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Friends matter Pt. 3
................................................................ i ran to the phone..... Me:hello? Mom:hey hunny you need to come home... Me:but im enjoying myself.. Mom:well....come get clothes and you can sleep over again is there a boy that why you want to stay? Me:(blushing)um none of your buisness ill be over to get clothes Mom:ok hun love you bye be good.. Me:i always will muhaaz Michael walks in the room... Michael:you have to go home? Me:yes...only to get clothes cause im sleeping over again Michael:(smiling)this time we can try again(coming over and tikling me) Me:(laughing)michael stop Michael:nope... Me:(turned around and kissed him) Latoya:(walking in)MICHAEL!!! Michael:what? Latoya:who is this? Michael:jennell...jennell latoya latoya jennell Me:hi Latoya:i want to talk to you for a minute jennell we walk into the living room and sit down i didnt know why she wanted to talk to me but i was kinda scared because that his older sister Latoya:i see you like my brother... Me:yeah me and janet are best friends Latoya:do you really like my brother or do you just want money Me:ok listen i dnt need your money my dad makes alot of money i dnt need yours i get what i want.....sorry to sound mean but i want you to know that. Latoya:(smiling)i like you your honest(hugging me) Me:(laughing)im going to find michael.. i walk outside and all the brothers are in the pool i walk over to michael and play punch him on the shoulder... Me:hey i need to get clothes from my house wanna come? Michael:sure let me dry off i walk out to my car and sit there waiting for michael i see him coming he is wear red converse with his bathing suit and a red shirt with his hair all wet looking sexy as hell (mikgasm)he sits in the pasinger seat Michael:kay im ready(putting on sun glasses) Me:ok when we get there be aware of my sister she is 13 she LOVES you well she saw you once when she was 10 her names Mirian she has a little crush on you.. Michael:(laughing)im going to be aware of her.. when we got to my house Mirian was playing outside with her friend she is in the cool crowd so her friends are coky when i pulled up my sister eyes went big amd her friends mouths dropped Me:hi Mirian this is michael Mirian:hello there michael Michael:hey(winking at her) Mirian:(falls into friends arms) Me:come on michael..(grabbing his hand) Mirian:wait jennell..(running after us) my dad is very protectinve of me when me michael tried to go up stairs to my room my dad stopped us.. Dad:what is the rule? ME:no boys in my room Michael:o sorry Me:wait with my sisters friends dnt let them do anything my sister passes him on the steps and almost drooled on him she followed me to my room. Mirian:um yeah are you and.. Me:well we kissed a couple of times but he never really asked me Mirian:what was it like(smiling wide) Me:well the first time my lips went numb and my whole body tingeled Mirian:oh mi god(fallls on the bed)can you ask him to give me a hug Me:sure(grabbing me bag)lets go we walked down stairs and michael was running from my sisters friends Me:leave him alone... Jessica(my sis friend):why he dnt like you... Mirian:belive it or not he does Me:come on michael.. Mirian:(giving me the look) Me:oh my sister wants a hug.. Michael:ok(huggs her) Mirian:bye(struggling yo stand) we walk to my car Michael:they always like that? Me:with my last boyfriend no.... Michael:last boyfriend? Me:yeah...im still singel Michael:no your not...jennell you want to be my girl? Me:wow michael i thought you never ask.. we get to the house latoya must have told everyone cause the brothers had evil faces looking at michael and Katherine had a smile on her face and soo did Joe surprisingly it was already 7 so katie already had dinner done she and joe eat in there room evry one else gathered at the table... Jermaine:this is boring want to play a game Michael:(smiling)yeah(holding my hand under the table) Me:ok lets play.... Jakie:truth or dare i go first truth or dare michael... Michael:truth. Jakie:ok is it true you and jennell are together. Michael:yeah ok my turn(smiling)truth or dare Marlon Marlon:truth. Michael:is it true you are a virgin? Marlon:ugh no(laughing)truth or dare jennell.. Me:truth... Marlon:is it true that your very experience in bed.... Me:...... TBC plz vote
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