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Oprah's Interview: Part 1
Hey it's Sarah and this is my new story. I know, why am i writing a new story when i cant finish my other ones. Well this idea was in my head for a long time so i had to do it. I hope you like it and hope to hear some feedback from it. Dedicated to Michael, Richard and Darren. -Sarah Name: Sarah Jackson (nee Kelly) Year: 2010 Age: 51 Location: The Oprah Winfrey Show Oprah: today we have a special interview that the world has been waiting for. Since the 25th of June 2009 the Jackson family has been changed completely. The loss of Michael hit the family hard, but not as hard as it hit his wife of 21 years. She is here today to talk about life with Michael and life without him. Sitting here with us also is their children, Michael Junior, Richard, Prince and Paris. Now please welcome Sarah Jackson. The audiences stood up and clapped and cheered. I walked out and hugged Oprah, shot a quick smile to my kids and sat down. The audiences slowly reduced theyâ??re clapping and sat down. Oprah: so Sarah your first interview (smiling) Me: yes...well on my own (faint smile) Oprah: dont worry i wont bite (chuckling) now first off i want to welcome you and your family... Me: thank you...weâ??re glad to be here... Oprah: how old are your kids they seem so mature (smiling) Me: (smiling) well Michael is 20, Richard is 18, Prince is 13 and Paris is 12...trust me they donâ??t act their age, they act older than me and im old (smiling) Oprah: (giggling) ok we are going to start from the start i guess...how did you and Michael meet? Year: 1983 Location: UCLA Medical Center Age: 24 I was asleep in the on call room as i heard my name being called out on the intercom. It mustnâ??t be an emergency if the didnâ??t (beep beep) oh there it is. I got paged 911 to the nurses station. I stood up and fixed myself, threw on my white coat and stethoscope and went to the nurses station. They had smiles on their faces which was unusual when you get a 911 page. I had a confused look as i reached them. Nicola: hereâ??s your chart for the new arrival...heâ??s in the burn unit in room 14. Youâ??ll see the police outside anyway... Me: police? Why? Dr. Sheppard: Dr. Kelly can you come with me please... Me: sure (walking off) Dr. Sheppard: (walking with me at a fast pace) now you know this hospital has a great reputation but we need to expand that...this patient is important and when i mean important i mean he is now your only patient...i will have Stevens and George take your other patients until Mr. Jackson is released ok? Me: Mr. Jackson? (looking at the chart) Michael Jackson? Dr. Sheppard: yes Sarah, Michael Jackson...he has third degree burns on his scalp and guess what...he personally asked for you... Me: (smiling) he did? Wow... Dr. Sheppard: well thatâ??s what happens when your the best doctor in America...(opening the door) remember what i said...oh and when your finished...meet me in the on call room (winking and walking off) I walked into Mr. Jacksonâ??s room and flipped open my chart. He greeted me with a smile and i returned it. He didnâ??t seem in pain at all but he did have an IV in his arm and a bandage on his head. He sat up in his bed as i approached him. Me: so Mr. Jackson yes (smiling) Michael: no actually...just Michael (grinning) Me: ok Michael then (smiling and flipping the chart over) well i have good news and bad news... Michael: bad news first please Dr. Kelly... Me: well you might be here for a little while...you see you have received third degree burns to your scalp and i will have to operate in other for you to regain full hair growth... Michael: how long? Itâ??s just im very busy... Me: well Michael when your in my care i dont want to hear about how busy you are because you need to relax in other to recover fully...(smiling) Michael: (chuckling) ok doctor... Me: oh and since im calling you Michael i insist you call me Sarah (smiling) Michael: if you insist (smiling) Me: now i just need to have a look at the burns in other for me to get an idea of what exactly you need done (opening his bandage) As i opened his bandage he had a smile still wiped across his face. He really had a beautiful smile that would turn any girl on but i had a boyfriend, well kind of a boyfriend. Me and Dr. Sheppard were seeing each other. Only problem was that he had a wife. She knew about us because they were separated but not yet divorced. I took off the bandage and took a look at his scalp. I knew right away what i had to do so i called for a nurse to re dress it. I wrote down on the chart the surgery he required and slid it in the slot at the foot of his bed. Michael: so how does it look? Me: itâ??s not as bad as i thought...you will need a skin graft and a small hair transplant...nothing major, all you do is take a small bit of skin from the back of your head and take the hair follicles and place them individually and place them in the damaged area... Michael: well aslong as your doing the surgery im happy with that (smiling) Me: of course...and thank you by the way for requesting me... Michael: well your the best...i couldnt have someone less working on my pride and joy (patting his hair and smiling) Me: (giggling and blushing a little) well ill do a good job dont you worry... After a few minutes of chatting i left him to rest. I went to the on call room where Derek (Dr. Sheppard) was laying down. I climbed on top of him and he opened his eyes and smiled. I kissed him slowly trying to wake him up a little and it worked. He flipped me over and began kissing my neck. Of course you know where that led to but it was weird this time. I began thinking about a patient during sex? That has never happened before which is unusual. I fantasized about Michael while having sex with Derek. Maybe his smile worked on me too. I lay on the bed as i re dressed. Derek stood up pulling up his pants. I stayed quiet wondering why Michael was on my mind. Derek: better get back to your patient (smiling and kissing me) Me: yeah i guess so... Year: 2010 Oprah: so that was your first encounter with Michael...the Pepsi commercial from hell actually had some positive effect on his life... Me: yes but at the time of course i was a little confused...i was seeing someone else but all i could think about was Michael... Oprah: so when was your first sexual encounter with him...like your first kiss? Year: 1983 It was a few days after Michaelâ??s operation and he was preparing to leave the hospital. I was just getting the forms ready for him to sign for his release. I walked into his room and he was standing up just putting the last of his things in his suitcase. He smiled seeing me come in and hugged me. Michael and i got very close over those 2 weeks because i literally spent my entire time in the hospital with him. We got to know each other very well and talked about anything and everything, except for me seeing the Chief of Surgery. I dont know why i never told him i guess i thought he wouldnâ??t have any interest in me anymore if i told him i was in a relationship, although we were just very good friends. Michael: came to say goodbye? (smiling) Me: (smiling) yeah..and i have the forms for your release... Michael: this is probably the saddest release from hospital ever...iâ??ll miss you... Me: aw Mike (touching his arm) you can visit any time... Thatâ??s when it happened. To be continued...
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