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Just Friends...? Pt. Four
Dedicated to... Michael - A month since I met you. :D (In person) . lol.s. and Sameone I lurrv' you.x Part Four ~ The Truth ~ Me: What..? Let him go.. are you joking? He means the world to me and you knew that from the start. Marlon: I do. but aren't you seeing all this? He's just using you. Me: *Looks down* Using me? Marlon: Yeah, But don't worry you have me. *lifts my chin up* Me: *Stands up* *Nervous* Yeah, thanks I think I need to go.. rest. Marlon: .. Okay, but remember what I said. I walked back into Janet's room. I didn't know where to go now since Janet was against me and so was Michael - Kind of. I had no choice but to get my things together and go home. I had enough of people telling me what to do and now I think that it was just about time for me to be starting my own life. I've always thought about this but instantly denied it at the fact of my three "ex" Best friends. Randy was still alright but if Janet and Marlon were going to act this way then I'm done here. I gathered all my clothes and things. I started to shove them back inside my suitcases when the door rustled at the sound of someone on the other side. Me: *Opens door* Katherine: You better not be going. Me: *sigh* *carries on packing* Yes, I am. Katherine: No. *pulling clothes back out* You can't just leave. Cookie, How will you manage? Me: I'll manage thank you for asking. Katherine: Your only 17. Me: I can get my own house now *sarcastic grin* Look, One day or another I have to move out won't I? I can't just stay with all of you... forever. Katherine: You don't have to stay with me forever but your like a daughter to me. You mean alot to me. Me: *hugs* So do you but *breaks hug* .. I've decided to start my own life. Katherine: Okay, You can do whatever you wish to do but not until we have got back into America. Me: *sits down* Katherine: *sits next to me* I promiced your mother that I would look out and take care of you as long as I'm living and look at me I'm living *chuckles* Me: *smile* Katherine: But here's something I want you to remember as long as I'm here. Me: Yes? Katherine: You and Michael = Happiness. and that's what I want for you guys. As long as your around with my children that is all to my happiness. me: I love you ! *hugs* Katherine: *stroking hair* i love you too, So marlon tells me that you and Janet had a little cat fight. Me: *sigh* yeah. *Sits up* Michael: *Enters room* Hey. What's going on? Me: *Looks at Katherine, expecting to hear something* Katherine: oh nothing just talking about how she's going to help me making a cake. Michael: Oh- great! Mom.. *tilts head* and.. Why are there suitcases.. you weren't thinking of leaving? Me: No.. Katherine: I'll let you both talk. *leaves room* As soon as she leaves I just stay still looking at the floor. Michael was still standing near the door. Michael: Um.. Janet Needs to apoligize. Me: No. She doesn't. Michael: She is going to. Are you mad at me? Me: No. Michael: I can tell when you're bothered it's obvious. Me: Okay, I know. Michael: So what's the matter? *sitting next to me* I couldn't help just to think he smelled so good. and that to me makes a guy a lil' more attractive. I still looked down ducking my head and didn't respond. Me: Maybe.. It's better if we just stayed friends.. Michael: *confused* *Biting bottom lip* Friends? *Chuckles* What's wrong? Did I do something If I did please tell me. Me: *Sigh* Your still texting brooke aren't you? Michael: *Looks away* No.. Me: *Chuckles* I know you and when you do that awkward "no" It's a Yeah. Michael: Okay, i won't lie I have been texting her.. It's just that since the break-up she has no-one. Me: *sigh* Yeah i thought so. Michael: How did you find out? Me: Marlon. Michael: Marlon? He told you. Me: Yupp. michael: But it doesn't mean anything. The reason I let go of her is because I wanted to be with you. Me: yeah, Um.. When are we flying out? Michael: Tommorow, why? Me: Just curious.. Michael: Let's just enjoy the last day of today. What do you want to do.? *Lieing down on bed* Me: Play games, Chill, hang out, PACK. Michael: What sort of games? *grin* Me: I said PACK loud meaning I wanna PACK. *grin* Michael: *laughs* we can pack later but for now, You wanna go shopping? Me: I love shopping! Michael: I know! Me: How would you know? Michael: I read it on your blog while I was on tour. me: You read my blogs!? Michael: *chuckling* Yeah, Come lie down. Me: No.. Michael: You know you want to *playfully* Me: No I don't ! *seriously* Michael: C'mon then let's go. *Getting up* Me: Now? I don't really- Michael: *Pulls me up* Yeah Now. it was just us two that headed for his limo as we sat inside. Me: *Texting to Randy* Michael: *Sighs* You're always on your phone. Me: Yes, and your point? *smile* Michael: Look at you grinning away. Me: Your grinning too. Michael: *Laughs* We finally reach to the shopping centre as we browse around. Michael: Come I want to show you something *Takes my hand* We walk into a jewlery store. Worker: Ahh... Michael Jackson!! Michael: *Laughs* Can we please see the finest rings in stock. Me: *Confused* Michael: *smiles* Me: *SMiles back* Michael: *Smiles harder* Me: *smiles hardest* haha.. Can;t beat that. Michael: *Laughs* The man bought us some rings for Michael to look at. Me: *waiting* Michael: DO you like any from here? Me: I don't know. Michael: Then come look. Me: *goes to peer* Uh.. That one's nice. Michael: Nice? Is