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Cream Tub By Peyton
X Hey everyone this is Peyton, and this is a story I worked on for a long time. I have londer and more sexy stories. So enjoy!!!X XPS: This is a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG one...well, again, enjoy!!!X I didnâ??t have time to explain all of the details to my friends about my trip I just won to California! I never really had good luck! But this time, all of the bad luck was paying off with a winning streak. I was on my way to the radio station to pick up the information and ticket to go to California within two weeks for a dinner date with the King of Pop! I was ecstatic! I loved Michael Jackson, well let me add, I love and lust Michael! I would lie in bed and fantasize about him. It would happen so often that I had to resort to self pleasing at times! I know! What the hell? But he brought out that inner devilish side out of me. I was normally shy and to myself. But lately, my hormones have been in overdrive! Why? Because, of the man that danced me into a kinky warp zone of passion and lustâ?¦building everyday from wonderment and desire for himâ?¦ I dreamt of him and daydreamed of him constantly. Now was my chance to live out an opportunity that may never come again. To hopefully, get something out of the man that seemed shy as well. Were we anything alike? Was that innocent and humble persona really him? It took too long for two weeks to get here! But I needed that time to prepare myself and buy more clothes and all of the girlie things we girls must do! I was like a bride preparing for her groomâ?¦a queen to be, preparing for her king! I went to the salon and waxed anything I can about think of too, gotten a facial, and did some shopping. The time had come and I was a nervous wreck! I had to meet up with his personal assistant 1st. She was quite pleasant. We talked about how it was going to pan out. I was to be let known that this was simply a dinner date and not an actual date. Nothing else is to be expected. We would sit at a nice table in the privacy of his own home with no media around, we would be served food and wine, unless I preferred an non-alcoholic beverage, we would eat and talk. And then I would be on my way. I could get one picture with Michael and a autograph. She was completely business-like but said everything with a pleasant tone. I just smiled and nodded my head like a good girl. I was told to meet the limo out back of the hotel I was staying at by 8 pm. There would be a sign with my name on it and I was to get in that one. I shook her hand and thanked her. Then I left to go wash up before meeting Michael after my plane trip. I wore a red evening style type of gown or dress. I wanted to be on my very best. I had brand new shoes and bracelets on. Everything matched. This was the most of have ever paid for any dress! But Michael was worth everything and then some! I had my hair fixed in a pulled up French twist, which I had to be teached to do that before coming here! I applied my make up and looked into the mirror. I ran my hands down the hips of my dress to smooth it out. I checked my rear in the mirror as well. I shook my head because I knew I felt pretty but was I really? I mean I am meeting Michael! I never felt good enough for him! I was intimidated and this made me even more nervous! I walked the floor until it was near 8 pm. I grabbed my red sparkly purse and headed out of the door. I found the limo easily and took a deep breath and got inside. I was on my wayâ?¦ While getting closer to the mansion in L.A. I felt like I wasnâ??t breathing well. I was almost hyperventilating! I grabbed my chest and closed my eyes. I felt faint. I was too scared to meet himâ?¦the man that intimidated meâ?¦the man that made me wet about every time I ever thought about him! The most well known person to the whole world! Once, we arrived, the driver kindly got out and opened the door for me. I raised out of there quickly wanting fresh air and I bumped my head on the top part of the car before the door! The driver jumped and asked if I was alright? I told him yes and felt extremely embarrassed. He knew I was nervous. â??Look, I know you are nervous. But Michael is very down to earth. He will make you feel comfortable around him. Donâ??t worry maâ??am.â? The driver said to me. â??Oh thank you. But I am afraid that wonâ??t help me much right now although I am sure what you say is true. I appreciate it.â? I responded. As I walked on by toward the huge home that instantly took my breath awayâ?¦I felt the driver staring at me from behind. I knew he was checking me out. Right now, I didnâ??t care as I made my way to the front doors. I tapped on the door and immediately a butler had shown up to open it. â??Welcome, we were expecting you.â? He kindly said. â??Thank you.