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Journey to Defining 13
Happy Birthday Janet Jackson :) ...Mommy To Be...Michael would be PROUD <3 Me:(mouth wide open) Wait what? Tito:You heard what i said ..do you want me to Repeat it Me:No please dont...but why Tito:well to start it off your beautiful and your nice,funny,and to what i see your a good mom to Shawnee Me:Tito you cant im dating your brother and we have a child together,it just wouldnt work out(walking away) Tito:(running after me and grabbing my arm) wait Nadirah im sorry if im making you feel uncomfortable but i just had to tell you Me:well you told me at the wrong time.. there can be nothing between me and you..i think you should leave Tito:(sighing) okay once again im sorry,i'll see you later then(staring at me) ... wait what happened to your eye Nadirah(touching my face) Me:(looking away) nothing Tito:Nadirah look at me... Me:(still looking away) Tito:did Jackie do this to you Me:No..just leave Tito(walking back to the house) I stared to walked but then i began to run...i was running so fast and i wasnt paying attention..I bumped into Jackie,i looked up at him and his eyes were red.He gave me a faint smile,but it faded as soon as Tito came closer to us... Jackie:what are you doing here Tito:(walking away) i had to get something off my chest Jackie looked at me with the same look he gave me when he was about to hit me...I was scared..I didnt want to get hit again..We watched as Tito got into his car and drove off...I walked back into the house and went to check on Shawnee..I looked over her in her crib..She was sound asleep.I turned around and i saw Jackie stading right behind me..My stomach dropped and i felt like i was about to throw up.He came closer to me,he was breathing hard which was scaring me even more.He grabbed my arms with both of his hands and clenched them tightly.We stared at eachother for awhile until he let go and left the room.I let out a deep breath in relief..I sat there for a bit until the phone rang... Me:(picking it up) hello ??:hey Nadi can you meet up with me please Me:Michael is that you ??:yes it is..now come over please Me:Michael i dont think that is a good idea Michael:please i have to tell you something..just hurry over and dont tell Jackie alright Me:okay fine i'll be over in a few Michael:okay bye I hang up the phone and quietly put some clothes on,I fix my hair and head out,i kiss the baby goodbye and then i silently head to the door.. Jackie:where are you going Me:oh umm im gooing to hang out with some friends, can you watch Shawnee please Jackie:why cant you just bring her with you Me:because it's just me and my friends..i havent seen them in awhile,that's why im asking you to watch her Jackie:can i come Me:No!! now i have to go bye(heading out the door) I head to the car and search for the car keys..I realized i forgot them on the table..I looked up at the car window and saw Jackie standing right behind me..I jumped back and moved back to the point where my back was to the car...Jackie had a straight look on his face but then it suddenly turned into a smile and he lifted up his hand where i see the car keys.. Jackie:looking for these Me:yeah thanks(grabbing them) Jackie:(clenching onto the keys) wait dont be so in a rush...give me a kiss first Jackie came closer to me and held me tight...He softly pushed his lips against mine..I didnt want to kiss him at all but i had to do something to satisfy him..He started to put his tounge in my mouth and i could feel one of his hands go up the back of my shirt...I took his hand and pushed it down and then i pulled away...I stared at him and then i go into the car..Jackie stood there and watched me drive off...While i was driving i wiped my mouth off..That kiss disgusted me and i was glad it was over... After about 20 minutes i was finally there. I seen Michael sitting there with his head down.I got out of my car and walked up to him.He lifted up his head and took my hand... Michael:what happened to your eye Me:nothing Michael:i know he's hitting you Nadirah,so you can stop lying Me:(tears coming down my eyes) i dont know what to do Michael: wont you just leave instead of staying...you dont deserve this(rubbing my cheek) Me:but i have to stay for the baby,she needs her dad,she needs a family Michael:and she can still have a family,she has us,you have us,No child deserves to be with an abusive father..If he's hitting you eventually he will start putting his hands on Shawnee Me:i cant leave.. Michael:yes you can,believe me you can..you should stay with us,im here for you Nadirah and the baby.. I Love You(hugging me) More tears were coming out of my eyes,Michael was rubbing my back trying to keep me calm.. I didnt know what to do..I was really regreting my decisions..Michael pulled away and wiped the tears from my face..He lifted my chin up and kissed me..the kisses were pecks at first and then it turned into a smooth tounge kiss..but then i pulled away because i got a thought... Me:wait Michael arent dating that Melissa girl Michael:No i was just with her to get back at you for dating my brother..i never really liked her Me:you never really??? Michael:okay i didnt like her at all..but hey im sorry for everything..im sorry for Jackie, and im especially for saying those things to you and treating you like that... Me:it's okay i understand you were mad..Just dont say anything mean to me again Michael:(kissing me) I Promise.. Me:can we go inside please Michael:yeah come on(taking my hand and leading me inside) As we walked inside there Tito was watching TV..his face kind of lit up when he saw me but he looked down and saw me and Michael holding hands and his face changed completely..Me and Michael went up to his room..I kicked off my shoes and layed down on his bed..He followed behind me and layed down next to me,he put his arms my waist..we were face to face.He gave me a smile...We layed there in silence for a few hours,,we said a few words here and there but we basically just sat there staring into eachothers eyes and kissing one another...I looked away from Michael and saw that the sun was starting to set.. Me:Michael i think i should go Michael:No Stay Here..With Me..Please Me:im sorry i have to go Michael..as much as i want to stay i have to see my baby.. Michael:how about you pack your things,get Shawnee and stay here..Jackie will get the hint when your not there anymore Me:okay..now lets go I got up from the bed put my shoes on and headed down the stairs... Michael was behind me..I rushed to the door until i was stopped by Marlon... Marlon:hey hey hey where you going..dont say hi to nobody Me:Hi Marlon(opening the door) Marlon:wait wait wait Come here Me:Marlon i have to go i will be back in a few I headed to my car and got in..but then i see Michael getting in too.. Me:what are you doing Michael:im coming with you..just incase he tries anything Me:are you sure Michael:yes now lets go I start the car and drive off..We finally get there,I get out the car scared out of my mind...I started to feel sharp pains in my stomach..Michael held onto me while i walked to my door...When i opened the door Michael waited outside...I went in further to see Jackie sitting on the couch.. Jackie:did you have fun Me:yeah..yeah i did Jackie:(getting up) where did you go Me:oh we just went to the mall and that's about it Jackie:oh okay(giving me a look and coming closer to me) I stared to move back alittle,he reached into his pocket and took something out...I wasnt really paying attention to what it was because i was staring at his eyes...I was backed up against the wall..I closed my eyes because i thought he was going to slap me..i had them closed for about 2 minutes, i opened them slowly because it was quiet,i looked up at Jackie and he wasnt there,but then i seen him on the ground on one knee with the box in his hands... Jackie:Will You Marry Me??? To Be Continued.......
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