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Ending Credits: Part 8
The Wedding :D June 12th 1981 Damn in one day Iâ??m getting married I woke up just laying there thinking what mine and Michaels future would be like Seeing our children growing up till we are old I never thought I would think that far knowing Iâ??m going to be spending the rest of my life with Michael Jackson I got up and went downstairs to eat breakfast then I saw someone downstairs that I have never seen in this house before Me: um hello can I ask what you are doing in my house? ???:oh come on you donâ??t recognise me? Me: um no? ???: you broke my heart we were close friends in school then you went of with that idiot Michael Me: Leon?? Leon: yeah now you remember? Me: how did you find me? Leon: um it wasnâ??t that hard I just had to see if you were still here I saw you come here everyday it makes me sick Me: what the hell is wrong with you you know what just get out of my house! Leon: (grabbing me) no! Iâ??m taking whats mine. He tried to take of my clothes but I grabbed the nearest thing towards me which was a frying pan and wacked him in the head with it. Me: SECURITY ANYONE HELP!! Joe and Katherine ran downstairs and saw this boy on the floor Katherine: oh my god what happened?! Me: (crying) this is a boy from my school who is obsessed with me and has a crush on me and he tried to rape me so I hit him in the head with a frying pan. Joe: donâ??t worry Iâ??ll deal with him Katherine: (hugging me) come with me dear itâ??s alright now Me: thank you Canâ??t believe Leon That son of a bitch Iâ??m so happy that I have the jacksons on my side. Later that day Michael: (running into the bedroom) babe are you ok? Mum told me what happened! Did he hurt you? Me: he tried to but luckily there was a frying pan next to me Michael: (Hugging me) I wonâ??t let anyone hurt you understand? Me: yes Michael (kissing him) Michael: you canâ??t stay with me tonight (Looking down) Me: (laughing) I know I have to go with Rebbie donâ??t worry I will be safe ok? Michael: yes (smiles) Me: (kissing him on the lips) bye baby Michael: bye I miss you already So I spent the night with the girls I couldnâ??t sleep because I was so excited about tomorrow. Rebbie: oy Wake up! Me: uh what? Latoya: I HEAR WEDDING BELLS Me: (wide awake) OH MY GOD Iâ??M GETTING MARRIED TODAY (jumping up and down) Janet: the stylist is downstairs so you just have to let her do your hair Me: ok So she did my hair like this http://www.beautytwist.com/wp- content/uploads/2008/11/carlsonmaid.jpg Janet: I love it Me: its really nice thank you Stylist: thank you only fit for a princess The wedding starts at 12 it was already 11 oâ??clock Me: how long does it take to get to the venue Rebbie: about 25 minutes Me: we will go at 25 past Latoya: yeah So we left at 25 past and got to the venue I start to walk in and my looks at me and his eyes automatically well up in tears Dad: you look beautiful Me: aw thank you dad Dad: are you ready? Me: yeah wait (takes deep breaths) Ok now Iâ??m ready The doors suddenly open and everybody turns back and looks at the us walk down the isle. Dad: (whispers) are you nervous Me: yeah Dad: Just picture them naked and it wonâ??t make you nervous Me: dad that really doesnâ??t help Dad: it did for me! I look up and see Michael standing there smiling at me as soon as I saw him he made me smile aswell My dad took me up to him and kisses me on the cheek Dad: take good care of her Michael Michael: I will (Smiles) Priest : Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable which is an honourable estate, instituted of God, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church, If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace. There was a long period of Silence Priest: Michael Joseph Jackson Do you take Kayleigh Nia Mitchell to be your lawfully wedded wife Will you Love Her, comfort her, honour, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep Thee only unto her, so long as you both shall live? Michael: I Do Kayleigh Nia Mitchell Do you take Michael Joseph Jackson to be your lawfully wedded Husband Will you Love Him, comfort Him, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep Thee only unto him, so long as you both shall live? Me: I Do Now you both Shall Exchange your vows To eachother Michael: Kayleigh my friend my world my life there are not enough words to explain how much I love you, you are not just my girl you are my life too, I never knew such thing as love until I first met you in the hall at school when I knocked you over by accident, when I first looked into your eyes I knew I loved you I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want children with you your my Michael you my Jackson your my lady and I love you. At this point I was crying hard Me: (sniffing) Michael you are my home my heart my life if there was one thing that I would want in the world is life with you, if you and I never met I donâ??t know where I would be you made me whole. When I was sick you made me better when I was sad you made me happy and when Iâ??m happy you make me laugh I love you so much there are not enough words in the world to say how much and Iâ??m glad I am here today with you. Priest: beautiful, Now I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride. Michael leaned in and Kissed my lips Everybody stood up and was cheering me and Michael ran out the hall and the paparazzi were there taking pictures and throwing rice weird.. So me and Michael go into the limo and headed to The Jacksons home. Me: I love you Michael: I Love you too This part made me really happy the best scene for me lol next part out soon :)
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