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Just a little bit of you! part 3
hey guys sorry it took so long but here is part three. it's dedicated to michael and all of the fans that like it. love ya!! me: you really like me marlon: yes that's why i dont want you to leave me: i... i dont know wat to say marlon: say that you will stay me: i dont know marlon marlon: i just bought a condo you can stay there for the rest of your vacation so you wont have to stay in a hotel me: well.. ok i guess i'll stay marlon took me to his condo and it was so beautiful. it was right by the beach. i was unsure if i was doing the right thing by staying with marlon but after i thought about that picture of michael and that girl i didn't care anymore. marlon asked me to be his girlfriend and i accepted. we decided to tell everyone at the family compound and i didn't care about wat michael thought anymore. marlon: hey i want to tell you guys something mrs. jackson: wat is it sweetie marlon: bj and i are dating jackie:(giving him a high five) congrats man marlon:(smiling) thanks randy: you have a fine girlfriend tito: oh yeah michael: im happy for u guys janet: im glad you picked a good girl this time latoya:(laughing) yeah instead of a piece of trash mrs. jackson: ok ok lets have dinner now jackie: hey bro can we talk to you for a minute marlon:yeah man i went with the rest of the family and the boys stayed in the family room. jackie: so when did this happen marlon: a couple of days ago jackie: i thought she was into michael tito: yeah man marlon: not since michael hurt her they all looked at michael michael: i didn't mean to. i just only like her as a sister jackie:(looking like he didn't believe him) are you sure tito: because the way you were checking her out when she first ot here made it seem liek you dig her michael: stop ganging up on me and yes im sure marlon:(looking at michael) good because she is my girl now marlon smiled and winked at michael then walked out of the room jackie:(shaking his head) man man man tito and randy left the room. then jackie and michael were just standing there jackie:(sitting down) sit down michael: can we just drop this jackie: man sit down michael sits down jackie: wats going on with you michael: i dont know wat you mean jackie: you are hanging out with different girls, making your private business public, and you aren't even writing anymore michael:(looking down) so jackie: so we both know that's not you. man how do you really feel about bj michael: i dont know jackie: michael be honest michael: i guess i kinda like her jackie: well then why are you fighting it micahel: because jackie: because wat michael:(stands up) man because i dont want to ruin wat we already have jackie: wat do you mean michael: i mean we have been friends to long for me to just make her my girl. wat if we get together and it doesn't work. then i might lose her forever jackie: you will never know until you try michael: well i guess i just wont know then jackie: well if you keep treating her the way you have been treating her you might still lose her. jackie left the room and michael just sat there thinking. after dinner marlon and i left. the rest of my vacation went by fast and the morning it was time for me to leave marlon took me to the airport. i told him to stay in the limo so the fans wouldn't see him. we kissed and hugged then i got out. i was walking in the airport when i heard people behind me screaming then i heard someone call my name. person: BJ i stopped and turned around to see a bunch of people and michael walking towards me. me: wat is it michael michael: i dont want you to go me: why not michael: um... because i... because um.. me:(shaking my head) goodbye michael i started to walk away and no one said anything not even the fans. then out of no where michael said something i didn't expect. michael: I LOVE YOU i stopped walking. i was in complete shock. i still didn't turn around. michael started to sing never can say goodbye.(i was starting to think that was our song lol). then he stopped michael: bj i love you i turned around, dropped my stuff, and ran into michael's arms. the tears had already started to fall down my face. michael kissed me with so much passion. then i started to feel someone shake me. michael: bj...bj...BJ me:(my eyes shot open) huh.. wat michael: wake up sleepy head we are going swimming at diana's house me: oh... um ok michael ran out of the room and i sat up. i was so confused. everything that just happened was only a dream and i was still young. i changed my clothes then ran and caught up with michael. michael: hey are you ok me: yeah i just had a bad dream michael: oh...i'll race you to the car me: ok... ready set go im glad it was just a dream because life was to hard!! TO BE CONTINUED!!! REMEMBER TO VOTE!!
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