â? I responded looking around the gorgeous and luxurious home. I walked on inside as the butler took me into a dining room that was elegantly made up so beautiful and spectacular! I was seated to wait on Michael to come in. The butler left and told me to that Mr. Jackson would be here in just a minute. I sat and waited after a couple of minutesâ?¦ â??Hi. How are you?â? Michael asked as he walked inside smiling and looking at me. I got up immediately and stood before Michael as his presence was known to me. To me, it was like he was the president of the United States. He smiled his best and most humble smile. He walked up to me and extended his hand for mine. I went to shake his hand but mine was already shaking! So, instead he reached his arms out and gave me a hug! I gasped as his long arms reach around me and pulled me in for a deep embrace. I was pressed against his chest and my face was into his shoulder. I felt him hold me tightly as he knew I was shaking and I heard him giggle beneath his breath slightly. â??I am glad you made it safely.â? He said to me as he pulled away to look at me and then he added, â??May I add that you look lovely!â? He smiled at me. Oh my God! Michael gave me a compliment! I wanted to say to him that he must be joking that I felt he was the lovely oneâ?¦but I always heard if someone gives you a compliment then accept it! â??Yes, Michaelâ?¦you may add that! Thank you! And you are soâ?¦soâ?¦â? I trailed off like an idiot because I felt many compliments flood my mind for Michael but it was hard to choose just one! I really wanted to say, Sexy! But I didnâ??t know if that would be appropriate or embarrass him too bad. Michael blinked and smiled a small smile to me waiting on my sentence to finish. â??â?¦soâ?¦amazingâ?¦â? Yes! It finally came outâ?¦at least one word out of many I had for him! But it took too long and I felt like a fool! â??Thank you so much.â? He simply replied as he pulled my chair back out for me to sit and eat. â??Oh thank you, Michael. You are such a gentleman!â? I smiled at him as I sat down and he then walked to sit in his. When he was walking away from me to get to his own chair across from me, I was merely checking him out. I mean I saw the little buns of his twitching beneath those black slacks of his! I could see his hair that barely past his shoulders resting upon his back against the red shirt that he had tucked in with a small black belt. Funny, I guessed right wearing his favorite color and he too wore it tonight! We accommodated each other. That is when the butler came back inside of the dining room. He brought silver platters with top shields covering the food for us to eat. The maid came inside too bringing drinks. They placed the platters down and the drinks. Michael raised his glass for the maid to pour his wine. â??Would you be acquiring some, Miss?â? Michael said in his most sophisticated way to me. â??Yes, sir I would love some, thank you.â? I smiled replying back in a really fancy-like tone. Michael smiled as the maid came over to pour me some as I raised mine just as he did. I think we were enjoying acting all snobby and sophisticated like spoiled rich brats! After the servants were goneâ?¦ Michael lifted the shield from the platter and so did I. The food was small and fancy looking. I wasnâ??t sure what it really was. Michael began to placed a bite of food into his mouth as I couldnâ??t help but to look at him doing so. I watched his mouth chew the food and move it around inside of his mouth with his lips closed tightly. Then he glanced up and caught me! â??You are not eating.â? He said as he picked up his wine glass. â??Oh yeah. Sorry.â? I picked up my glass too. â??Shall we toast?â? Michael asked. â??Sure.â? I replied. â??To a less sophisticated night!â? He blurted out. I was surprised as Michael stood up and came toward my end of the table. He held his glass out to clank against mine. We both took a sip as I still wondered what he meant by his toast. He reached for my hand and I quickly placed mine into his as he pulled me up gently. â??How about a cheese pizza and sweets?â? He grin slightly as his eyes seem to sparkle looking at me looking like chocolate sweets themselves! â??Ok!â? I stood on up with his reach and followed Michael out of the dining room. He looked around to see of anyone was still around. He played like we were sneaking around and up to no good as gestured for me to keep following him. Of course, I did! This was really getting exciting now! I knew now that the driver knew what he was talking about, because Michael was making me feel very comfortable! We made it to a TV room with game systems and DVD movies galore that sat neatly upon the high shelves above the plasma TV and all around! There were huge bean bags sitting before the TV. Michael flopped on one and waved his hand for me to flop down too. I looked down at myself wondering why did I wear a evening gown! Michael began to snickerâ?¦ â??Oh honeyâ?¦I am sorry! I didnâ??t think about that. Here let me help youâ?