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W.D's Story(1)
*hi guys this is Hayden and this is my newest story. my character's name is Whittney. enjoy* Chapter1 all her 12 years of life Whittney never knew the love of a parent. or the love it felt to have anyone come near you. ever since her parents were charged with 3rd degree killing she was never the same again. she was put into this foster care center that she hates so much. she was never into this because it's been 6 years since that and she's hated it for so long. but she knows she has to stay here. Whittney or W.D(stands for her name:Whittney Diana), has hates this with all her heart. the only thing that has made her happy is because she's out of it because of her lukimia. her in the hospital is bad and good. Bad because she hates the doctors and she has to get stuck with shots 3 times a day. and Good because she's away from that depressing place. the year is 1979. and her 13th birthday is in 5 more months. she's looking at herself in a small heart shape mirror. same pale white skin, bright emarald green eyes, and her curly brown shoulder length hair. she huffed out of frustration. she hates being here but she wants to be here. to stay away from that foster care center. she looked the same...bt nothing can take how she looks on the inside away. her legs started to get dumb. and she could either forget to call the nurse to give her a shot or she could just call her so the numbness will go away before it gets painful. she didn't want to do it but she had to. she pressed the button. the nurse came in minutes later with the shot. Whittney saw the green liquid in the small tube. she gulped. she really hated shots. the nurse smiled and uncovered her legs. (Nurse):okay sweetie. here we go. (Whittney):10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... at one the nurse put the needle into Whittney's pale leg. Whittney bite her bottom lip to ease the pain...or try. it stung like fire. now she knows how months feel when they go to the flames into a fire. the nurse pulled the needle out and recovered her legs. the nurse was still smiling at Whittney. (Whittney):do you always smile after a pateint gets a shot? (Nurse):to that, sweetie:yes. only to make them happy. and i have someone here you might love. (Whittney):if it's another foster family. i'm never gonna be happy with that. (Nurse):oh, hun, your'll love this person. who's your favorite singer you tell me about all the time? (Whittney):Michael Jackson. (Nurse):wait here. the nurse left and all Whittney could wonder is, what on earth is that nurse up too? why's she make me tell her about Michael Jackson being my favorite singer? and what's my surprize? and a 12-year-old going on 13 is not good with why games, she wondered. the Nurse came bac with her smile again. Whittney rolled her eyes. and with the smile again, she thought scuffing. the nurse told someone to come in. and Whittney was thining it was another foster family coming to take her home after her treatments is over. which she hopes is soon because she can't take the shots anymore...or the doctors, nurses, and all the hospital stuff. she wondered why she hates doctors so much. then a memory of a car crash came into her mind. her father was in a coma. and her mother lost to much blood and died that very night. and she suffred bllod lose and a few broken bones. after the years after her mothers death her father remarried a women who was abusive to her making her end up in a hospital almost every week or month. and all that was when she was 4. a 4-year-old having to go through that makes her feel so soory for every child that has been throught what's she went through. she was so lost in her train of thought she had no idea who came over and sat beside her. they took her hand and squeezed it and they stated to gently pull a string of her curly brown hair. Whittney came back to earth and turned to tell whoever the person was to knock it off. but when she saw who it was her bright emarald green eyes grew wide and her mouth opened slightly. the person she was about to yell at was the one she always wanted to meet in her whole years of life when she first heard his and his brothers songs. the person the nurse was talking about was no other then her favorite singer.... Michael Jackson. (there was the first part of my story tell me how you liked it and part 2 will come very soon) (Hayden)
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