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Can't be TAMED! prt 2
hope u like this part! -Kaylie michael: you ok? me: yeah why you ask? michael: no reason! its just- me: im fine trust me! michael: just checkin' me: aww so caring! michael: shut up me: My sister's home! michael: so.. me: i wanna rub it in her face! michael: no don't do that me: why? michael: i got a better idea! me: what? michael: when she comes in your room she will see me on top of you kissin' you me; perfect!i hear her c'mon hurry up! Sara: hey AR--- me: oh hey Sara whats up? Sara: oh i see that its my step sister michael: yeah sorry Sara: whatever *thinking* I'll show that Ariana BITch! me; well im going out be back later bye Mike I love you Michael: what?!! i mean yeah you to Sara: *Rolls eyes me:*leaves* 2 Months Later! michael: hey baby! *kisses me* me: hey Michael michael: no mike? me: hey Mike, happy? michael: very! me: sooo what do you want? michael: Meany, i wanted to invite you to this party if you wanna come? me: sure i would love to when? michael: Next Friday me: of course michael: k well bye *kisses me* me:bye Michael! Sara: hey Mike! mike: hey Sara! sAra: so the Party next saturday did you invite Ariana mike: sure did! Sara: perfect mike: yeah ok? well bye Sara: bye! At School! Josh( my friend): you need to wear something nice me: like what? Josh: IDK we'll go to the mall after school k: yeah lets go to the mall after school! mE: ok were going to the mall after school! Kevin:(Ex-BOyfriend) Hey baby *put arm around me* me: don't Touch me Kevin Kevin: baby don't be like that *trys to kiss me* K: Kevin she doesn't like you LEAVE! Kevin: BITCH PLEASE! me: i have a boyfriend Kevin: who? me: you don't need to know kevin: yes i do * touching my leg* me: *moves away* Kevin: GIrl you can move all you want but you can't hide that you like me and when we have sex for the first time me: LETS GO GUYS! in the girls locker room! k: ok girl see you later your taking forever me: ok bye! k:*leaves* kevin: hey baby! me: what are you doing in here? Kevin: baby i can see you naked can't i? me: no Leave! Kevin: don't be like that! me: like what? kevin: *trying to touch me* me: *runs* Kevin *runs after me* me:*runs faster* Kevin:*grabs me and pulls me* me:*gettin madder and makin the locker's open and close* kevin; WTF is goin' on here me:*the thing is growing on my arm* kevin: oh hell naw this bitch is Crazy *tryin to run out the door* me:* makes the doors close with my eyes and walking up to Kevin* Kevin: trying to open the door* me: don't leave now! kevin: what is that on your arm? me: oh this is nothin' why do you ask? kevin; you Crazy! me: im CRazy oh i show you crazy *makes hi bust through the windows* kevin:*bleeding* me:*walks over him and goes home* Step dad: what happen at school today? me: oh nothing! sD: sure ? me: yeah! im goin to call michael! sd: ok! me:*Calls michael* michael: hello me: hey Mike michael: oh hey Ari me: whats up? michael: nothing how was schoool? me: it was good! michael: ok well i'll see you tomorrow very busy today! me: oh ok Michael! michael: bye! *hangs up* The next day! K: what happen yesterday the police is here and everything me; what? k: yesterday Kevin was found outside with broken glass next to him they think you had something to do with it me: me no i didn't i went home right after school, where is Kevin? K: in the Hospital ! me: oh ok Consulr: Ariana can i talk to you for a moment me: sure: Mrs.TT: ok now did you have anything to do with Kevin thing? me: no why do you think? mrs.TT: well Kevin said he tried to do some stuff to you so you pushed him threw the glass doors with your eyes! me: yeah with my eyes sure! Mrs:TT: this is serious now did you have something to do with it me: I said no the first time! mrs.TT: if i find out your lying me;*gettin mad and starin at her cup of coffe* mrs.TT: ARiana? me:*still starin* mrs:tt: ARIANA!? me:*breaks the glass with my eyes* and runs out! josh: what happen? me; nothin i just need to leave school now k: we have RINGGGG josh: lets go to the mall me: yeah lets go! k: oh this dress is so cutE! me: yeah i love it! heres' the dress! http://www.wetseal.com/catalog/product.jsp?categoryId=104&subCategoryId=189&productId=35345 me: ok well michael is waitin on me so i better get goin bye!*leves* michael: did you hear the newS? me: no what? michael: somebody at your school made some boy bust through the glass and almost killed him me: oh yeah that was all over school today *kisses him* michael:*pulls away* me: whats wrong? michael........................ TBC.............. please vote!
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