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an mj LOVE story part 9
this part is dedicated to everyone especially luna! :D its been 1 day since the strange beating. of course we won, again thankfully. ill tell you one thing, jackie can really punch hard. marlon can kick! and michael can get angry quickly. i just woke up. i look at my watch and read 12:34 am. i get wide eyed. then i turn on my tv. i watch the news and the strangest story was on, it was about that gang. i sorta giggled a little because they where in big trouble. then i turned it off and started to head downstairs. but wait, im still in my pj's! (short black bottoms with my soccer shirt from 3rd grade) so i run back into the room and change into just jeans and a shirt. then, finally i run dowstaris to see where everyone is. i spot michael first in the living room reading a book. i walk over to him me: hey michael:*looks up* hey me: wutcha readin? michael: a book me: about wut? michael: a book about me *he kinda smiles and chuckles* me:*laughs a little* a book abour yourself? michael: *smiles* yes me: hmmm ok, im hungry michael: you know where the kitchen is *he winks at me* me:yes i do michael: ok bye then me: bye i didnt wanna hug or kiss him because i havent brushed my teeth yet, that would smell really gross. i went into the kitchen to find jermaine TRYING to cook pancakes for everyone me:hey jermain jermain: hi me: wutcha cookin? jermain: pancakes me:hmm, i hope your good at cooking jermain: actually, katrina, im very good. watch this he says with a smile and with the pan he tosses the pancake into the air and it lands in the sink. i laugh so hard me:hahaha, jermain, your so good at this! what, is this the 5th time youve done this? i say laughing and go to the sink to shred up the pancake jermain: *blushes* umm, uhh... that was the first time i have done that! *he cant help but smile* i smile back. when i turn on the shredder inside the sink he says jermain: aww, my poor pancake me: haha its ok! it didnt look very tasty anyway... i said looking to the ground and wiping my eyes. jermain: oh really? me: YEA he comes over to be with flour in his hand. me: jermain, your scaring me jermain: aw, the flour is scary? he had an evil playfull look on his face me:jermain, get one step closer and your gunna get it! i said kinda nervous, i dont wanna have a food fight!! jermain takes that one step closer. i have to look up to him. hes a handsome guy i thought, just staring at him. then, all the sudden he throws some flour down my shirt. i scream and laugh! michael comes running into the room terrified. me: JERMAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jermain: yes? me: I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! michael sees me and laughs me: I HATE YOU TO MICHAEL!!!!!!!!! i cant help but laugh. then me and jermain start to throw ingrediants at each other laughing and screaming. michael: umm you guys, im not gunna be a part of this! he quickly runs away. me:aw ok i face back to jermain and he is one inch away from me. just looking down at me. then i look up and see he is holding a bowl of eggs. he smiles, then droppes it on me. me:EWWWWWW! JERMAIN!!!!!!!!!! he laughed so hard he feel to the ground. i really need to get him back. so i thought of something that he would HATE. i was going to shove raw eggs down his pants. haha, that would be funny so i see him on the ground. then i fly and land on him! we are wrestling (theres nothing sexual about it) and i am on top of him. i have pinned him down. he is trying to wiggle out. then i grab some eggs and shove it down his pants! jermain: AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! your nuts!!!!!!!! me:laughing so hard!! me: thats wut you get for putting flour in MY shirt! i look at him and again playfully punch him on the shoulder. im still on top of him. i realize that and quickly get off. jermain get up. me: hey, that was really fun! jermain:hahaha, yea! he gives me a hug bear hug and lifts me off the ground twirling me. i thought it was sweet until he had a trick up his sleeve. when he gently put me down he slowly reached for sugar when i was staring at him and stuffed it down my shirt again!!!!!! me:HEY!!!!!!!! *laughing* me: OK!!! I SURRENDER!! jermain: good, i was just about to say that! we get all cleaned up. i take a shower and walk out with only a towel around my body and jermain checks me out. then i playfully roll my eyes and continue to walk. he gets in the shower while i get all dressed. michael knocks on the door me: come in i thought it would be jermain but it was michael michael*smiles* hey i go up to him slowly and hug him while putting my arms around his neck. hes still tall so when ever i hug him i have to go on the edge of my feet. me:hi, so whats up? michael: oh, i just got done reading my book. me: was it good? michael: yea, sure. me: ok michael: *clears throat* michael: wanna see a movie with me downstairs? me: i instantly smile and say yes michael smiles and puts his left arm around my shoulders. i put my right arm around his back. we walk to the movie theater and get some popcorn and a soda. i sit down and ask what movie michael:a surprise i looked confused and say ok he ended up chosing another scary movie! me: you guys like scary movies... huh? michael: yea, theres something about them that i just love! wait, are you ok with it? me: umm well i hope your ok with me screaming, or sufficating you! i smile and he does. micheal: yea, i guess im ok with that. me: ok great the movie starts and its not so scary. michael just loves the popcorn. i finally put my hand in the popcorn bucket and he does after me not noticed my hand is in their searching for the right amount of popcorn. then i feel his hand over mine. i look at him and he looks at me. he grabs my hand still looking at me, takes it out and we hold hands. when some scary parts come i squeeze his hand. then, when the killer was chasing a person i started to sweat, then instead of holding his hand i hold his entire left arm. he looks at me kinda sweating to (it was a movie that was new to us) smiling and he gently unhookes my arms so he puts his arm around me. i feel so safe. his arm is so long it goes around my shoulders all the way down my my butt. but he didnt touch it. then something pops up i scream and hide in michael's chest/stomach. he looks down at me and laughs a little. i look up at him and try to smile. then the movie finally ends and we let go of each other. me: wow! that was scary! michael: I know, it really was! im not going to chose that movie again! we walk out of the theater holding hands and swinging our arms back and fourth. then start to skip. lol. then the smiling and laughing of course. we stop in front of all the brothers. both of us: hi all:hi then we all sit on the couch and just chill. im not sitting with michael this time, im sitting next to jermain. boy i love this house, its so fun. so far we where just talking about life. how its going. then it gets late and i go to bed. michael tuckes me in and kisses me good night. after we parted he bit the bottom of his lip. me: heheh michael: i know you like it when i do that huh? me: yea, its cute! michael just giggles. me: well, good night, ill see you tomorrow michael: yea, i guess so. tbc...................................................... lol
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