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Horror In Neverland Mansion (Part 5)
Part 5 To tell you the truth, I was really scared. This isnâ??t good. I donâ??t want to harm â??Michaelâ??sâ? family! And Mel and Christina, should I talk to my parents bout this? No I canâ??t we promised we wonâ??t talk bout this, EVER! It is like something bout Neverland? I donâ??t know when I entered the gate, something weird happened. Iâ??m really superstitious; because Iâ??m a vampire of course I am superstitious. Keeping this in such a situation is hard, really hard. But I have to try and save Michael and his kids and Mel and Christina. Iâ??ll try my best to stop this and not harm them. Michael: **Getting down all dressed up** Me: And youâ??re going to? Mel: A date? Michael: No! Christina: Um, Award ceremony? Michael: No! Prince: Eating ice cream? We were all laughing because why would Michael dress up for eating ice cream? Paris: Then daddy? Where are you going? Michael: A friend! Me: Girl? Michael: **Giggling** you and girls, no a boy! Me: **Laughing** K! See you later! Michael: Later girls, and boys! And he was off with his limo. We were out in Neverland playing tag with the kids. I started feeling really dizzy. I entered the house and washed my face, and drank water. But still I felt kind of dizzy. Then I started hearing it, those voices! Someone talking with this shrill voice, I was really scared. Voice: Duane!! Me: **Shivering** Voice: Youâ??re her! The girl! Me: W-what girl? Voice: Duane Me: W-ho are you? Voice: A friend, a friend who will help you! Me: A-a friend? Voice: Duane **Voice fading away** I was freaked out? What the hell was that? K! I know this is way too wrong and against my promise to do, but Iâ??m telling Christina and Mel. This is like horrific, I have to do something. I mean I canâ??t keep on hearing voices, getting my fangs every minute, getting dizzy and not sleeping. Me: Christina Mel, guys come to the kitchen I wanna tell you something! Us: **Getting in the kitchen** Me: **Gulp** If I tell you, you wonâ??t tell anyone! Both: K! Me: And Iâ??m telling the truth K? Both: K! Me: And nobody at all knows bout this! Both: Get on with it! Me: **Sigh** since I came to Neverland, some weird things started happening. For the introduction, Iâ??m a vampire. But we are like ordinary people andâ?¦ since I came here, I canâ??t sleep, Iâ??m craving human blood, and I also get dizzy! Both: **Looking at me as if Iâ??m crazy** Me: I know, itâ??s unbelievable, but Iâ??m not lying! Both: **Laughing** Ugh, this is frustrating. Is it that unbelievable? YEAH!! But they have to believe me! Christina: Get back to the real world Duane! Mel: Vampire? Thatâ??s your latest joke? Kindda lame! Me: Iâ??m not lying you guys! Please, for me please believe me! Christina: Maybe you are saying the truth, but where are your fangs? Me: I canâ??t control when they come out! Both: **Laughing** Did I say Iâ??m short tempered? Me: **Angry** WHY CANâ??T YOU BELIEVE ME? YOUâ??RE MY DAMN BEST FRIENDS **Fangs coming out** I NEED HELP AND ALL YOU DO IS LAUGH? **Eyes getting red** WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? Both: **Scared** Me: **Calming down** Iâ??m sorry bout that! Please believe me! Mel: **Pointing to her mouth** Me: *Touching my fangs** See, I told you! Why canâ??t you believe me? Christina: Y-your not gonna hurt us right? Me: I-I hope! Thatâ??s why I want your help guys. Please! Mel: Weâ??re here for you sis! Christina: How can we help? I donâ??t know? How are they gonna help? What will THEY do? I mean, Iâ?¦ I donâ??t know? Me: Iâ?¦ I donâ??t know! I just wanted to tell you just to warn you from me! Mel: Come on donâ??t worry! Me: Iâ??ve also heard voices calling me when I was in the hallway! Christina: Youâ??ve gotta be kidding! Me: **Sigh** I hope I was! Mel: Maybe we can trace the sound? Something like that? Christina: Yeah, good idea! But where? I mean where did you hear it coming from? Me: I donâ??t know? There are a lot of rooms in this house! Mel: Come on **Dragging me** letâ??s go check the hallway! Me: W-what bout the kids? Christina: Letâ??s get them to sleep? Me: Itâ??s 7! Mel: So what? Come on!! We went to the kids, and we sang for them to sleep. Now we are free and we can explore this house and see whatâ??s wrong in here! Mel: **Looking round the hallway** the nearest sound was from where? Can you remember? Me: I guess I heard itâ?¦ **Walking a little further** here!! Christina: What the hell? Where did this room come from? Didnâ??t Michael show us the whole house? Mel: Yes!! I never noticed this room! This is creepy Duane! Me: **Sigh** Uhâ?¦ I donâ??t know if we should get in there? ???: Get in where? 3 of us: **Screaming** And it was just Michael! Michael: **Laughing** whatâ??s wrong with you girls? Are the kids asleep? Mel: Y-yes! Michael: I wasnâ??t that scary was I? Me: N-no! Michael: Um, K? So where were you gonna get in? Christina: Michael you never told us bout this room? **Getting aside to show the door** Michael: **Surprised** What? Where did this room come from? Mel: You mean you donâ??t know bout it? Michael: Iâ??ve been here since 1988 and now itâ??s 2005 and Iâ??ve never saw this room! Me: Oh wow! Um, wellâ?¦ should we check it out? Michael: Yeah I guess! **Opening the door slowly** 3 of us: **Shivering** Then the door openedâ?¦ To be continued... "What's in this room? What will happen to Duane? And would Michael know she's a vampire? And if he does what will he say?" The answer of these questions will be in the next part, but u gotta vote =) Thnx for readin hope u njoyed =D Xx- Vicky -xX =D
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