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Taken for Granted (Part 36 continued)
Hey its Sarah B. and WELCOME BACK!! Its been a while but i've been enjoying my summer vacation and ive done so much and i'm gonna go to the pool later but i wanted to write this b4 i did. So heres part 36 continued of Taken for Granted. Id like to dedicate this part to y'all and Michael Jackson. ENJOY!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------- In Harper's P.O.V. 9 months later...It's February 21, 2002 and i'm a week past my due date of having Michael and I's baby boy. Yes it's a boy. I am SO excited. Plus the doctor said that the baby is in perfect health which means everything will be fine when i go into labor. The doctor said that i'll be giving birth to him any day now. And i'm starting to get VERY impatient. Today i'm just reading a magazine while Michael is taking Prince and Paris to their grandparent's house. I feel plenty of kicks and i feel cold slimy liquid flow down my leg. Oh my God. Me: *screaming* Hello? ANYBODY HERE?! Someone please help! There was no answer and i remembered that i gave everyone but two of the security guards the day off. I ran to the front gate and was panting from exhaustion. Security Guard #1: Anything wrong Ms. Jones? Me: *out of breath* My...water...broke! SG#1: Oh my God! Where's Mr. Jackson? Me: Not...here!!! I...need...to...be taken...to...the hospital!! SG#2: I'm on it. You stay here Bill. Bill: Gotcha Ted. Ted and I ran to the nearest vehicle and he floored the car so we could get to the hospital as soon as possible. Ted called Michael as soon as we stopped at a stop light. Ted: *frantically* Uhh Mr. Jackson...This is Ted your security guard...Ya...Well, um...You tell him i gotta drive. I AM ABOUT TO GIVE BIRTH!!! Me: *grabs phone* Hi Michael Michael: Hi Harper! Anything wrong? Me: A little bit. Michael: What is it? Me: Well, i'm about to give birth to our baby boy so you have to meet us at the hospital ASAP. Michael: OH MY GOD! Yes of course! I'll be there very shortly. *to kids* Come on you two! We're going to the hospital. Harper is about to have your little brother! *to me* Bye Harper. Don't push until i get there! He hangs up and i'm so scared and nervous. Ted and i arrive at the hospital in record time and i'm taken into a delivery room. A few minutes later, Michael, Prince, and Paris come in and they all look REALLY excited. Michael: Hey! *kisses me* How do you feel Harp? Me: Like i'm about to explode. Doctor: Hello Mr. Jackson, Ms. Jones. Michael: Hi Doctor. Doctor: Um we only need you in here we can't have more than one person when she has the child. Michael: Right. But uhh Ted: Don't worry sir. I'll watch them. Michael: Thanks Ted. Ted takes Prince and Paris out of the room but they quickly came back and said to me: Paris: You can do it, Mommy. *hugs me* Prince: Good Luck, Mom. We love you. *also hugs me* Me: *smiling* Thank you. I love you two as well. They leave and i really did love them. They called me "mommy" which took me over the moon! Doctor: Are we ready, Ms. Jones. Me: Yes Doctor. After A LOT of pushing i gave birth to the cutest baby and he was handsome as can be! After the nurses cleaned him off they handed him to me. I couldn't stop smiling at him. He was darling. Michael: *whispers* What do you wanna name him? Me: Anything. Except the name Steve. Anything but that. Michael: How about...Prince Michael Jackson II. Me: Ok...It's perfect. I didn't care that Michael named him pretty much the exact same name as Prince. I really didn't. As long as he's my baby and i'm not dreaming...i'm happy. Prince and Paris came back in and looked so excited. Me: Look at your new baby brother! Paris: He's so tiny! Me: You used to be that small too. Paris: I did? Me: Yes. So did Prince. Prince: Really? Me: Yes really! We all laugh and i took a nap while Prince II slept in an incubator next to me. I had a dream that i was in heaven and i saw my parents and Kalvin. But i soon realized it wasn't a dream. I was there. Me: Mom! Dad! Kalvin! *hugs them* Mom: Hi sweetie! We see there's a new member in the family! Me: Ya. That's Prince II. Dad: Congratulations bunny. Me: Dad! I'm a mother now! Dad: Yes of course! I'm just so proud of you and i can't believe that you're not my baby girl any more. You have a baby of yourself. Now i have a grand baby! Me: *giggles* Exactly. Kalvin: Harp you have a very darling child. You are so lucky to not have only a new baby, but someone who loves you as much as Michael. Me: Kal! Kalvin: What? Me: You called him Michael! Kalvin: Thats because i can trust him to take care of you now. Trust me Harp. He loves you. Me: Thank you. All of you. You're the best. Mom: Don't get rid of something that's so good. Remember when you called off your's and his wedding? Me: *looks down* Yes. Mom: *holds up my chin* Well you did what your heart said for you to do. Me: And what's that? Mom: If you love something, let it free- Me: Are you telling me to break up with Mike because i love him? Mom: I'm not finished. And if it comes back, then it's yours and was meant to be. And if it doesn't, it never was. See what i'm saying now? Me: Yes. I let go of Michael because i loved him. And he came back into my life which means that it was destiny and fate that we be together. Is that right? Mom: If your heart says so. Me: *smiles* Thank you. I love you guys. Your the best. Kalvin: You better go back to the world now. You have to be with your child now. Me: You're right. Bye Mom. Bye Kalvin. Bye Dad. Them: Bye Harper! I leave heaven and was happy to see them again. I know that wasn't some old dream. That meant something to me. And i know that all of them would say those things. Cuz i know them well enough to know who they are. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Michael walking around the room with Prince II in his arms rocking him back in forth. He had the biggest smile across his face that i'd ever seen him have. He sat on the bed not realizing i was awake and i heard him whisper to our child. Michael: Welcome to the family. Which made me SO happy to hear. I'm glad that Prince II gets to have a very large family in case something happens to either Michael or I. Mike looked over at me, saw me awake and smiled. Our baby is lucky he gets to be in a family with welcoming arms. I know that he'll be happy in it too. ---------------------------------------------------------------- What did you think! I hope you liked it! BTW Harper's Mom said that quote that i didnt make up. I found it off of a quote on the internet. PLZ VOTE! I want 15 at the least and i will be rapping up the story soon b4 i go out of town. LOVE YOU!!! BYE!!!
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