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locked! part 18
enjoy-Laura so years has gone by and now it is 1981 and me and michael are babysitting Megan daughter hannah hannah: aunt Kayle i wan't cookies now me: ok hannah: Daddy go help aunt kayle bake cookies mike: ok! s he comes downstais and scares me mike: hey! me*jumps* oh hey umm mike: Michael me: yeah thats it mike: so today me: yeah is the day hannah: huh? what day mike: hannah go upstairs hannah: what day? me: that your daddy mike *covers my mouth hannah: ok you two are weird im leaving now bye mike: why were you going to tell her me: Mike she's 10 mike: i know but its still sad to me me: to you , your the one who did it mike: yeah i know sorry about that me: whatevr mike *changing the subject* so i have a album comuing out next year mE; thats nice mike: and i need help with some songs me: why don't you go ask your daughter since you didn't kill her *walks to the window and looks at the spot where Michael thru me and had a falshback michael: hey you there? me: yeah that spot is such a michael: such a what me: nothing michael: no what were you going to say mE: nothing michael: tell me me: ok that spot is such a horror *mumbles* cause your the thriller that caused it mike: what did you call me me: nothin i don't recall mike: yes you do what did you call me me: a thriller mike: i like it me: huh? mike: it will be a good song and album cover name now keep me: what? mike: get mad me: huh? mike: remember back 1972 i had sex with you then knew you were pregnaut, then killed the baby me: you son of a ......... mike: get mad! mE; *looks at the time* it close to midnight mike: and something evils lurking in the dark me: *looks out the window to the spot* under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart mike: you try to scream me: but terror takes the sound before you make it mike: you start to freeze as horror looks you right between your eyes, your paralyzed me:cause this is Thriller mike: thriller night both: and no ones gonna save you from the beast about to strike me: you know its thriller, thriller night mike: your fighting for your life inside a me: *looks at michael and steps up to him* Killer mike:*comes closer* Thriller both:tonight me:*laughs* mike: awwwww me: what? mike: your flirting with me me: me, No mike: yeah you are you came real close to me and me:*kisses him* Shut up!! hannah: are the cookies done yet me: oh yeah *checks the cookies looks at michael* mike: they will be ready in the next 20 minutes hannah: but me: 20 more minutes hannah: uhh fine *leaves michael: why did you tell me to shut up me: cause idk mike: ok ummm im gonna put hannah to sleep so don't make anymore cookies me: ok.. mikE: she sleep me: wow that was fast mike: cause im fast like that me: yeah i know mike: do you wanna go swimming? me: no i haven't been swimming since and i really don't wanna go because you know today mike: i won't hurt you me: you promise mike: yes me: fine mike: wow! i havn't seen your body since umm me; 1972 mike: yeah thats it me: can you stop looking at me please mike: sorry, are you getting in the pool or what? me: no mike*gets out the water and starts pulling me* me:*having a falshback to 1972 when he did the before* no Michael stop mike: no me: STOP Now mike*picks me up* me: no please mike*throws me in the water and makes it* so after he trows me in he jumps in and stuff mike: see told you i wouln't hurt you me: yeah, yeah mike: *kisses me * me: *kisses back and put my arm around his neck* mike:*picks me up that way im around his waist* me:*kissing him* Michael mike* kissing my neck* hmm? me; im tired mike: mhm me: i am now stop mike: *still going and unties the top of my binki me: michael please stop mike* not paying attenion me/: im tired * and falls asleep on his shoulder mike: great! *ties my binki back together and lays me on the chair outside then lays next to me* me: uhhh mike:*laughs* me:michael is so mike: Michael is so what? me: so cute! i love him mike: i love you too *kisses me* TBC.................
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