it really? Me: It's nice! Michael: Okay, any one that reallly stands out? Me: No, not really *laugh* Why? Michael: Just! It's a game to see which one you prefer. Me: Oh - then I none here. Michael: *straing and smiling* C'mon. Thanks. *hands $50* Me: Now what? Michael: What do you like? Me: Why are you so concerened? Michael: Because, I wanna buy you something. Me: Thanks hunnie, But I don't need anything *walking off* Michael: Hunnie? *smiling* We go into another few more stores but then decide to head back home. Michael: *Takes off jacket* that was.. Fun. Me: Yeah. The rest of the night we had we spent packing our suitcases and watchign TV. Everyone was in the living room except me where I was in Michael's bedroom listening to music. *Knock* Me: *dancing around to music* *Knocks louder* Me: *stops music* Opens door* Janet: Hey, Sorry about before. I was over acting. Me: Come in. It's fine. So was I. Janet: *Steps in* I was stupid and who was I to tell you to do things like that? Me: Mys sister *grin* Janet: *Chuckles* *Hugs* Me: *Breaks hug* I feel sick I run for the bathroom just in time to surprise myself and also Janet on this sudden illness. Janet: Are you pregnant? Me: What..? Janet: Only Joking! Me: *Nervous laugh* *Thinking - Gosh what if I am? * That night were we both lay alseep. We were waiting to see what tommorow brings us - ALOT. The next morning everyone had gotten ready and even Marlon! We were all ready and dressed as we headed for Michael's jet. I was sat next to Katherine and Janet the whole journey back. As soon as we got in Michael wanted to "tell" me something as I followed him upstairs to his room. Me: Yeah?? Michael: *closes door* Do you want to tell me something? Me: Say what? Michael: Um.. I.. uh heard you and Janet speaking and you were saying you're pregnant? Me: No.. You just misheard. Michael: Oh. Right. Janet: *Walks in* Cookie, Let's go! Michael: Where are you guys going we only just got in. Me: SPA! Janet: LIRARY! Michael: *Confused* Spa Library? Me: Yea... It's new. Michael: Awesome. Can I go with? Janet: *grabs hand* There are some things girls need to do alone Michael! Michael: *Sigh* Don't be long. We went downstairs and headed to the kitchen as Janet strutted a juice carton out the fridge. Me: You wanna tell me what's this for? Janet: You have todrink in order for the pregnancy test to work. Me: *groans* Janet held the drink as I drank it down Katherine entered. Katherine: *Sigh* What's going on? Me: um... Well Janet: She's pregnant! Me: Jan! I'm not. Katherine: your not? Me: Idont know for definate gonna go check now. Katherine: With Michael's child? Me: *sigh* Yeah possibly. Katherine: I'm gonna have a grandbaby! Me: No.. Jermaine: Yes you are *entering* Katherine: What? Hazel: I'm pregnant mom. Michael: *entering* What's going on? Katherine: I'm gonna have 2 grandkids? Me: *shaking head* I have to go. Me and Janet quickly head out before anything else is mentioned We gp to the localstore as we buy 3 pregnancy tests. Janet: I don't understand why you need 3 Me: Just incase. We go into the stores toilets and we crack on it. - soon Janet: *Waiting outside* You done? Me: No.. Janet: now? Me: no.. Janet: Now? Me: Yes! Janet: *enters* Okay, Breathe. Me: This is the revelutionary to my next step in life!! for thee...? Janet: Okay, I don't know the shakespear crap but I do know girl, You pregnant! We both stare onto the positive side. Me: Okay, Try again. I pee on the stick (sounds odd) again as Janet enters. Me: Now correction THIS is the revelution. Janet: Still don't get that crap but get that you PREGNANT! Me: WHAT? I felt so heart broken that I couldn't take the third one as I already knew I was. Janet and I went home talking about this matter. Janet; *Opens house door* What's gonna happen now? Me: Idk! But don't say to anyone. As soon as I go in Michael's already waiting with his phone and looking shocked down on it. Me: Michael? Something wrong. Michael: *stammers* Pregnant... Me: What.? How did- Michael: Brooke's pregnant! Me&Jan: Huh?! Michael: *walks over to me* *Holds hand* I know we just got back together but um.. This is my child. So you can accept him/her as yours? Me: *Gulps* Yeah. *smile* Michael from then would go see Brooke Everyday, send her showering with expensive items and gifts. She loved the attention she had with Michal. It was a months time when this occured. - Michael: Why are you wearing baggy tops now? Me: It's Winter.. That's the fashion.. Michael: *Laughs* But we have the MTV awards tommorow you have to wear tight fit should we go buy you a dress? Me: Actually I'm not gonna go. Michael: Why? Me: I just.. Don't feel very well. Michael: Okay, You don't mind if I take Brooke do you? Me: No. The day after that night the photos were leaked as Brooke and Michael shared a huge kiss on the balcony. I sat down in Janet's room. Michael: *enters room* Hey guys. Janet: I'm gonna grab a drink.. Michael: Sure.. *Puts arm around me* Hey - How are you? Me: Fine. Michael: You don't sound.. fine. *sigh* I know I have been hanging with Brooke lately but I tho- Me: Yeah but this ain't hanging *showing pictures* Michael: *Grins* I can explain. Me: Save it Michael. You know with this huge baby drama and you always by her side.. *standing up* Michael: I can't help it if she's carrying my child? Me: She's not the only one who is *Walks out of room* I slightly heard Michael saying.. "You're Pregnant"? Cookie.x
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