¦â? He got up and began to help pull off my heals slowlyâ?¦I looked down and I saw Michael kneeling before me taking my shoes off! I felt like a princess or something! After he took my shoes off he raised my long dress upâ?¦ I sucked in a quick and short breath from surprise as he did this! Michael heard meâ?¦ â??Oh. I was just helping you to sit dear. Nothing like you knowâ?¦â? He began to explain. â??Oh! No, I mean its okâ?¦I mean I didnâ??t think you wereâ?¦but if you were I wouldnâ??t careâ?¦but I meanâ?¦you know I know you meantâ?¦â? Damn! I sounded like a fumbling idiot that couldnâ??t think right to talk right! Michael chuckled out, â??Itâ??s ok. Just have a seat.â? He smiled at me as he help me to seat while he held the dress up enough for me to do so without accidentally tearing it! I sat comfortably on the beanbag. Michael excused himself and soon he was back with pizza in one hand and in the other arm loaded with snacks! â??This is more like it!â? He sat down with the food. He placed everything neatly and easily into our reach in between our beanbags. He clicked the remote and the TV came on. I felt so at ease with him. I would have never dreamt this! But I loved it. We ate some pizza and watched television. We even began talking more about many things in life and laughing together. Soon, he opened a box of strawberries and began shaking up a can of ready whip. I began to think Michael may want to get kinky! But however, he squirted out some whip cream onto some strawberries and began passing me some and then he began eating some himself. I couldnâ??t help but for my mind to start having dirty thoughts with all of this! I didnâ??t really want to watch him place a juicy red strawberry into his mouth with white plump whip cream resting on it. And every now and then he would have to lick around the corners of his mouth to remove excess cream from his lips. I ate but I kept watching him. Was he trying to seduce me? I didnâ??t know for sure but it was working! â??I have always enjoyed sweets! I used to eat things like this as a child. I still love it!â? When my mind wanted to stay dirty and hope dirty from Michael there he went right back to being so damn innocent and talking about childhood likings! He made it easy to be with him but then again so damn hard too! How could I ever think he wanted me like that? I knew I wanted him but Michael was a big kid and he was innocent! He was so sweet and enjoyable it made me feel guilty to think of him as I do and have sometimes! â??Oh yes, I understand that. It is quite tasty.â? I added. â??Yes, tasty indeed.â? Michael looked at me right into my eyes with only a sly smirk forming on his lips. Did he just flirt with me, come onto me? Did he want me? Oh stop teasing me, Michael. The rules were there would be nothing more. Do you know how bad I want you? How many nights I thought about while lying alone? The questions were yelling in my mind at him. He stopped eating to try to read my mind. I could tell. He placed his finger inside of his mouth and in between his lips he slowly pulled it back out to suck off the remaining residue of the whip cream that was left on his finger. He did it quickly as if to not make a show of it but I still caught it all within a 2 second moment of ecstasy! He got up as he excused himself out of politeness. Within a few short moments he was back and closing his cell phone as he walked back inside. He was smiling at me so charmingly. What was he up to now? â??We both know we want each other. We have talked, eat, watched TV, had fun and even been polite and sweet. But I donâ??t want this night to end just yet. I was thinking of having some more fun with you. That is if you agree too?â? Michael spoke seriously and to the point. I wanted to believe he was asking me to spend the night and have even more of one on one party. I thought that is what he was asking. Either way, I would never tell him No. â??Of course, Michael!â? I spoke back quickly and already breathless. I made it so known that I wanted him and he could have me just all too easily. I think he knew this as time as he met me. He was reading me at every given moment. Was I that obvious. I didnâ??t care anymore. Michael helped me up because of my long dress and hugged me tightly holding me into his arms. He ran his hands down my back and immediately I had chills from his sensual touches. I was becoming convinced he wanted to do more. A lot more. I became nervous just at the thought of us making love. But I was excited and could not believe my dream, my fantasy will come true. â??You know, You must think I have everything and have done everything. But there is some things I have never done. I too, have fantasies that have never been fulfilled.â? Michael said to me softly in my ear as I flinched from his warm breath, I loved it. â??Really? I know you are making my fantasy come true already.