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Horror In Neverland Mansion (Part 7)
Part 7 A coffin? Our latest discovery is a coffin? Youâ??ve gotta be kidding! What are we gonna do with a coffin? Sleep in it? Well thatâ??s literally it, but seriously a coffin? Mel: **Looking at Michael** Please tell me youâ??re not a vampire! Michael: Of course no! Christina: Then what the hell is this? All three: **Looking at me** Me: What? I didnâ??t bring it here! K! Now is the time of panicking! What are we gonna do here? Open the coffin? Well I guess thatâ??s it! See whatâ??s there! Me: **Going near it** Mel: And youâ??re trying to doâ?¦? Me: Opening the coffin! **Trying to open it** Christina: Duane! Back to the real world!! This is a coffin weâ??re talking bout! Me: So? Michael: Coffin = Dead people! Me: And coffin = Vampires! Which is me! Michael: **Sigh** Me: **Opening it** Then the coffin started opening by itself, I jumped back to the girls and Michael. The coffin was opening and a pale hand started coming out from there, as if it was a dead hand. The coffin was now completely opened. And this old man was trying to get out. He looked really old. Old only? He looked like he just woke up from death! He came out eventually, and me and the girls and Michael were backing up till we hit the wall. He then turned his head and looked at ME. Those pale eyes that were staring at me, they were scaring me to death. What is this? He never took his eyes off me; he didnâ??t look at the other only me. He then came out slowly and stood up. His head was falling down on his shoulders. And he was staring at me then he said, Man: **Hissing voice** so you found me? Me: I-I donâ??t even know you! Man: Yes you do! Didnâ??t I say that I was a friend whoâ??s gonna help you? Me: H-help me? I donâ??t need any help! Man: Yes you do! You donâ??t belong here! You belong with me, in the old world! Me: **Scared** No I donâ??t! Man: **Coming to me** Me: **Backing up to Michael and the girls** Michael: **Whispering** we should probably run to the stairs? The old manâ??s head then shot up very fast at Michael. Whoâ??s turning blue. Man: You have no rights to speak! Michael: Y-yes! Christina and Mel: **Screaming** Me: **Looking in shock** They were floating in air, what is this guy doing? And Michael, Michael was turning blue. Very blue! Me: **Shouting** W-what are you doing? Let them go! Man: You have to come with me! Me: Ok, Iâ??ll come with you! Let them go, they have nothing to do with it! Mel and Christina are back to the ground and Michael is back to his own color. Christina: **Pulling me** No, No! Y-you canâ??t take her! S-she belongs here! Man: **Looking at her** Me: Christy Iâ??ll be fine. Nothing is gonna happen! Mel: No! You canâ??t go with him Duane! Michael do something! Please! Michael They need my help. What should I do? I donâ??t even have anything to defend myself with! Wait! I remember Prince putting some garlic in my pockets when I came back! I didnâ??t take them out! YES! Me: **Taking the garlic from my pocket** If you get near the girls, Iâ??m gonna throw this on you! **To the girls** Go! Go! Iâ??ll be right up! The girls: **Running up the stairs** Me: **Going up the stairs with the garlic in front of my face** you get near, and your gonna smell this! Man: **Silence** I eventually ran up the stairs and reached the weird room with the blood. And the door was opened there. I saw the girls; me and the girls went out of the room and locked it! Me: **Sigh in relief* K! Now that was close! Duane: Letâ??s get out of here! Iâ??ll go check on the kids! Mel: Me too! Christina: Me three! Me: Iâ??llâ?¦ wait you all gonna leave me all alone? Mel: Had enough excitement for a day! Good night! Christina: Iâ??m with her on that! Good night! Duane: **Standing there** Me: Are you ok? Duane: No! I caused all this! You were gonna die because of me! Me: Itâ??s not because of you! Some things happen! Weâ??re gonna see what we can do tomorrow. Now go to sleep. Duane: **Hugging me** Good night! Christina I got ready for bed with the girls, well only Mel. Because Duane is not sleeping tonight, sheâ??s in the living room. It was very had to sleep tonight! Mel is still reading her book, which is gonna finish. And me well Iâ??m writing in my diary and just thinking. And I even know what Michael is doing. His room is next to us and I can hear him say â??Sleep man sleep!!â? I giggle at that, but I know how frustrated he is. Iâ??m frustrated, Mel and Duane is also frustrated. I think that this is total crap! Ah, why Duane? Why her? I guess Iâ??ll read a book too. Duane I am feeling so guilty now for being a vampire. I mean seriously curse those genes! I got everyone in trouble tonight. Iâ??m sitting here in the living room, in the dark and I actually love it. This is crazy! I just want this to be over; I donâ??t want this trouble happening to them. What should I do? This question is in my head for over hours. I mean getting rid from a vampire isnâ??t easy! What should I do? Here goes the question againâ?¦ thenâ?¦ came a bat flying in front of me and heâ?¦ he turned into a personâ?¦ who is this guy? To be continued... "A bat? Turning into a man? Who is this man? What is he gonna do to Duane?" Well if you wanna know then u have 2 vote to get 2 da next part =) I hope u njoyed this part and... more than 10 votes for da next part. Xx- Vicky -xX =D
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