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Maria Carmen*16*
*this goees to my sister Jalice, Kelly, Maria, Sarah and to chris!!! Michael Jackson and of course everyone on here who loves my story!!!* 1990 Michael Jackson it's been a year now since me and Jalice got married. Maria Carmen it 10 now. she's growing up on me so much now. it's like i looked at her i turned around and she's almost grown. her hair has gotten longer now and she's grown out of her dresses. she has on a pink t-shirt and blue jean shorts. so she's becoming a tomboy now. i was sitting on the bed with my favorite photo of me, her, and Jalice two years ago. Maria Carmen had always loved this photo. she said it made us look like a real family. when she said real family...i didn't know how i felt...but when she said that i just wanted to tell her the truth then and there. but i couldn't pull myself to it. now she's 10. and i have to tell her the truth sooner or later. but my problem is how am i gonna do this. Jalice came out of the bathroom. (Jalice):baby? what's wrong?*comes and sit by me*your thinking of telling Maria Carmen the thruth again aren't you? (Me):yeah. Jal...how am i going to do it. it's been 10 years now and i haven't told her. i kept telling her because of the vitiligo that's why she was so white then me when she was younger. how can i tell her the truth? (Jalice):baby...i know it's hard but you have to tell her sooner or later. it might be hard...bt understand...sooner or later she needs to know. (Me):your right. i'll wait till she comes home from Maria's house today. (Jalice):okay baby.*kisses me*i have to go. i'm going over to Brittney's today togo over are parts to are movie. since me and Jalice got married she got a part in a movie called 'Always My Love'. Maria Carmen will shortly star in her first movie also called...'Always In My Heart'...my girls are really a great thing for me. i love them so much. (Me):okay, Jal. see you when yo get back. (Jalice):okay.*starts to leave* when she was finally gone i flopped down on my back in my bed. i covered my face with my hands. how i'm i gonna tell my baby girl that's she's not mine? maybe i should have told her when i had a chance to a long time ago. why didn't i. oh, yeah...i didn't know what she would have done. it was about 2:30 p.m. when M.C. came home. her smile lit up a room. she kept singing 'Little Susie'. (Maria Carmen): Then to scream out And nobody's there... She knew no one cared she always sound as if she'll cry if she sing that song. she found me in the living room. she come over and hugged me. (Me):hey baby girl. had fun today. (Maria Carmen):the best. Maria's little sister got her ear rings stuck in her ears and well...you didn't want to who had to hold her while we tried to get them out. So it was a good day up to that. Whatâ??s up daddy? You seem like something is bothering you. What is it? (Me):M.C. sit down with meâ?¦we need to talk. (Maria Carmen):okay daddy.*sits by me*whatâ??s up. (Me):Iâ??m about to tell you somethingâ?¦and I want you to be brave. (Maria Carmen):okay, daddy. Whatâ??s wrong? (Me):Iâ??m not your real father. (Maria Carmen):what? Yes you are you always told you areâ?¦your lying to me!!! (Me):no Iâ??m not baby girl. (Maria Carmen):your notâ?¦your really not. (Me):Iâ??m really sorry baby girl. (Maria Carmen):*balling up her fist*soâ?¦you were never my daddy? You lied to me all this time!!!*gets up* (Me):Iâ??m sorry, baby girl. (Maria Carmen):*says nothings but runs up stairs* (Me):*Covers my face and starts crying* I should have kept it from her. But I got it out of the way. Jalice came to see me like that. She came and sat right by me. (Jalice):baby whatâ??s wrong? (Me):Maria Carmen. I just told herâ?¦she hates me know I know she does. (Jalice):how can she hate her daddy? (Me):Jaliceâ?¦I told Iâ??m not her real father. (Jalice):Iâ??m gonna go talk to her. (Me):okay. I watched Jalice walk up the stairs. I went to are room and laid on the bed covering my face. It was minutes later when I heard a voice. (Maria Carmen):Daddy? (this is what happened) Jalice I went into Maria Carmenâ??s room to see her crying her eyes out in her pillow. I walked to her. (Me):sweetieâ?¦are you okay? (Maria Carmen):go away. I donâ??t want to talk to you or da-Michael. (Me):sweetie donâ??t be that way. (Maria Carmen);*looks up at me* why should I. heâ??s not my real father. Iâ??m probably donâ??t have a father or a real mother and he took me in out of pitty. (Me):now you stop right there little lady. your father took you in because i wasn't ready to have you. and i thought you deserved better then me. a women with no family, job, or no husband. (Maria carmen):what? (Me):honey...i'm your real mother. that's why me and you look so much alike. i wanted to tell you the night i got to see you that...but you looked so much happy with your daddy. i left you here with him. and tell me aren't you always happy that your daddy is here with you and when yor around him yor happy. (Maria Carmen):i gusse so...but why didn't he tell me. (Me):i told him not to. but he has always wanted to tell you. but he just couldn't becase he thought you would hate him. like he does now. (Maria Carmen):i don't hate daddy. i'm just upset. (Me):why don't yo go talk to your daddy. (Maria Carmen):okay, mama.*hugs me*i'll go right now. (Me):okay. Maria Carmen i went down the hall from my room to daddy and mama's room. i should tell daddy i don't hate him because i love him. i came to the door and opened it. i saw him laying on the bed with his hands covering his face. (Me):daddy? Michael Jackson i turned my head to see my little girl. i got up. (Me):what's wrong M.C. she ran to me and hugged me. she was crying. (Maria Carmen):i'm sorry daddy...i'm so sorry. i love you so much. i don't care if your my daddy or not. please don't be angry with me. i started to sooth her hair down. (Me): there there...daddy's right here. he's not angry with you. i thought you were angery with me. (Maria Carmen):i'm not angry...i'm just sad that you kept it from me that your not my daddy. but i'm glad you are now. and your'll always be my daddy. (Me):and your always be my little girl. (Maria Carmen):*sits with me*I love you daddy.*hugs me* (Me):i love you more, baby girl.*hugs her* (Maria Carmen):no i love you more. (Me):i love you more. (Maria Carmen):okay i love you more and you love me more. that brong back memories when she was my little girl. i could pick her up with no problem. but that doesn't matter know...the only think that maters to me is that i'm her fatrher and she's my little girl. me and Maria Carmen fell asleep 4 hours later. i didn't Jalice came in and saw us. she left the room smiling. and she slept in the guest room. *Jalice* i went to see Michael and Maria Carmen. it's 7:40 at night now. i opened the door to see Michael and Maria Carmen sleeping. Maria Carmen resting her head on her father's chest and Michael holding her to him. i left the room smiling. the love of a father and daughter. the most bueatiful thing i ever saw. i went into the guest room that i s;ept in when i staid here with Michael and Maria Carmen when Maria slept with him when she was little. i fall asleep. i love being part of this family. *that was part16!!! part 17 will be here soon!!! LOVE YA GUYS!!!* -Caitlyn:)
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