â? I said back to him. â??What is your wildest fantasy? I mean you just admitted that being here with me is your fantasy come true. Well, what is your wildest fantasy with me?â? Michael asked becoming even sexier than before asking me a question like that! My heart pounded and my blood rushed throughout my veins as my head seem to become light. I could not speak and think correctly. I know I had awesome fantasies about Michael before but nothing was popping to me. I was in his presence what could I say? He caught me off guard! â??What is yours?â? I asked. I knew he mentioned he hadnâ??t done everything he fantasized about before. Michael suddenly became lost for words. He stopped holding me and backed up as if to think how he could put it to me. â??Better yetâ?¦how about I show you instead of telling you. I think that would be easier. My mind was racing with possibilities. I didnâ??t know if he was up to something kinky and scary like whips or chains or something silly like potato sack racing in our underwear! Knowing Michael by now, he was hard to figure out because he was caught between being like a kid and being like the sexy mature adult that he is! He grabbed my hand and lead the way. We walked out of the room and down the hall. Michael looked around to make sure the house was still empty. He opened the flip phone to make a call while he walked the long hallway. â??Hi. Did you get the job finished?â? I heard Michael ask and then he continued after a pauseâ?¦ â??Ok. I am going now. Has all of the help left yet to go home? Sure. Thanks, I knowâ?¦but who cares! I have the money I can spend it on what I want to. Life is too short. Goodnight, see you tomorrow. Ohâ?¦by the way you may want to have two maids come by tomorrow instead of one.â? Then Michael hung up. I was completely dumbfounded! I tried hard to figure out what he could have been talking about! I gathered he ordered something big and didnâ??t care what it cost. That could be anything! And wanted to make sure the help was goneâ?¦and what was the deal about two maids tomorrow instead of one? Oh No, was he up to a pie fight? Or a water gun showdown with me? Oh, I hoped not! And waitâ?¦he said he hadnâ??t lived out this particular fantasyâ?¦ I was still at a lost but I just stop my mind and just followed Michael. I am sure whatever it is I will happy to oblige him into making his fantasy come true! I was happy knowing I am part of that. We stopped near the bathroom doorâ?¦ â??Wait here.â? Michael looked at me and winked as he walked inside to close the door behind him. I was left waiting on Michael to what? To freshen up or to actually use the commode or something? Ok. So, I stood there and waited patiently. After about 3 minutes he came out smiling hard. â??Ok. Much better!â? He said. I couldnâ??t help but to laugh. â??Oh Michael. You are so happy about everything arenâ??t you?â? Michael looked at me confused, then he got it, â??Oh! Noâ?¦it is not thatâ?¦Look, I had to check on something before you came inside.â? â??Check on what? To make sure the 2nd lid was back down on the toilet for me?â? I giggled. Michael looked at me seriously. â??Please, walk inside.â? As he opened the door and flipped off the lights. I walked inside and all I could see at 1st were scented candles lit all around the a huge and beautiful marble bathroom with columns around a gorgeous bathtub! As I walked on inside closer to see everything betterâ?¦ I saw the bathtub filled withâ?¦ I walked to it and dipped my hand in some soft and creamy white stuff filled to the top in the beautiful bathtub! I put it to my nose and smelled it and smiled. I placed my finger into my mouth as Michael did earlier, to lick off the residue of the whipped cream! â??Oh Michael! I donâ??t know what to say!â? I smiled and felt myself blushing. â??Do you like it? Do you think it is wild?â? He asked. â??I love it. Itâ??s crazy wild!â? I said loudly as I slammed my hands down it and made whip cream spew up from my force and fall back down into the tub. A piece landed on my cheek. Michael came over and grabbed me. He then licked the small drop off of my cheek. I sighed from feeling dizzy just from the ultimate touch. I couldnâ??t believe the odds here. â??Whatâ??s for dessert?â? He asked really sexy-like. â??Me.â? I smiled at him devilishly. He then began to undress me. He help slip down the straps of my dress and it fell to the floor around my ankles. I began to unbutton his shirt slowly and then removing the shirt off from his shoulders. It too fell to the floor. I was so turned on looking at him standing before me like this! Then I glanced down to see his small stomach and belt still fastened so I began to undo it too. While, I was concentrating on his belt, He began to unfasten my bra. Soon, I was left standing before him in only my panties and hose. After his pants fell to his ankles he stepped out of them and then bent down to slowly remove my thigh high hose from each leg. I raised my foot as he made it to it and stepped out of it. I wondered about the whip cream in the tub waiting on usâ?