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Cyber Lovers *22*
Hey! Just wanted to give you another part so here goes nothing. Don't have much to say so this is dedicated to everyone here on MJSite, Michael Jackson, and my Ning ninjas! Enjoy. -Samone:)♥ Michael:(sings)Who's bad sista? Who's bad? Me:(laughs) Michael:(stops)Oh..so you think it's funny huh? Me:(gets in his face)And if I did, what would you do about it? Michael:You really wanna know? Me:Yep. Michael:I would do this.(kisses me) Me:I see. Cute.(walks away) Michael:(pulls me back)Who says that's all I would do? Me:Nobody, but don't say it, show me.(winks) Michael:Ohh. You in some trouble. Me:We'll see. I'll be in the shower Mr. Jack-son. I stripped out of my sundress, revealing my already naked body. Michael, who I could see, was very turned on by this. Oh I know this will be good. I went over to the drawer and pulled it open. Knowing Michael was watching me, I bent over; being a little tease. I got what I wanted out of the drawer and walked into the bathroom with a smirk on my face. I got into the shower, letting the hot water hit my body. I was in there for about 20 minutes when Michael dropped out of his robe and got in with me. Me:Um excuse me. You can wait your turn. I'll be out in a minute. Michael:Nope, the wait is over. Me:Ugh. Don't look at me while I wash up. Michael:Why not, it's not like I never seen you wash up before.(smirks) Me:You watch me? Michael:Umhm. Me:(blushing)What do you see? Michael:I see enough. Me:(looking down at his jr) Michael:Don't look at me, if I can't look at you. And plus this thing is wild, It could poke an eye out. Me:(putting my hands to my face and blushing terribly)You did not just say that. Michael:I sure did. Michael and I remained in there for the longest just talking and having fun. All was going well until I accidentally dropped the soap. We stared at eachother. He had more of a grin on his face. Me on the other hand, was scared out of my mind. Michael:Why you just lookin' at it? Pick it up silly. Me:I'm not pickin' that up. You pick it up. Michael:No, I'm not pickin' it up. Me:Nope. Michael:Nope. Me:(sighs)Fine, I'll do it. (bends over) Michael:(looks at my ass and smacks it) Me:(pops back up)Hey!! You smacked me too hard. Michael:(backs me into the wall)I can smack harder if you want.(picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist) Me:(sarcasm)All talk and no play. Michael:You testin' me? Me:Maybe... Michael:You just asked for it. I was about to say something else when Michael jabbed into me. It was a great orgasmic hurt that caused me grip onto Michael tightly. Michael:I don't hear you talkin' now. Me:(gasping for air)Shut..up...and..fuck...me. Michael:Game time. He pressed my body tightly in between the wall and his. He was tearing me apart as he stroked deeply and viciously into me. His face is soo cute when he's feeling good. I wanted this ride to be different. Something more exciting, so I made a surprising change. Me:C'mon is that all you got? Fuck my guts out. Call me a bitch. Michael:(shocked)What the.. Me:You don't like my new sexy side? Michael:Sexy? That's not sexy, you're just a freak. Me:(slaps him)C'mon. Michael:Aw hell naw. Nobody smacks Michael Jackson. I knew that would trigger him. The more I slapped him, the harder he pounded me. My insides were becoming weak as he eased his way deeper and deeper into me. My inner thighs were sore and my legs were charlie horsen like crazy. Michael:You like that bitch? Me:(laughs) Michael:I feel weird saying that. Me:I like it. Michael:(pulls out)Turn over bitch. Me:(cracks up laughing) Michael:Why do you keep laughing when I say that? Me:It just sounds funny. Michael:Oh so you think it's funny. Me:Yep! I turned over and he pinned me up against the wall choking me. He kicked my legs open and bent me over. His dick rammed into me like a bull ramming into the color red. I knees gave out and before I could fall to the floor, Michael quickly grabbed hold of me and held me up. Michael:I see your knees can't take it. Me:(moans loud)Fuck you. Michael:Gladly. We were going so fast, my stomach was getting weak and I was getting a little nauseous. I didn't want to be a wimp and give up. So I played Michael's game. My pussy was tightening up around Michael's dick as I began to cum. Me:(moans)Ohh my god. Michael:Yeah. You can't take it. Maybe little girls like you shouldn't bite off more than they can chew. Me:I'm gonna fucking cum. Michael:Yeah, I know. I got that affect. Little beads of sweat were forming on mine and I'm pretty sure Michael's head. The shower was still running, but the water had become cold. Michael pushed into me one last time and I came all his dick. He came soon after. I clasped on the shower floor as the water hit me in the face. Me:(breathing hard)You fuckin' killed me. Michael:(turns off the water)I know.(winks) Me:Help me up. Michael:I knew you would say that.(holds out his hand) Me:(gets up slowly in pain)I'm gonna remember this. Michael:I'm sure you will. Next time will be more painful though. Me:You're dirty. You nasty little freak. Michael:(winks)I'm just really really bad. We climbed out of the shower drenching wet. We dried eachother off and went into the bedroom. I was sore as hell, but it was definitely worth it. If you know what I mean ;) TBC... Well well how was that? Hmm it was iight. Man this story is almost over :( I had fun writing though. And ways until next time and don't forget to vote:)
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