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Made me Better-- 22
Hey guys im back to writing i had to take a LONNNNNGGGGGGG break from writing but im back and hopefully better. Time has passed and it is now 1994 and my son is 7 years old. Michelle died on August 20 1990 just 9 days before Michael's b-day, it was extremly hard to believe but i had to come to terms with it and so did Michael. Speaking of Michael he has been doing very well with his career and my career as a lawyer has been very very successful. We don't see each other as often as we used to due to the fact that i cheated on him with Derek-who is completely out of my by the way- and being that Michelle has passed. we thought that it would be better if we only dealt with one another through Christopher. On this day i was getting dressed for work and Christopher was waiting for me to take him to school. While he waited he was watching the news. Chris:(yelling) MOMMY! MOMMY! Me:(running downstairs)What Chris, im getting ready. Chris: Ma look at the T.V. Reporter: Im standing outside of California's court House where Michael Jackson has just been seen. Reports say that the King of Pop has been arrested for child molestation. Me: (Shocked) Chris go to your room now, you arent going to school today...maybe even ever. Chris: (confused) Mommy what is child molestation? Me:(calling Katherine on the phone) Christopher Michael Jackson go to your room now! Christopher went to his room and finally Michaels mother picked up. Katherine: (crying)Hello? Me: (Crying) Hello Mrs. Jackson this is Lauren, i just heard the news about Michael is everyone ok. Katherine:(crying harder)Ooooooo Lauren What are we going to do. Me: (crying) I dont know Mrs. Jackson but i know that Michael will make it out of this situation if i have anything to do with it. Katherie: How is Chris doing? Me: He's ok i sent him to his room im gonna go down to the court and see whats happening is it ok if i bring him to you. Katherine: Sure. When i hung up the phone me and Chris rushed out of the house that was actually pretty hard considering all of the paperazzi's in front of our home. When we got in the car i tried getting my mind off if it by listening to the radio but that didnt work at all. It seemed like that was the hot topic of the day MICAHEL JACKSON KING OF POP OR KING OF KIDS...it made me so angry i felt like my world was falling apart but the person who was really gonna be affected by that would be our son. i pulled up in front of Katherine's home which looked the same as my property full of paperazzi's, i walked Chris into the house and rushed to the court house. I got there in time because Michael was asked if he had lawyer and I walked in. Judge: Mr.Jackson i see that you are alone, is there going to be a lawyer present for you? Me:(just walking through) Yes, your honor im sorry im late. I took a seat next to Michael and whisered that everything was going to be ok.Michael look so scared, but you could tell he was relieved to see my face. I gave him a smile to reinsure him that everything was going to be ok. Judge: Well Ms.Jones nice to see you again. Me: you to your honor. Judge: Ok so lets get started. The court hearing went on for hours as they usually do, but this one felt like it lasted maybe 24 hours. i was fighting for Micahel, i swear i was but the other lawyer just wasnt gonna back down. When the court was let out Micahel hugged me so tightly, it felt like old times. As we walked out the, other lawyer stopped me. Lawyer Johnson:(to us) Your not getting away with this, we know he did it and we will prove it. Me: Johnson you've always been an asshole...and just to let you know we've already won your just to dumb to see it...come on Michael. Johnson: The only reason your defending him is because he's your baby's daddy and you want more money. Me: No. That's where your wrong i'm defending him because he is innocent and well because he is my son father. Me and Micahel left. it was way to many paperazzi's at Micahels house and his mother's and mine so we left Chris at Katherines and just went to Micahel's get away home. When we walked in it brung back old memories of when we were younger. Michael sat down on the couch and held his head i stood at the door way looking at him. Me: (Sympathetically)You want me to get you something? Michael:(sadly)Naw im ok...(looking at me, patting the seat next to him) come here and sit down. I sat down next to Micahel and waited for him to say something. He didnt he just sat there and sat there then he leaned over and put his head on my shoulder at first i was wondering what he was doing until i felt a tear hit my shoulder. I patted his back and tried to calm him down. Michael: I bet you think i did it. Me:(shocked that he would even think that) Michael look at me, (he looks) i would never think anything like that, why do you think im defending you. Michael: Im sorry i even said that... and after the way i treated you i cant beleive you would defend me... Me: The only reason im defending you is because i know you didnt do it. Micahel:(getting up) I guess you were right. Me: (walking behind him...confused) Right about what. Michael: When we were arguing years ago you said that i would end up like another washed up Jackson 5...well here i am another washed up Jackson 5. Me: (felling guilty) Micahel i'm sorry i even said that i was hurt because you hurt me and i didnt even mean it (hugging Micahel from behind) Michael i'm scared. Michael: (turning around...hugging me)Sweety its gonna be ok...Laurie we're gonna make it. Me:(sobbing) Michael I love you, and i miss you so so so so much. Michael: (hugging me...rubbing my back) You still love me? Me: (shaking my head yes) Michael:(holding my face) well i love you too and i promise that we are going to make it out of this...I promise (kisses me so damn passionatly) Am i back or what lol i hope you enjoyd the story VOTE VOTE VOTE HOPE--Kylay
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