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i love you always michael(part 29)
writing different "oh really"i said "Yes"Mrs.Jackson said"You two looked so happy sometimes i wish that you two would still be together i remember Michael telling me how wonderful you are and how much he loved you and now....He's always so sad and lonely so when he comes over he dose not want to leave and he loves Omer having Omer over.And the day you didn't pick up the phone he went crazy" "It didnt seem like it when he was here"I said very sadly "i know"Mrs.Jackson said"He's just hiding his feelings like when we were sitting down in the living and Omer said"i wonder how mommy and Kevin are doing"and Michael said"who's Kevin?"and Omer said"mommy's boyfriend but she always saids thats her friend but i saw them kiss"and Michael said"oh"and after a little while he decided to go to bed and it was only 8pm and you know he stays up late so i knew he was sad to hear that and i went to his room and he had this big old box of pictures of you and him and he told me he still loves you"she said i started to cry"Aww"dont cry Tinker"i cried even"it okay then i laughed"its been so long sense someone called me Tinker"i smiled and whipped my tears aways"Sorry"i said"Its okay"Mrs.Jackson with a smile"Can i ask you something"Mrs.Jackson asked very nicely"anything in the world"i smiled"Do you still love Michael" That was a question i hoped she wouldn't ask me I've tried so hard over this past years and I've cried and cried about this and hearing people saying this about him that i know weren't true i answered her"Yes,I'm still in love with Michael.And.I think that i will always be in love with Michael but I know we cant be together and its only for a good reason..We have to protect Omer"i sighed"But I will always be in love him no matter what"i smiled "Thats sweet and I want you to know that he loves you to"Mrs.Jackson replied"Y'know I didnt show my feelings for him either and a another reason why I didnt want to come back I didnt want Michael to think that i didnt love him its just that"i sighed heavily"Like when we talk on the phone its not like we used to talk there's no"I still love you""Cant wait to see you again"nothing.No feelings at all zero,zip,notda"i sat back putting my hand on my forehead and then sat straight up quickly "I'm I talking too much"I said worried I had talk too much"No.Not at all.Are you tired"she asked"a little but I'm enjoying talking to you its been a long time sense we've talked"i smiled and she smiled back"well its nice talking to you I've missed you and pray for you every night"she said"Thank you so much.You dont know how much you mean to me Mrs.Jackson"I said sincerely taking her hand"Your like a mom to me thank you so much for being here"I gave her a hug she hugged me back"And your like a daughter to me and i'll always be there you"she pulled away"You know that right""Of course"I smiled"well I would stay all night but Omer has to go to bed"she got up"Omer"I called for him and he looked up from his puzzle"yes mo-wi"he said with a smile"Come here"i said spreading out my arms to him for a hug he ran up to me "Oh I love you so much"I held him tight"I wuf(love)you too mo-wi" Omer said then he kissed me on the cheek"I mist you too"he smiled "Ohh you dont know how much I missed you"i smiled"Ohh I missed you more"he said he sounds so much like his father i thought"Nuh- huh"i smiled playfully"Okay tomorrow I well show you how much"Omer said like his challenged me"okay"I said and hugged him again"I Love you Omer"I think its very important when you have children how much you love them and to give them your all and be with them,play them,care for them.I couldn't image my life without Omer he's my everything to me.Really.Even if me and Michael weren't together.Like what Dr.Williams said we will always be with each other.And Omer shares me and Michaels blood in his veins and traits well on traits i think gave him all those ha:)but me and Michael created something beautiful and together a child and I'm happy that I had my first child was with Michael not with Kevin. so Mrs.Jackson and Omer left there was a knock on the door Me:come in its was JOJO! Me:JOJO! i said excited to see him Jojo:hi he smiled Love, ~Kanika :)
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