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Maria Carmen *23*
*here's the last part of Maria carmen guys. i'm so sad it has to end. but enjoy* Maria Carmen well here we are at the first concert for the History Tour. daddy said well be back in time for the birth of Paris. my newest cousin. but now i'm getting ready. daddy saif i worry to much...but he was brought up and the stage. i wasn't. i heard him call me out. i came out and i was in the dress Suzie is in in the music video. i was so amazed daddy is a very good dancer and a singer. it came to the salsa part. i was doing great. after the song was over daddy introduced me to everyone. i had a blast. the days on tour seemed to flow by so fast. it was so great. to my surprize i was sad that it was over. But we had to go home. It was time to be there for Paris and my mother. Prince is one now. Because itâ??s 1998. We made it home in the knick of time. I staid in the waiting room with everyone else. When daddy came out with her in his arms I fell in love with her just like I did Prince. (Me):daddyâ?¦whatâ??s her name? (Daddy):Paris Michael Kathrien. (Me):I love that name. named after you and Nana. I looked into Parisâ??s eyes. So clear and blue just like mine. I kissed her little nose. To think Iâ??m 18 years older then her and 17 years older then Prince. When we got to take her hom it was the happiest day of my life ever. The year flew by fast. To the 2000s. To the birth of my other little brother Blanket. Who I Iâ??m 22 years older then. My life in the 2000s was going great tillâ?¦June 25th. I was with my friends Kelly and Sarah who stopped to visit when I got a call from Nana telling me the news. I fell to my knees. How could this happen to meâ?¦my fatherâ?¦the strongest man I ever knewâ?¦died. This was to much. At the memorial service I sat with 12-year-old Prince, 11-year-old Paris and now 7-year-old Blanket. At the end of the service were we all told everyone how we apperciate them and how they came to remember him. Paris stepped up to the mic and it broke my heart to hear what she said. (Paris):I just wanted to sayâ?¦ever since I was born. Daddy has been the best fatherâ?¦you could ever imagine. And I just wanted to say I love himâ?¦so much. She hugged Jan and then she came and held me. I hugged my little sister and kissed on top of her head. I felt something tugging on my pants leg. I looked down to see Blanket. I bent down to him and hugged him. My mother had Paris and Prince crying. (Blanket):M.C. you should say something also. (Me):okay baby.*I kissed his head* I got up and walked to the mic. My voice and heart was breaking as I said this. (Me):I just want to thank everyone of you who came to remember my father. He was the best man Iâ??ve ever known. I wish he could just have been here to see this. It all started when I was a babyâ?¦he found me along with the other Jackson family. He loved me enough to do thatâ?¦and I loved him so much. As the years went on he wasnâ??t just someone who took me in he was my daddy. And thatâ??s what he is and always will be to me. So I think Iâ??ll sing a song to show you how much I miss youâ?¦daddyâ?¦itâ??s are song. The one that you always said that reminded you of meâ?¦and I always said I wanted to have this played at my wedding.*starts singing* Come stop your crying It will be all right Just take my hand Hold it tight I will protect you from all around you I will be here Don't you cry For one so small, you seem so strong My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm This bond between us Can't be broken I will be here Don't you cry 'Cause you'll be in my heart Yes, you'll be in my heart From this day on Now and forever more You'll be in my heart No matter what they say You'll be here in my heart, always Why can't they understand the way we feel They just don't trust what they can't explain I know we're different but, deep inside us We're not that different at all And you'll be in my heart Yes, you'll be in my heart From this day on Now and forever more Don't listen to them 'Cause what do they know We need each other, to have, to hold They'll see in time I know When destiny calls you You must be strong I may not be with you But you've got to hold on They'll see in time I know We'll show them together 'Cause you'll be in my heart Yes, you'll be in my heart From this day on, Now and forever more Oh, you'll be in my heart No matter what they say You'll be in my heart, always Always I was crying after that. Paris, Prince, Blanket and the whole family came over and hugged me. As we went to the limo I thought I heard a voice say â??I love you more baby girlâ??. I smiled cause I knew it was daddy talking to me. I know your looking down smiling at us daddy. I just want you to know and always know to many you are the king of pop and to fans youâ??re a family member. But to your real family thatâ??s what youâ??ll always be. And to meâ?¦youâ??ll always be my daddyâ?¦as I will always be your baby. I love you daddy. I will never forget you. Your baby girl, Maria Carmen. THE END *Well thereâ??s all of the Maria Carmen story. Iâ??m sad I had to stop. But I hope you all like my next story also. And remember I love you all.* -Caitlyn:)
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