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Locked! part 17
enjoy-laura mikE:omg im sooo sorry i guess you got heavy and meG: Michael she crying and bleeding mike: huh? me* cyring* it it it hu hu hurts a a lot lot lot mike: im so sorry marlon: dang girl he trew you on the floor everyone: *looks at marlon* meg: check her tummy mike: why meG: because it might be all scatched up i mean she did land on her tummy mike: fine *lifts up my shirt* OH meg: MY everyone: GOD randy: she's gottin fat mike: *looks at randy* no Randy she's pregnaut marlon: why didn;t she tell us me:*crying* i i i donn't kno kno know mike: im soo sorry this is all my fault i never should have i knew it i should have left you alone meg: don't just stand here someone call the police la toya: i will mike: OMg i did this why why why meg: calm down you didn't know mike: yeah but even if she wasn't she could have landed on her head and died i killed the baby omg la toya: there on there way mike: there taking forever and she's still crying meg: it was just 2 minutes ago mike *picks me up* meg: what are you doing mike: taking her to the hospital meg: no there on there way mike:there taking way to much time *runs randY: dang he strong meg: i just notice something la toya: i don't think thats his baby and he know it marlon: yeah about that meg: nasty self marlon: now we know your not talking meg: yeah but thats my lil sister marlon: and that was my lil brother meg: then were even tito: you were saying? meg: he is still going threw all this and he knows that is not his baby marlon: yeah jackie: dude thats your baby marlon:yeah meG: its weird la toya: how? he trew her on the ground he probably feels guilty meg: yeah but remember how he was giving me all this attenion when i was pregnaut tito: yeah he wouldn't let you do anything dangerous meG: exactly marlon: so what are you saying meg: Marlon im sorry but i think Michael is the father marlon: huh? how? meg: i just explained it let me tell you this again when i was pregnaut michael wouldn't let me do anything dangerous and now when Kayle gets hurt he's all over her and now he finds out she's pregnaut and runs to the hospital and didn't even wait for the ambillance marlon: i still don't get it meG: there not mad at eachother anymore, everytime they look at eachother there smiling or laughing marlon: yeah meg: its not your baby so michael made it to the hosptial and michael is going crazy mikE: we need a room now! nurse: omg your mike: i know who i am but we need a room RIGHT NOw nurse: im sorry but mike:*leaves me:*still crying a bit* what are you doing mike: laying you down me: your so sweet mikE: i know nurse : ok your room is ready mike: finally so the doctors come and hours went by the rest of them came and then the doctor comes out mike: what happen, is she ok? doctor:no it seems that she has mike: this is all my fault doctor: lost the baby me: hey guys la toya: are you ok? me: yeah! so we go home and start playing a game and then we all get tired so michael starts talking mike: Kayle im so sorry , i didn't know its all my fault uhh im sorry im soo sorr me: Michael please with your sorry's mike: huh? me: you said sorry before mike: yeah but me: Michael i have this feeling you knew i was pregnaut la toya: how? me: marlon im sorry but i cheated on you with michael and after we fell michael you started acting weird like when we fall you started touching my stomache then 1 mouth later everytime i felt sick you would smile and come up and hug then rub my tummy and now you wanted me to start dressing up and stuff and that one night you wouldn't stop asking me is it kicking then you would smile you knew it all this time and now your sorry why mike: ok i did know but i had no idea that you were going to land on the ground i was a jerk ok im sorry me: its to late to say sorry anymore mike: but when i trew you i ummm wasn't paying attenion and slipped ok im sorry yes i did know i did randy: how did you know? mike: because she trew up right after we did it and started saying her stomache hurted me: see i knew you knew meg: michael ? mike: what? meg: but you didn't trip me: huh? meg: he didn't trip, he trew you like that on purpose mike: uhh no i didn't meg: yeah i was wathching you mike: fine ok i ran into steven and brian and they asked me if you were pregnaut and i said yes so they said if i don't do something to get rid of that baby then there going to kill me and kayle and i didn't want that to happen so i and oh wait then they said they were going to take her and kill her themselves so i didn't want that to happen so thats why i did that im so sorry i really am *crys* me: now i see mike: huh? me: you were protecting me mike: yeah me: by hurting me instead Michael i never ever want to talk to you again TBC........................... i know i made Michael a bad guy kinda but he makes it up to me in the next parts!
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