¦was it cold or what? I knew if it was, we would easily warm it up. This was too exciting! He kissed around my ankle and up my leg and the ran his tongue over his kisses he left on them. I gasped from lack of air feeling this sensation from him. I looked down at the top of his head with his black hair moving about up and down my legs. I placed my hand in his hair and ran my fingers throughout it. He cut his eyes up at me and raise himself to meet my lips with his own. We kissed very passionately and for a long while. Working and building each other up. He ran his tongue down my neck as my body formed chills just from his light touches! He quickly began to cup my breast into the large palms of his hands. I moaned without thinking about or expecting it all. It just came out. I wanted him so bad for so longâ?¦It was too easy for him to make me react quickly. I found myself becoming wetter within seconds. He stared at me with those beautiful innocent eyes as he watched my face form an expression of passion already from his hands. â??I want my dessert now. I want you to dip yourself into my tub of whip cream.â? Michael spoke softly and lowâ?¦in a very seductive tone. I smiled at him as he smiled back and I looked at the huge tub and began to slowly step up the step leading inside of it. As my foot went into the whip cream, it felt rather soothing and alittle on the cool side! It was soft and light. It took my breath away as I began to lower myself into it as I held onto the sides of the bathtub. Michael giggled and watched with excitement at my every move and expression. He too, looked like he could hardly wait to step inside but wanted to enjoy watching me do it first. I saw the smile fade some as I looked at him when my hips went into the whip cream and the cream cradled around me in a soft cushion like cloud engulfing me. I could tell he was really enjoying now as be lightly bit his bottom lip in delight. He was admiring the beauty of a womanâ??s body being dipped into such a sweet treat. I smiled at him as I comfortably sat on my bottom in the tub and whip cream came up to my chest. The cream kept touching my nipples as I moved to get to one side and let Michael on in with me. I couldnâ??t wait to get the pleasure of watching his body dip itself slowly into the cream. â??Come on, Michael. Are you shy?â? I teased him. He smiled a big smile at me that made my heart seem to skip a beat. He answered my question by moving to join me. I didnâ??t want to miss a second of watching him step into the tub. I couldnâ??t help but for my eyes to automatically move upward his body from his toe to his crotch area. I was always curious about him. I could see he wasnâ??t lacking in talent and other things for that matter. I found myself excited but almost to a point of jumping out of the tub because Michael was more of a man that I imagined before! I forced my gaze to fix back upon him dipping himself now into the cream. He gasped with a high pitch sound that wasnâ??t loud though. I giggled at him. I saw the cream engulf him as it did me while ago. I patted some with some force in front of me to make it splat toward him. I laughed out loud when droplets of fluffy cream landed in his black hair. The white residue just was too tempting in miniature globs stuck to his silky black hair. I moved forward to him to playfully remove the bits out of his hair but my mind was clouded with the image of him getting inside of the tub, so therefore I didnâ??t remember cream would be all over my hand and get more into his hair this way then before! Michael squealed out playfully as he noticed I was putting more onto him. â??Girl, you going to get it for that!â? I laughed realizing what I have done! â??Oh I am sorryâ?¦I didnâ??t mean toâ?¦â? I began to say as Michael shut me up by throwing some my way! The it turn into a whip cream fight! I donâ??t think we meant to let it fall into this but it just happened! I think we meant to get used to it and then continue what we started right before we climbed inside! We both screamed and yelled and splashed and threw whip cream all over each other. The suddenly, Michael looked at me and stopped laughing. â??You are beautiful with a mountain of whip cream sitting on top of your head.â? He said it so seriously but I donâ??t know why the words sounded so funny to me. I began to giggle again but he did not. He moved forward toward me through the cream and forcefully began to kiss me. We grabbed each other and pulled each otherâ??s bodies against one anotherâ??s. He pulled me to sit on top of him while he was sitting too. I opened my legs to wrap them around his hips and lock him into place against me. This way I was higher to Michael instead and my breast was closer to his face now. He immediately began to lick off the whip cream that did remain on them. He grabbed at the flesh and licked them over and over enjoying the taste. I began to moan again enjoying him! Oh dear heaven, what a night! I threw my head back out of ecstasy and that is when Michael dipped his hand into the cream and placed some onto my neck. He licked straight up my neck and then to my ear. I felt his tongue lick all around the outer side of my earlobe. My body was not only covered in whip cream now but chills like earlier. â??Oh damn, Michaelâ?