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i love you daddy part 18
ok heres prt 18 guys nxy mornin i woke up i heard justin talkin on the phone justin: o dammit i tottaly forgot i was kinda wasted last nite ......... um ok ill be there tonite ok bye he looked at me i smiled at him me: forgot about ur tour haha justin: i was wasted my bad me: its ok i still havent given u ur presents justin: which one the nitely one or a present....present me: both but heres the prsent... presnt i took out the watch with the initials in the middle he smiled at the initials in the middle justin: thankx babe me: ur welcome justin: so wb my other present me: u mite get it later after we land from the plane for the tour justin: ugh fine i laughed at him an went ran to the bathroom of course the stupid mornin sickness again im so sick of this justin: babe u ok me: yes perfectly fine(sarcastic) justin: stop bein so sacrastic babe me: watever i walked out the bathroom after brushin my teeth then went downstairs to eat somethin then there was a knock me: comin i went to get the door me: hello.... omg daddy daddy: hey babygurl i hope u dont mind i brought prince an debbie me: *annoyed but fake smile* sure watevers fine wit u daddy: ok he walked in after him was debbie wit prince me: justin my dads here justin: ok sweetie daddy: so hows it been me: good i thought u were on tour daddy: i canceled the last month to come bak home an spend time wit debbie me: *whisperin* wat about mom daddy:*whisperin bak* her to me: ok so whos hungry debbie was hungry of course she is shes preggers good i hate her dad said he would just take a water i didnt have any baby food but i had some bannannas for prince so i got everyone somethin to eat me: so hows the preganancy goin debbie debbie: good urs me: how'd u figure tat out debbie: ur dad told me me:*lookin at daddy* did he daddy: my bad sweetie me: uuuummmmhhhmmmm i looked at the stair case justin was comin down finally i was startin to get weirded out by just being the only one talkin to them me: justin wat took u so long justin: i had to put my new watch on me: awww how sweet justin: ik i laughed at him he came an sat beside me my hormones started kickin in wen debbie kissed my daddy for no aparent reason i think it was just to annoy me i looked at daddy he was smilin at debbie *ok eewwww tat lady is so ugly i cant beleive he went from lisa to her ewwwwww* i whispered somethin to justin me: justin shes startin to irritate me justin: i can tell ur face is purple me: im callin my mom justin: ok if u want to start a riot me: my mom will still kick her ass justin laughed an agreed i left the room to call mymom she said shell be her in a minute then the doorbell rung me: ill get it i answered the door i walked her into the livin room me: looks whos here u guys mommy: hey mike, justin, prince,*glarin* debbie everyone: hey catera *except debbie* debbie: *mumbled* hi mommy sat beside mike an i smiled at wat i had done an sat beside justin i think daddy figured out wat i had did daddy: babygurl can i speak wit u me: sure daddy we walked into the kitchen daddy: u invited ur mom didnt u me: y would u say tat daddy: i saw u cheesin wen she came in the room tat smile is ur *im up to somethin* smile me: ok fine i invited her i couldnt stand seein debbie kissin u an u were in joyin it thats disgusting ewww an to get bak at her i invited mom daddy: wat... o nvm we walked bak into the room it was quiet me: who killed who justin: no one me: aww man*whisperin to him* i was hopin it was debbie he laughed after a while everyone left ok tat was akward me an justin left for the airport a few hours later it was now like 7pm justin started talkin to me on the plane justin: babe do i still get my present wen we get to the hotel me: if im not tired ill give it to u guess wat justin: wat me: i got new lingerie justin:*lookin at me* wat color me: umm i dont know it could be red or purple but mostly purple justin laughed at me then bit his lip omg me: justin stop tat justin: stop wat me: if i tell u ull keep doin it justin: well if u dont i wont know wat to stop doin me: good point ok stop bitin urlip its drivin me insane of course he did it again ok i kissed him just to let some relief out of me me: ok im good now good nite wake me wen were there i went to sleep justin did to nxt one soon preview: ok nxt one i will have sorta a sex scene ok an justins first concert he has a suprise for me L.O.V.E TERYN
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