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Wylie Draper's Story Part 5
*Hey guys this is MC, I tould like to thank you all again for liking my story, I know it isn't the best around, but I really like it. I made it because, Wylie mostly isn't ever mentioned unless you talk about "The Jacksons: An American Dream". So this is just to show everyone, how he could have acted if he did have a sister like Nadirah(lol, I love u, u know that Nadi). So has I promised, here is the next part, I really hope you enjoy. -MC:3* (Mary): cause she's been going around saying that you beat her up, then dumped her (Me): WHAT!!! I couldn't believe what I'm hearing. Why is Vivian doing this? Why would Vivian want to tell the cops I beat her, when I did not? Was she this pissed at me cuase we broke up? And now she wants the cops to take my sister away from me!!! This is not going to happen, she will have to kill me before she could ever take Nadirah from me. I heard fermilair high heels walking down the hallway. Nadirah buried her head in my chest when he saw who it was. It was Vivian with two cops. My heart raced more and more as the walked over to us. (Cop1): is this the abuser, miss? (Vivian): yes, officer, I'm happy we could get here before he hurt, Nadirah Hurt Nadirah!!! I would never in my life lay my hands on my sister. I will spank her, but that's all. I would never cause her damage by ever putting my hands on her to hurt her. I stood up holding Nadirah in my arms. Vivian looked shocked at me standing up to her like this. But this isn't something I'm letting slide like I use to when me and her were together. (Cop2): sir, we need to take your child. We don't know what you have been doing to this child (Me): I haven't done anything to her!!! This little girl is my life and everything I stand for, and you will not take her from me!!! (Nadirah): (cryig harder into my chest) (Vivian): you yellin' at them ain't helpin' this poor victim in your arms!!! (Me): she isn't a victim of anything (Cop1): place the child down, sir! (Me): I will no- (Cop1): DO IT!!! I sighed out of anger and tld Nadirah I had to place her down for a little bit, but I was still going to right there for her. When I placed her down they came over to me and tried to get her. Mary step infront of us and the cops. (Cop2): ma'am, I'm going to ask you to move. If you are not involed with them, leave (Mary): well, I am. This is my boyfriend, Wylie Draper sir. And our daughter, Nadirah. What was she planning? Did she really know that Vivian didn't know that Nadirah was my sister? (Cop1): your daughter? (Mary): yes, our daughter, she's only two now. And Wylie here if he doesn't watch how he works his thang in the bedroom his gonna have to have another child on both our hands, (smacks my butt) ain't that right baby? (Me): umm...y-yeah...(does the same to her) (Mary): (looks at me and smiles) (Vivian): don't believe this bitch!!! You can't really believe that they are (points to Nadirah) parents, Wylie I understand, but this white bitch (Me): well, V, she does have the skin tone of a mix And it was ture, Nadi did have a mixed skin tone. And it got darker as she got older. The next thing I know. The cops left and leaving me, Nadirah, Mary, and Vivian all alone. (Vivian): I don't know what you are pulling, but I know you are not her mother you white whore (Mary): oh, really The next thing I know I'm pushed back into the wall. Mary's breast where pressed firmly on my chest and her lips might mine in a firm kiss. Her hips where on mine. And then both our tounges where in eachothers mouth. Bout the time I finally saw that Vivian left I was wondering why me and Mary hadn't stoped. When she pulled away from me, I was really turned on by her. I didn't know how turned on I was till Nadirah was giggling and pointed to the front of my pants. (Nadirah): (giggling) bubba why your pants poking bup ight dat? (Me): (blushing)...ummm...you see...well, Nadi...um... How was I going to explain this to a 2yrold. Maybe doign this movie was gonna be a head ache...wait...the movie!!! What do I do, I got Nadirah asking me why my pants are sticking up like they are, I know why, but I am not telling, and Mary, is in the same boat with her nipples sticking up as they are. lol. I wonder where this is going to lead for me and her after this little kiss. But first, I looked back at Nadirah who was waiting on her answer silently. How I'm I going to tell her this? TO BE CONTINUED........................... *I told you it was going to be getting good. Now how is Wylie going to tell Naidrah why is you know what is sticking up. lol. Well, just keep voting and liking(if you do), and I'll keep writing.*
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