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Always Your Friend Part 10
(Lisa): oh, Michael...yes, yes I'll marry you She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. I looked down, Michael turned and looked at me, I looked up at him and smiled at him. I tried to let him know that I was okay with the whole thing. He smiled a little and went back to Lisa. I dissapeared for a second and appeared into his bedroom, which willbe he's and Lisa's now. I was just looking around when two arms wrapped around me. I looked back and saw Michael standing there. He lend down to my ear and whispered, "are you alright with this, Lanni?" I simply nodded my head; knowing I'm not okay with anything of this, but I want Michael to be happy and have his dream come true. A few years as went by, and Lisa had annoucned she was with child, I was shocked...was it Michael's...wait, he's the only one she's...UGH!!! I never wanna go there again. When it was almost time for Lisa to have the baby, she has suffered a miss carriage. I was shocked, and Michael was more shocked. After that, Lisa didn't want anymore kids. When Michael would bring it up, she mentioned that they already have children. Her son and daughter. Me and Michael both love Randi and Benji, but also, Michael wants kids of his own. Him and Lisa was going at it again. But what Lisa had said, made me want to just slap her!!! (Lisa): Michael, dammit!!! Give it a rest!!! We have children already!!! And if you mention it again, I will file for a divorce!!! That made Michael mad, madder then I have ever saw him. He slammed his fist in the wall. He yelled at her. (Michael): (yelling) I do have a dream, Lisa, I want kids of my own, flesh and blood!!! I love Randi and Benji!!! But I would also have kids of my own!!! And if you can't see that, I would love to have a divorce!!!! That shocked me so much what he said. Lisa was so angry she stormed out of the house, I was do happy Randi and Benji was at their dad's house. Over the next month, Michael was very sadden by what had happened. When the divorce was over, his friend Debbie Rowe and him were talking I couldn't help but over here, I like Debbie, she always wanted him to be happy like I do. I listen in when Michael and her came to this discussion. (Michael): Debbie, I wanted a child so bad, I really wanted to be a father (Debbie): then do it (Michael): what? (Debbie):please, let me do this Michael, you need to be a daddy. This is a gift for all the time you had helped me out. Please allow me todo this for you Michael smiled some and I smiled also, this is the reason why I loved Debbie. As I said again, Debbie wants him happy as I do. And Michael's dream is coming true. He's gonna have the family he always wanted. And I'm so happy, and I'll keep to my plan to keep him alive. So that he can be with his family more and more. Later that night Michael came to me and we talked like old times. It was the best talking like our oldselves. it felt great. Michael brought what Debbie said up. (Michael): Lanni...should I let Debbie do this? (Me): Michael, you want this don't you? To be a daddy and have a family? (Michael): yes, yes very much, Lanni (Me): then let Debbie do this for you, this could be your one chance at happiness knowing that you are gonna be a daddy (Michael): (smiling) okay, as long as you think it's a good idea, I really wanna be a daddy (Me): then let Debbie do this for you (Michael): I will, Lanni, I will (yawns) (Me): Michael, go to sleep (Michael):.... (Me): Michael? Mike? I heard him snoreing; I smiled and leand up to him and kissed him on his lips and watched him sleep until I got up and left him to his dreams. Michael, you need this, and you know you want this. Debbie is gonna make your life the best, bareing your children for you. I love you, Michael, and I just want the best for you. To Be Continued..............
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