¦Yes!â? I yelled out without thinking again really getting into what he was doing to me! I heard him barely to a low moan beneath his breath. He slipped his tongue into my ear and teased me moreâ?¦I squirmed on top of his lap as I found myself extremely wet already. I think he knew this for sure too and that is when he met back up with my lips by pulling my face down toward his, that is when I felt all of him slip inside of me with one push. I barely felt him move to place himself in meâ?¦I was caught into the kiss! I pulled way from his lips helplessly as I cried out from passion and sudden intrusion into me. It was a different feeling than I have ever felt before! I felt him move into me and then back out slowlyâ?¦ He was large but fit easily into me with the help of my own wetness and the cream too. It was wicked and wild and lustful. I loved having him in me and doing it so quickly without much notice. I didnâ??t care I wanted him to sweetly abuse my body in any way he desired. I wouldnâ??t say it but I was thinking all too hard, â??f_ck me, Michael!â? But I wouldnâ??t say it to himâ?¦ He was doing that without me telling him! I held onto his neck with my arms wrapped tightly around him. He pushed into me harder and until my body was easily moving up and down into the soft cream making it splash about almost floating around us because it was so light and fluffy. I stopped moaning out enough to kiss his lips as I held onto him with all that I had. My body flinched and begged for mercy but my mind didnâ??t want him to ever stop or to ease up. I wanted to continue to please him in his lovely fantasy that was becoming my ultimate reality! He massaged my breast again and then I lean back as he moved his hands to rest behind my back in the arch of it. He was still in me as I laid back in a sexy manner while he held my back in support. That is when he help slide me from him to position me to lie on back into the whip cream as my hands caught hold of the sides of the tub for support. I saw him get up as the white cream ran down his body from melting from his body heat now. My mouth parted because I felt myself wanting to pant from the sight of him! He reached down for me to grab his hand so he could help pull me up. I came up easily and the cream dripped and slid down my thighs to meet with the rest of the cream resting in the large tub. He guided me to sit on the side of the tub so I did whatever he wanted. That is when he lowered himself in between my legs as I saw his body dip back down into the cream in the tub. He lifted my leg up and out of the way as he didnâ??t waste another moment placing his mouth onto me licking whatever cream was left in between my legs. I grabbed my chest from the sensation as he continued to do so. His tongue felt warm and sensual against my sensitive flesh licking in a hungry-like manner enjoying his treat. I felt like that strawberry earlier that was covered in whip cream that he was eating on. I gasped and moaned out but as time went on I hollered from a sudden and quick explosion, trembling beneath him and begging him to stop. I let myself sink right down into the tub in front of him catching my breath and with weakened arms throwing them around him hugging him. He hugged me back and held me a moment letting me recuperate. I soon, ask him to sit while I have my dessert! So he did the same as me and sat upon the tub to let me lower myself in between his long legs. I placed a glob of whip cream onto him and stroked him, working it up and down his shaft and to the head of it. He closed his eyes and bit his lip trying to hold back what moans he didnâ??t want to let out yet. I was determined to have him crying out like I was from his oral pleasure that I had to honor of feeling! I open my mouth and let him slip right on inside between my lips and let my tongue wrap itself around him, sucking him, pulling him in more and then back outâ?¦licking off the cream that was left rolling down his erection. Michael helplessly moaned out with his most sexy and sensual voice. I worked harder wanting to hear him more and more. I heard his breathing pick up as I picked up my pace. I loved giving him oral and having him under my complete control. I always dreamt of doing this to him! I even began to moan out from enjoying him from enjoying me! I felt Michaelâ??s body flinch and jerk as tried hard to hold back longer. I wasnâ??t giving up but he wanted me to. â??Stop. Please..