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a little luv never hurt part 6
okk here u guys go prt 6 ok i was startled so i screamed ??: sssssshhhhhhhhh baby its just me me: who's me ??: its me hunter u forgot already babe me: dnt call me that hunter: and y not ur still mines sweetie me: no im not im brandons hunter: who the hell is brandon is that ur bro colt colt: yea me: wen did u get heere colt: been standin here the whole time bitch \hunter: ay man dnt call her that colt threw cigarette ashes at me and then all of sudden catera came threw the door and she started shootin everywhere but missed everyone then we ran out the house while everyone was freakin out we drove to brandons and wen we got there we sat on the couch me and catera started tlkin and something came up me: y u and brandon break up and who gave u that ring catera: wat breaking up wat ru tlkin bout me and brandon are engaged and hes the one who gave me the ring and im pregnant wit his baby me: really brandon lied to me brandon: lied about wat i stood up and smacked him in his face me:*crying* how cud u is that how catera found me u told her and now ur getting married and havin a baby u kno wat screw u brandon i hope u die in hell i walked out and i was walkin down the street and brandon came after me brandon: teryn plz stop me: stop wat cryin stop hoping someone willl treat me rite hopin that the boys in this world would change brandon u never gave a damn about me an u kno it brandon: thts not true i love u i proposed to catera tonight and i found out yesterday that she was pregnant me: then y the hell did u say lets go out and i love u and u still have me ur so damn full of it brandon: teryn plz dont leave plz dont me: y not u have ur fiance and u and ur brother are just the same u both like to hurt me thats the only thing u have in common i tried to walk away but brandon grabbed my arm so i turned around and stole him in the face i ran away cryin and then i heard him still callin after me i ran all the way to jadas and knocked on her door as soon as she opened the door she saw my eyes red and watery she let me in jada: gurl wat hapened to u me: everyone keeps hurtin me my ex is bak my baby daddy tries to abuse me and my so called new bf is engaged jada: really wow ur havin no luck at all me: shut up jada not the sassy rite now can i just crash her jada: yea me: lock all the doors and windows hunter mite come lookin for me again jada: oki will u can sleep in the guest room me: ok jada: do u need some clothes me: i cnt fit them anymore i already have a baby bump jada: o yea i see it well goodnite me: nite jada i went to the room and locked the window in the room and went to the bathroom and came bak and layed down i went to sleep around 1 o clock and wen i woke up i had 3 missed calls and three new voice mails one from hunter and colt on his phone one from brandon and a unexpected one michael i camt beleiv he called me i havent hear dfrom him i wonder y he keeps comin to school wit glasses on i listein to each the one from colt was something sayin to comebak and we miss u so i kno hunts still there the one from brandon was sayin o i miss u i should have picked u and all that and mikes was just lookin for a convo and seein how im doin and he wants to see me and it says he broke up wit kelsey i called michael bak ring ring ring mike: hello me: hello is this mike mike: yes is this teryn me: yes mike its me howve u been i got ur voice mail mike: yea and good ive been good and u me: well wats wit the sun glasses in the fall mike: o i cnt tell u tht me: y not i wont tell anyone mike: well can we meet up and me tell u there me: yea where at mike; the park me: ok but ill be wheringg a disguise ok mike': y wud u need a disguise me: ill tell u lata ok itas a ling long story mike: ok ill be there in bout 30 mins me:fine wit me see ya mike: see ya we hung up i was acctually happy to see him i havent had a real guy friend since the begging of the year before he betrayed me so i got ready i had my hair in a hat none showin and then walked to the prk and sat on a bench i saw mike lookin at me me: its me mike sit down mike: ok i had to make sure becuz i had to where a disguse to me: y mike: ths prt of my story me: ok go on mike: ok well my dad started this group and i didnt start wit them and now since im a lot older and in high school (pretend he started in high school i kno he started wen he was younger) i got to try out and i made it and since i am a famous person now i cnt just go out normally u kno me: o i get it mike is to famous now haha and the glasses mike: well............................wen we dont get something rite my dad... my dad would beat us or some call abuse me: wat mike: yea but u cnt tel anyone me: i promise mike: so ur disguise the tory me: ok well im pregnant no its not urs its coltons and i told him he slapped me in my face and he told me to go home cuz he didnt wnt me at school so i went to his house and sat there and he came later and beat me up some more and left and came bak wit kelsey and her friend then i left for brandon hous well brandon came over earlier while colt was gone so we kissed and he said lets go out and i said yes so tht nite i came to his house and we were there tlkin then we went to sleep i fell asleep on the couch and colt and my ex hunter mitchem from america came and kidnapped me and they were beatin me and threw smoke ashes on me and catera came and got me and took me bak to brandons and then i found out tht they were engaged and havin a baby and i slapped brandon and told him he was just like his brother they both like hurting me and then i punched him in the face and ran to jadas house and thts were i called u bak mike: wow tht was a long story me: haha yea but u see nothing is going rite her wen i have my baby im goin bak to america wit my grandma mike: u r me: yea i need to and maybe i can get bak to my old life ill miss my new friends here and u but i cnt take it anymore mike: so do u have a date to the prom*changin subject* me: i did but not anymore y mike: id like to be your date me: of course mike no more videos promise me mike: i promise me: so u hungry mike: yea u wnt mickey ds i have to be bak in an hour for rehearsals me: ok fine wit me u wnt a mcgriddle mike: yea i love those me: to mike we walked to mickey ds and ate there mike walked me bak to jadas and he kissed my cheek i almost melted rite then and there it felt really warm and sweet then he left i walked in and i found jada on the couch knocked uncold i ran to her me: jada jada jada jada ru ok jada hunter: wow babe u really care bout ur friends me: yea i do hunter: did u love me me; hunter i did and i was goin to come home to u but who in the hell is payton terry hunter: o shes my hoe and u were thinkin bout comin bak me: yea not anymore u tried to kill me hunter and abuse me and now u knocked my best friend outcold y hunter: cuz me and u were a never wit u gone me: hunt u still have ur pics wit ur shirts off i cnt get over u tht quick hunter: really me: yea now if u want we can start over as friends and work our way bak up ok deal hunter: i guess deal jada woke up a few hours later and tried to kill hunter and i held her bak then we all ate and had fun i kept feelin like i was missin something somethin in myheart was it brandon or colton ok i have my best guy friends bak and now im goin to prom wit mike but now im missin apart of my heart to and ihave to figure out who that half goes to brandon or colton nxt one soon 10 hope u guys like it enjoyED L.O.V.E TERYN
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