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Promises. <3 PART 3
Hey, it took literally weeks to get this part together. My mind has been really blank lately lol. Soo... this is for MJSite, the readers, Michael Jackson, and the ning homies! Enjoy, and sorry for any mistakes ----------------------- 1 year later. Seniors in high school, finally! If you're wondering about Michael and I, we're practically great friends, he knows my family, I know his family. He's almost like a brother to me, atleast that's how I see him.. I'd kill for him if I had to. I could go to him when I have problems and he would actually hear me out and understand me. He would also do the same. He knows almost everything about me too.. I could go on all day. And by the way I did get used to LA. It was actually better for me than where I lived ibefore, it was more... relaxed; chilled; peaceful, y'know? Even though the violence in Compton was entertaining, I like it here better. Btw, Samone & I are also good friends.. she's like my other half. I tell her everything and I can actually trust her, unlike some other people... and I made a lot of other friends.. but Michael & Samone are the main ones. Soo right now at this very moment, Michael, Samone, and I are shopping at the mall buying stuff for prom, which was coming up in a couple of weeks. Michael:Can I take off this disguise now? I look ridiculous and its to hot to be wearing this fake, itchy, mustache. Samone:No, you can't take it off. Me:Who cares about disguises... We walked around this damn place like 1000 times! My feet hurt.. and I'm hungry. Samone:We just ate! Me:That was only like.. 45 minutes ago. Michael:*laughing*Yeah... 'only'. Me:*punches his arm*Shut up! Samone:Haha. You don't need no more food, Shanice. Me:Yes I do! Samone:Unless you wanna fit in that dress you bought for prom, no you don't. Me:*crosses my arms*Meany. But- Ooh! *runs to the store display window* I wanna buy those heels! Michael:Are you sure that you can even walk in those? Me:No... but beauty is pain! Samone:What about dancing.. you can't dance in that ish! Me:Who said I was gonna dance? Michael:You're not gonna have any fun if you don't. Samone:Right. But back to those heels! You would bust your ass in those... Me:You're right... but, I can just take em off when I'm ready to dance! And plus, girls might have to do that if they don't wanna crush peoples' feet with their roach killing high heels. Michael:*shakes his head*pffft. Females... Me:You wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for a female. Samone:Exactly. Michael:Well... I should go buy my dress for prom too. Me:WHAAAT!? Samone:*laughs* Michael:I'm kidding! *giggles*But that's what we've been doin' all day.. Buying dresses for yall two! Where's the tux's & stuff? Me:We'll get to that later.. Samone:Yeah, ladies first. Michael:You two are lucky that I'm a nice person. Samone:Yeah, yeah, yeah. Later, Samone had to leave because she had babysitting to do. So... it was just me and Michael. We still had fun here at the mall, although it would be better if Samone was here. Well finallyy.. we went to a store for Michael to pick his suit. Me:Oooh.. how bout' this one? Michael:Eh...No. Me:Why not? Michael:That looks like a pimp suit! Me:Well... what about this one? Michael:Hmm..... I like it. Its better than the first one. Me:Well......? Take or leave. Michael:Take. Michael bought his things, and later, we left the mall. It was pretty late when we left. Who knew it would be so long shopping for only 3 people? One of Michael's limo drivers came to pick us up. We got in the limo and talked along the way. Me:Oooh, you gon' be lookin all good for prom now! *giggles* I can't wait to see the suit on you. Michael:I know I'm gonna look good. *smiles* Me:Don't flatter your self. Michael:Who's your prom date? Me:3 people. Michael:Which is...? Me:*sighs*Me, myself, and I. Michael:Oh wow. Me:Who's yours? Michael:Who do you think? Me:Oooh...your girrrrrrrlfriend. Michael:Stop it. Why don't you & Samone go together as friends? Me:Samone has a date. Michael:And who's that? Me:Her boyfriend... Michael:Which is? Me:Chris! Duh. Michael:Oooh... we can all go together then. Me:Oh kay. How we gettin there? Michael:I'll get us a limo. We'll pick up Samone & Chris too. Me:So everything is set then.. Michael:Yep. When we got to our destination, Michael & I said our byes and went to our houses. Weeks later.... May 27th, 1976 7:00; Prom night I had just gotten out the shower, and now I only have an hour to get ready because our prom starts at 8:30, and I wanna be out this house atleast by 8. After I got dressed, I asked my mom to curl my hair for me. That took about 30 minutes, so now all I had to do was put on my dress and my shoes. It was strapless, light green and was about an inch above my kness. Short? Oh well. It was cute and I liked it. It was about 7:47 now and I was at the mirror doing my makeup. Nothing that would be too much, just eyeliner, mascara, and a weeeee bit of eyeshadow. When I was finished with that, I took a full look at myself in the mirror and I looked beautiful! I almost didn't recognize myself. When I got my shoes on, my doorbell rang. I knew it was Michael, so I grabbed my wittle bag with my extra money and camera in it and told everyone bye and headed out the door. Annnndd... I WILL say that Michael looked sooo handsome lol. Michael:Who are you, and where is Shanice? Me:*laughing*Shut up! Michael:You look... wow. Soo different. Me:"wow" and "different". Hmm.. is that a good thing? Michael:Its a great thing! Not saying that you weren't "wow" before but.. you.. look.. beautiful. Me:*blushing*Thank you. Michael:*smiling*You're very welcome. Me: But check you out! I told you that you was gonna be lookin all good and stuff. Thumbs up, good job. *smiling* Michael:Thanks. *smiles* Now lets get in the limo shall we? Me:Okay! So Michael and I got in the limousine, and his driver went to go pick up Michael's girlfriend Krystal (made up name lol ) from her house. When we got to her house, Michael got out and rang her doorbell. She answered the door... I tried to see what her dress looked like but, she wasn't wearing one. She was in her pajamas! Michael and Krystal shared some chit-chat at her doorstep and then they seemed to be waving bye to each other. Michael started walking back to the limo.... alone. When he got in, he looked dissapointed, and I felt sad for him. Me:Michael, what's wrong? Michael:*looking down*Krystal can't come, she doesn't feel too well. Me:Its okay, Mike. You'll still have fun, kay? Michael:*sighs*Okay. Me:Next stop? Michael:Samone's house. Me:I'm gonna call Samone and tell her we're on our way. Michael:Okay. I called Samone, as Michael told the limo driver her address. ~*Ring, ring, ri- Samone:Hello!? Me:Hey!! It's Shanice. Are you ready? Samone:Yeah, you? Me:Yeah. Me and Michael are on our way to your house. Is Chris with you? Samone:Oh okay, good. And yes he is. Me:That's even better! Less trips. Haha. Samone:*giggles*I know, right? Me:Well... beep beep. I'm outside. Samone:*looks out her window*Omg! Okay, bye! See you in a couples of seconds. In literally, a couple of seconds, I saw Samone and Chris walk out of the house. Their arms were linked as they walked to the limo. Me:They look so cute together... Michael:Yeah, I know. I opened the door for them, and Samone came in first, then Chris, so he has shut the door. Then the drive drove us to where our prom is supposed to be. Me:Samone you look soooooooo preeeettty!!!! Samone: *smiling* Thank you! You do too! Me:Your dress is so nice! I love it! Samone:Yours too! Michael you look nice too. haha. Michael:Thanks. Me:Chris, you NEVER say hi to me. Always so damn quiet... Chris:Sorry, hi. Me:.... anyways.... Samone:Michael, where's your date? Michael:She's sick. And can't come. Samone:Awww, well you'll still have fun okay? Michael:Yeah.. Me:Don't be sad, Mike! I don't have a date either. Michael:Well that helps... Through the rest of the ride, it was just Samone and Chris talking and stuff. They were so good together, and they kinda made me jealous because I haven't had a boyfriend in years. I even forgot about how good it felt to even have a boyfriend, a good one at that. Time passed and we reached to the prom! I wonder what'll happen here.... To be continued. How'd you like this part?? Sorry if it was too long or too short, I can't really tell cuz I uploaded this from my phone. But thanks soo much for reading. -Shanice*
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