mind, a feeling came over me and it wasn't a positive one. I felt like something happened, but I pray to god nothing did. Then, an ambulance and police car rushed passed my house to the route Becca went to go to the store. Instantly, I grabbed Shawn's hand, whom was running circles around me, and ran down the street to the store. When I got there, it looked like a car crash had happened a few feet away from the store. There were people gathered around the police tape that the cops put up. I looked over and seen Rebecca sitting on the curb with her head in her hands. As I started running to her, Shawn shouted to me. Shawn:(points and cries)Michael, look! I looked at where he was pointing and seen one of Ava's high-top shoes that she always wore, in the middle of the street. I hugged Shawn and thought, "Oh God, this is bad!" I calmed down Shawn long enough to check on Rebecca. *My Point Of View* I got away unharmed. Only a few scratches on my face, but that's it. I don't even know what just happened. I know the car spun out of control, but after that I was blank. I heard footsteps quickly approach me, and I knew it was Michael and Shawn cause I could hear Shawn trying to hold back his tears. Michael put his hand on my shoulder and I stood up and just looked at him. Then, it dawned on me. I broke down crying as Michael comforted me. My 4-year-old daughter, Ava Nicole McMichaels, died in my arms that night. To Be Continued........ *Its All For Love, L.O.V.E* I told you it was the saddest part I've ever written. I actually was crying a little while writing it cause true by one of my personal experiences. Hope you liked it!
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