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Better Together: Part 24
Ok its going to get better so dont panic lol. Enjoy if you can :) Dedicated to Michael, Richard and Darren. -Sarah Janet: oh look i better refill their glasses (walking out to the garden) Michael: whatâ??s wrong? (sitting beside me) Me: (taking a deep breath) we need to talk... Michael: that sounds like something you say when your breaking up with someone (smiling) Me: (looking down) Michael: oh god your leaving me arenâ??t you (upset) Me: no Mike...listen...i dont know whatâ??s going on...for the past two years all we have done is fight or ignore each other...and suddenly your this different man...your touching me again and kissing me and calling me beautiful and everything and well i havenâ??t heard or felt any of those things in years and suddenly you changed...what is going on? Michael: (looking down) nothing... Me: (lifting his chin) Mike please just tell me the truth...have you being seeing someone else or are you now? Michael: (taking my hand) dont ever say that...i would never do that to you! Me: then what has come over you? Michael: (standing up suddenly and knocking the chair back) can i not just be nice to my wife (yelling) Me: (standing up) Michael Joseph Jackson dont you yell at me like that when i am trying to talk to you!! Michael: do i look like a child? NO then dont treat me like one!! Me: well your god damn acting like one! You cant even talk to your own wife without starting a fight with me! At this stage everyone walked into the kitchen to see what was going on. Michael: well maybe we shouldnâ??t be married then!! (still shouting) Everyone: (gasping) Me: (looking down) fine Michael if thatâ??s what you want...(turning around) thank you Katherine and Joseph for tonight (walking out) I walked out the door without looking back. I got into my car forgetting i had drank a bottle of wine and drove off to our home. I packed a bag and left the house, booking myself into the nearest hotel. It still hadnâ??t hit me what just happened, my worst fears became real. I got up to my room and threw my bag on the bed, picked up the phone and called my mother. I told her everything that happened and she was in tears. I didnâ??t shed a tear yet probably because it didnâ??t feel real. Then the boys came to my mind and i started to feel sick. They are going to be so upset when we split. The next morning i woke up and done my usual morning routine. I decided i would take the chance to go back home and see if the boys were back. I knew Michael would just ignore me if he was there so i wasnâ??t worried about seeing him. I hopped in my car and drove off. When i reached the house i seen Michaelâ??s limo outside so i assumed he was there. I got my keys out and opened the door. The house was really quiet which was unusual for the time it was, it was almost 2 pm. I walked into the kitchen and not even the maids were around. I was getting a little freaked out so i went outside. I saw the boys out in the pool and the back of Michaelâ??s head sitting on a chair beside it. I stood in the same position contemplating whether i should go over or not, when my choice was already made by JD. JD: MAMMY!! (waving) Me: (smiling and waving back) Oh god now i have to go over. I walked over slowly and Michael turned and quickly went back to what he was doing which was probably writing a song. He does that when heâ??s trying to keep his mind off everything around him. I walked passed Michael and over to the side of the pool and talked to my sons. Richie knew straight away something was wrong because first of all i didnâ??t stay here last night and now im not even saying hi to his dad. Richie: where were you last night mom? Me: emm i had to go see a friend of mine..sheâ??s sick... Richie: oh ok...you know dadâ??s there... Me: i know sweetie...im gonna go talk to him now ok... I slowly walked over and sat in the chair next to Michael, still staring at the boys playing. Michael: hey (not looking up) Me: hey... Awkward silence. Me: so did you stay long last night? Michael: actually i stayed over... Me: oh good... Michael: umm so did you come here at all? Me: yeah just packed my bag and went to the Hilton. Michael: oh ok... Me: so have you spoken to the kids about us... Michael: no not yet...i think we both need to...together... Me: yeah thatâ??s true... After about an hour of the most awkward situation ever we got the kids out of the pool and sat them down in the living room for what we called â??familyâ? time. I could see Richieâ??s face knew it was coming but JD just sat there smiling. Tears filled my eyes and my throat became dry. Michael knew i was very upset because i dont cry unless i am, but i done my best to keep the tears from falling. Michael: ok guys we need to talk about a few changes around here ok... Both: ok... Michael: now your mom and i have decided to spend a little time apart... I felt the tears fall down my cheeks as i watched my kids faces fade completely. The reality of it all hit me hard and i couldnt stay and listen to this. I stood up and walked out the front door leaving Michael a little stunned at my actions. I sat on the doorstep and bawled my eyes out. My life just kept falling to pieces and now so was my marriage. I loved Michael with all my heart but i guess we just arenâ??t better together. To be continued...
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