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You've Got A Friend In Me Part 7
It's been a while since I've last posted on here but nevertheless here I am. This is dedicated to Michael Jackson of course and everyone on mjsite especially Blair. -norah Melanie ended up going to school not caring that her mother and Fabio said she should'nt. By the end of the day, she wished she just listened to them both. It was in the morning just before homeroom when Melanie spotted Bryce leaning against her locker. She was very sucsessful in avoiding Bryce since he tried to kiss her. He was in a blue jacket, faded black jeans and white sneakers. "What is it?" Melanie said harshly. He just gave her an evil smile. "I know where you are everyday during lunch and I think it's very-" he paused and looked right at her. "Sad." Melanie was uneasy. She spent lunch alone in the girl's bathroom because she had no one to sit with in the cafeteria. "So what? What's it to you?" Melanie asked with her arms folded over her chest. "You don't have to sit alone in the girls bathroom. You can come sit at my table if you meet me during free period at the fifth floor staircase." he said smiling sincerely. "I'm not stupid Bryce. Last time I trusted you you tried to kiss me." she said. "Yeah I know. But that the old me. Just be there." At that he walked away. Melanie told herself she wasn't going to do that and wouldn't meet him. He was obviously going to try kiss her. During homeroom she couldn't help but notice how popular Bryce really was and how cool it must have been to get to be around all those people. And it can happen if you just go meet him at the fifth floor staircase, she thought to herself. On her way there, she kept thinking of how it would be like to not have to be lonely and to be surrounded by a large group of people. She was surprised to see him there already. He looked relaxed. Nobody was there except for them. "Why do you look so nervous?" Bryce asked her. He smiled at her trying to briong her nerves up. That made her more nervous. It only then kicked in that maybe it wasn't a good idea to be there. Bryce pressed his lips onto hers and held her tightly by the waist. She tried to wiggle her way out of the kiss but he was holding onto her real tight. Then noises could be heard going to where they were. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY BOYFRIEND?" It was Becky and a whole lot of other sophomores. Infact it was Becky and the rest of the people in Melanie's grade. "No its-" "Don't try to defend yourself!! I can see you now. And there's no Michael to save you now, bitch!" Becky went on. Bryce let go of Melanie and went to Becky. "Look, I'm sorry, B. I should have never fell for her. She's been trying to seduce me since she got here. I'm-" "Seduce?" Melanie said in disbelief. Bryce turned to her. "Yeah. That's what you were doing. All those looks, the way you spoke to me and-" "Don't say any more, babe. We'll sort this whore out. Won't we, girls?" Becky said. Bryce had already gone off leaving Melanie alone with the girls. Michael wasn't there to defend her so she had to do something. Boy did she wish she had three wishes at that moment! Becky slapped her on the right cheek and the other girls were cheering her on. Melanie gave Becky a slap on the left cheek and pretty soon a huge fight broke out. LATER THAT AFTERNOON "A fight?! Did I raise you to resolve things with your fists?" Julie said to Melanie. They were in the car and Melanie looked out the window trying to ignore Julie. "She started." Melanie simply said. "I don't care who started what but I hope you realise you must be punished for your unladylike actions. This could cost you all chances of winning the beauty pagaent!" Julie said. Melanie decided to not respond to her mother's last sentence. When they arrived at their home, Julie then went on to say, "Go to your room and think of a way to build a good reputation!" Melanie went to her room and realised she needed to tell someone about what just happened. It was 17h20 and Melanie knew where she wanted to be. Fabio wasn't coming till late in the evening because of her going to school and it wasn't like she was going to be missed much. She looked down from her window and took a deep breath. She had to speak to someone and there was only one person to talk to about all that had happened. ****************************************************************
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