â? He begged as he was trying to pull away from my tightened grip and my mouthâ??s firm hold. I let him remove himself as he too sank down into the tub along with me. He kissed me and then quickly stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towel. I didnâ??t know right way what he was up to nowâ?¦ But I burned for him badly and I hoped it wasnâ??t over. He went to the other side of the bathroom and turned on the shower as I heard the water forcefully hitting the marble walls around it and could see the fog building on the glass door. He came back and reached for my hand to help me out. He was so strong pulling me up so easily as I did need help from my body still getting over everything we had been doing so far! We walked over to the shower and he stepped to the side to let me in 1st. I felt the relaxing feel of the warm water hitting my body with such pressure but gentle at the same time. Michael came inside behind me and immediately pressed his front side against my backside. I could feel his erection hard against me. I knew he wanted to finish in here where it we could get to each other easier and then clean off and be done. I didnâ??t like the â??doneâ? part but I was taking whatever I could get! I am not complaining by far. He moved his hips more against me so I could feel how hard he was even more against my rear. I was turned on just feeling him! He then turned me around to face him as I backed against the wall knowing what he wanted. He lifted my leg as he walked himself right inside of me. I cried out again loving the pleasure of feeling him inside of me. But then again, the quick intrusion is always shocking. He rested his arm by my head as my one leg was up around his hips and I held onto him with my hand. My other hand was against the wall near me as he worked himself in and out of me with the same rhythm until I felt myself tightening and clinching my fingers in his skin more on his back with the one hand that held onto him for support. His hair was dripping wet and the water dripped right into my face as I looked up to him. The cream was rinsing from out sticky bodies and running down to the floor with the warm water. I felt Michael hit me harder in the depths of me until I was literally yelling out feeling my own self want to give in and explode at the same time! He help lift my leg more as he became fast and moved in circular motions making me climax as I welcomed it because I couldnâ??t stand it much longer! I felt him jerk and pull out to rest against me as I really couldnâ??t tell if it was him releasing or the remainder of the cream from before rolling down the folds of my flesh between my legs that had taken some sweet pleasure and pain from Michael. I exhaled and weakly grabbed hold of Michael with both hands to keep from falling. He lowered my leg and breathed against my face catching his breath. The water was the only thing that hadnâ??t stopped. It kept hitting our bodies until we stood up again straight and with enough strength left to help wash each other before stepping out. I looked back at the whip cream filled tub and took into more into my memory. Like a snapshot. I wanted to remember everything. I knew having a fantasy come true with Michael was everythingâ?¦and experiencing sex with him was even more. The powerful and freaky lover that he was! I also knew my mind and body and heart would never be the same and I prepared to leave and possibly leave my mind and heart behind with him. I kind of giggled inside my head thinking about the two maids that would come in, in the morning and have to wonder and clean up all of that whip cream everywhere and the huge tubâ?¦ When we walked out the bathroom together I heard Michaelâ??s cell phone going off loudly. But he wouldnâ??t answer itâ?¦ But it would not stop ringing! Ring! Ring! Finallyâ?¦ I awoke annoyed and looking around. I didnâ??t know right way where I was! Wait. I am at home. Butâ?¦Butâ?¦ My phone was ringing off the hook! I jumped up to answer it. When he voice began to speak back I realized I was dreaming all of that time! It was a damn dream! I felt like crying. But I held my composure long enough to tell off the person that was calling! â??Hi! We have been trying to reach you.â? The voice said through the other end of the phone. I asked who it was with a very annoyed tone in my voice. â??It is WKUB, the radio station that gives you more! You have won yourself a trip to California! Thanks for entering out contest a few days ago. Therefore, you will be flying to California to have a dinner date with the King of Pop! What do you say about that? And who gives you more?â? I screamed out, â??I say "YES!" And WKUB gives you more baby! Oh and after the dinner with Michaelâ?¦Whatâ??s for dessert? Cause I am hungry!â? I really was hungry after dreaming about Michael, strawberries, and whipped cream!
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